Saturday, September 27, 2008
you can only see them, and not me. i laugh at the truth, and tear in some corners, where you couldnt see me. enough said.
11:19 PM
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
bought this very first album of cyndi and is kept in my cupboard for a v long time ..few days back, i took it out and listen to her songs again ..and being touch by her songs, or rather the lyrics haha thinking back, i never care to understand or read through the lyrics..now, i do .. and feel for them..now then i realise that .. 作词 is really tough .. all those whom really manage to 作词 are superb!really kudos to them hahaha cos they are so good at describing one's feeling at one's lowest point of life.. be it relationship, friendship or kinship .. that pple are able to relate to the songs><灰姑娘的眼泪cry 灰姑娘的眼泪就像流星坠落海底痛到心里 try 一次次一次次伤过的心童话世界不再美丽我在梦里期待相信自己存在现实中的无奈最后终于醒来 眼泪留下一瞬间明白十二点哭和笑界线你的吻从此不再出现love is over dreams never come true 他的出现你的转变我的爱情断了线看着照片变成昨天幸福离我好遥远我的爱在梦和幻灭中旋转 爱情的玻璃鞋在哪呢我的泪透着光期待着love is over dreams never come true 你的离开让我觉得命运就像灰姑娘 心都碎了那天晚上独自发呆到天亮 我的爱在梦和幻灭中旋转 cry 灰姑娘的眼泪就像流星坠落海底痛到心里 try 一次次一次次伤过的心童话世界不再美丽我在梦里期待相信自己存在城市中的无奈最后终于醒来 眼泪留下一瞬间明白一瞬间明白相信会有真爱感觉得好累过程有苦有甜结局不完美 黑夜总会过去爱全被撕碎灰姑娘的眼泪 i say cry 灰姑娘的眼泪就像流星坠落海底痛到心里
12:55 PM
Monday, September 22, 2008

is this the one you are looking for? i need $$ ><, or rather, a part time job =(
1:56 PM
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
HEY YES! ITS FOOD AGAIN hahaCHEOK KEE DUCK RICEwoo i didnt know it SO SO SO famous that people will write about it in their blogshur hur i was browsing the net aimlessly one day and i chanced upon this website, which introduces MANY places that food lovers would LOVE TO GO!hee and im very proud to announce here that ...i have TRIED THIS STALL BEFORE!woohoooits the VERY FIRST TIME I WENT TO EAST COAST WITH MY POLY MATES,and my FIRST TIME EATING THERE..and *TADAH!~*i have chosen the well known duck rice stall .. and ate their lengendary porridge (photo below) HOHOHOHO its said that the porridge is EVEN NICER than the DUCK RICE! hahaok i admit that i ONCE thought the duck rice is a better choice .. uh as im more of a practical person .. haha rice will be more filling than porridge.. and thats a fact, alright~ hurhurthe MEAT IS REALLY TENDER *muacks* hahhaha it doesnt fill me up. .haha how can a bowl of porridge simply fills me up. you say!haha ok but its really worthy to try it hoho ..
(ps, yanyu, we have made a right choice that day .. haha)
okok and i SAW THIS .. : CHEWY JUNIOR..
and their description tempts me to give it a try! this blogger says that its a FUSION OF BREADPAPA'S CREAM PUFFS and DOUGHNUT FACTORY.. well they have just mentioned two of my favourite dessert shops luhh~~
plus they said that one sells for $1.10 ..not sure if the prices have risen .. but i think i would love to try it someday!!
YOU! try it with me someday, will you? hur hur .. these are the different flavours .. not too many tho(as compared to DOUGHNUTFACTORY )
lolss hazel oh ... its 5.35pm right now .. and im still at home, waiting for ya mann~~aye ,another busy womanthe clock is ticking~~
5:17 PM
watched Death Race today.and wow the stunts and effects are really awesome..and it somehow resembles a arcade game (super mario) in a brutal way..but i think i have missed out bit and pieces still hur hur blame on my poor English ...to be frank, i don't really know what they are talking sometimes..why do Caucasians have to speak so quickly, or so "hip-hop and short" and SOFT hahah i realize i always have to turn ON the volume till the max, so i can at least catch a bit of their conversations ...*slap forehead*in any case, i would still VERY much appreciate English subtitles for EVERY MOVIES .. yes any genre or any language of movies..hee by the way,i have my hair trimmed/cut/changed yesterday.. i wonder if my poly friends will be able to see the difference when they see me?haha and that uncle hairdresser , is , so straightforward and opinionated ..however ,i think uh , he should be right most of the time ..speaking of experiences, he surely have much more than me.the BEST THING is that HE can COME UP with a hairstyle for his INDIVIDUAL customers, as he thinks that a hairstyle has to do VERY MUCH with your lifestyle and habits.COOL that's cool with me too(as long as it didn't turn out bad). Plus ,he can also save you from cracking your brain for a suitable hairstyle for yourself, where it might not turn out to be good on you in the end,perhaps..ps. and,no doubt how his shop name comes about .."Freestyle Salon" ..FREESTYLE FOR EVERY DIFFERENT INDIVIDUAL
2:56 PM
Monday, September 15, 2008
"hua yue shi wu zhong qiu jie, na shi zhuo tian de ji jie, ... ta men dou shuo, shi liu de yue liang bi shi wu yuan"hee if you can understand it, good for you.if not ,im just saying, the moon is rounder on the 16th, than on the 15th..=)and its kinda true to me .. :D hee tho yesterday is the actual mid autumn festival.. but i guess it doesnt matter anyway?hee aww just that its a bit too bad.. cos i didnt get to play any candles or paper lanterns (tho i have digged out those stuffs out from my storeroom)..no one is there to play with me ahhhplus plus , i dont know how to use lighter..neither do i have matchboxes ...BAHHHA but at least i have eaten a couple of mooncakes!ps.my popo just tells me this afternoon that my face has become rounder AWWW :(sorry may, i didnt wake up in time to go gym with ya =( boooo
7:58 PM
Sunday, September 14, 2008
you don't deserve to be loved,at all. i simply hate people who take things/people for granted. so now what.. you love challenges? well, then let's play.. ;)
11:10 PM
Thursday, September 11, 2008
hoho yeah i have yet to mention about my new blogskin ..haha its my first time using an animated skin!kinda excited about it ..if i never remember wrongly, this skin has won a erm year 2008 valentine skin award? hahahoh ya, most importantly,i hope my blog will be popups-free by now?~yeah ?can you all see my entries? is there any problem with my bloggie, still ?ps. i have finished playing "Sally Spa".haha its kinda fun .. All the characters look cute to me.. i love their graphic and style very much =)just that i feel its not that challenging still ...cos there isnt a play-until-you-GAME-OVER mode..something like dinner dash , you know .. and their upgrades are kinda limited .. i dont quite like it.=) however it can be goood game to occupy yourself with .
10:54 PM
whoa ?do you know that its actually good to be angry?its beneficial to us ,says the CLEO magazine."According to the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, hot-tempered people think more critically than their calmer counterparts. Anger forces you to pinpoint the cause of an issue, so you quickly find a solution. Turn your anger into a positive trait by not dwelling on something for too long. After the storm has passed, think about why you were angry and how you can prevent it from happening again."haha this gives me one more reason to be angry. rahh! :)
by the way, HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY TO YYY today! and HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY TO PRIS yesterday!!
7:43 PM
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
 bye bye, my trusty old wallet ow ow ow .. my whole body is aching now .. however i think i will still hit the gym ONCE next week if possible .. my stamina has already deteriorate alot alot! i think i cant even reach the bronze standard for all 6 stations .. *shakehead* . . . . BE readily available NOT .. haha this entry is short .. gonna blog next time =D wanna watch the 9pm show =) cute baby!~
7:55 PM
Saturday, September 06, 2008
im in a dilemma..THAT job really seems to be a really good deal ..attractive pay ,relaxing environment?, flexible working time ...yet all these seem too be way to good to be true ...however what she has said, seems to be very true ...she's a ex kranjian somemore.. she cant possibly be lying/hiding to us ..ah .. but its all about sale... ah ...and my low (ha!)self esteem is not going to bring me far in this line...but hey ! there's FREE basic training for everyone .....(haha yea as a typical singaporean , i will very much like to emphasize on that word)in fact, this seems to be a very good opportunity for me to "evolve" again!hahah yet i have JUST CLOSED that door shut ..would i regret ??bbut that building is so far! i cant possibly always take lrt, then bus there to work ...im unsure of myself. .plus may thinks that ... there wouldnt be such a good deal without any catch ..there must be some underlaying terms that we were unknown of..or are we being too cautious or paranoid here?there are too many uncertainties..we have been given a chance to clear all our doubts on monday .. however, we have forgone it .. mmmmmmhee may, to be frank, im quite interested in that job.. its just that i dont have the guts to go for it on my own .. i hate the feeling of starting everything new again ...tho new friends will be coming in my way ... and thats absolutely good , of course ... uhhhperhaps im too used to stay in my comfort zone........hur hur ...
im been avoiding unknown numbers too fearing that one of the calls might be from .. THEM .. hur .. maybe i should start to answer THOSE calls from now onwards.. and learn to say "hi!" to JOB OPPORTUNITIES.....
9:03 PM
Friday, September 05, 2008
when this world has too many EMO PEEPS..its time to get yourself out of the emo zone, and watch how other people emo ..ha should i ? yes i think i should, cos no other peeps will ever feel pathetic for you .WHO will care whether ur eyes are bloody red and dry from all the crying?you are only torturing yourself.why not spend the time on something more meaningful instead?like , exercise!.....easier said than done.anywayjust wanna share something with yallits about "that person".how on earth can that person care for another when all that person claims is that he/she is busy or lethargic?how does that person manage to care for his/her friends , when even calling up his/her dear ones is almost an IMPOSSIBLE task to do ? why does that person has the time to slack and let time JUST PAST LIKE THAT, when that person dont even have the time to study or even sleep?is that person being selective.. ? as in he/she is just choosing who he/she wanna spend his/her PRECIOUS TIME with ?or what?i guess, no other ways than being selective.. i have a selective memory too :)and i will rememeber your bad(s) and not your good(s)ha joking
10:51 AM
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
aiyo i have stayed at home today, again ..wanted to run in the morning ..however, its cancelled again .. haha its just so weird.. it seems that i would never have the chance to exercise with may.aiyo aiyo blame on all the misunderstandings and coincidence =\geeeeezanyway i will be meeting her again for some briefing at eunos tomorrow..hope everything is alright!and i seriously hope i can really pay attention to the speaker and of cos wish that i will get e job sooni wouldnt want to waste my days away ..thinking about all the nonsensical stuffs..pui .
5:50 PM
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
hello~so whats the use of telling somebody my feelings WHEN that someone is not even a bit interestED.isnt it the same as "diu niu tan qing"?i know i have been avoiding it ..i have not been putting any effort to solve the problem ..we are not facing and treating the problem seriously..serve me right for what we are right now,..
6:15 PM
Monday, September 01, 2008
hey im so disappointed in you whats with u , seriously?where all your perseverance and love have gone to ?no more calls from you=( hmph ...what's love without any memories? = nothing.(saw this from a drama, and isn't it so true?)SADgotta off my com soon again .. hais didnt get to use my com for long these days =(uber sad..
11:55 PM
Yours Truly
known as "yam" in cyberspace, not becos i love yam, but the color..
haha nah .. just becos ..
i think u can guess the reason behind it.
currently studying ~~
busy, yet available to go out? xP
my belief : Actions speak louder than words. DO IT, don't JUST TALK about it .
cos TALK IS CHEAP. ^^ ATNA sucks xP.
bit by bit, day by day,
we can ,and gonna be stranger AGAIN ~
tell yourself this:
contact lens!
TRY -spa/pedicure/manicure
more Tees(my aim:<$<10!)/li>
black shorts
CROPPED cardigan*
more PSPgames!!!<3
canvas shoes(black)
happiness & love
keepINTOUCH with friends
LOVEmyfamily MORE
A part-time job
THATpairof VINTAGEearrings!!
PIERCEear(my right ear)+ one more on my left's
bracelet-like WATCH
kawaii/black EARSTUDS
a healthy relationship
MUSIC BOX(da toy shop_orchard)
polariod camera!
black,white,grey,purple,orange and NEON COLORS
<3 family and friends
people LOVE and CARE for me
mocha frappe, or any chocolatey drinks/food
chill by the river, i love night sceneries
YOU,to spend time with me
MONEY! of cos
a job in the NEAR future
I hate, MY hates
people who make EMPTY PROMISES
jerks and bitches
tell me, is it so hard to achieve all that?! xP
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