Thursday, July 31, 2008
i have so many crazy thoughts running through my head.2 more weeks.. and im donedone with my company..and the lonesome feeling.. is coming back.,a life...which has lotsa time to spend..with nobody....to spend with myself..GANBATTE! ITS GONNA BE FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!=\ the .. weekend is coming .. im feeling so complicatedim like sixing ..a life without _ _ _ _ isnt a _ _ _ _ anymore..
9:38 PM
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
you will be all fine .. i shall be fine too ..i know we cant last ..but FRIENDSHIP DOES LAST YEA!!lets be forever BESTIES =D okay?
i will try to live a life without your hugs i will try to live a independent life, without waiting for your sms-es i will try to live a happy life.. i will try to put all the happy and sad times behind i need to be firm i wanna be with you forever. so i chose this ..path . hope we wun get hurt so much .. hope both of us will move on well like what we have been doing all along..
she bu de.. na you zhen yang ? shi ni de, jiu shi ni de. no matter what.. i will say . i will miss you .. miss the everything that we have shared before miss the times we had together
i hope we will get along even BETTER in the near future!!! thanks those that have shown their concerns to me .. really arigato .. very greatly appreciated...
12:25 AM
Monday, July 28, 2008
im not strong.. i cant.. do what i have said.. i cant be the one i thought i would be, or must be. funny thing is i cant promise or do what i have said theres fear uncertainty..
if i have a choice, i wouldnt have let all these go if i have a choice, i wun rather be ignorant.. and continue with what i have noow .. =(i know, i will be losing alot ... just because we are on our separate ways..
i .. have so much so to say all i need to do now is to stay firm.. i guess nothing.. can pull us back to the past..
i guess many of you will feel rather happy that i have finally leave i think i am not good enough .. i .. ..
dont want .. to breathe..
cos the pain is killing me ..
when will i get over this .... ?
alone ..
9:44 PM
Sunday, July 27, 2008
was pretty depressed yesterday's night ..or rather this very morning .. i was scolded by my father..or rather, my father has raised his voice at me ..cos, i was STILL using the computer and WATCHING SOME TAIWAN SERIES (TV) TILL 3 AM i know im in the wrong ..hais i should have realised that he's angry with me at 1plus or 2 plus ? when he opened the door and (so called) slammed it ..haisW-O-L-S , yes i am .hais to be frank ,my father seldom, or rather NEVER raise his voice at me for like say, 10 YEARS ++ already .. thus, i was quite stunned at that point of time .. i just said "orh.."hais im so regretful ..i should have added a "sorry" behind ..cos i am , truely sorry ..BUT BUT ... i wanna use the computer lehh hais anyway,received my 2nd pay cheque last friday (25/07/08)didnt really have that "thrill".. i mean cant really feel the happiness anymore..perhaps im feeling down at that point of time..perhaps, im numb with all the works that is on holdperhaps .....theres nothing to be happy abouthais i have even made a mistake when i was writing my account number on the back of the cheque then..haiss cant even handle such simple task, like writing account number ..haa i guess i am really a gong dai dai ..i told my father about it .. and yea i can see\feel that sian-ness (wateva i dontk now how to describe that kinda of feeling.. you know , the SICKENING DAMN FACIAL EXPRESSION you will see on a person's face when you did something wrong, and they are displeased and show me that ANNOYED FACE YES.. thats the SICKENING DAMN expression ..whats wrong eh ? CANT ONE MAKE A MISTAKE,AT ALL? damnthat kinda expression really CAN PISS ME off, like so str8away ON THE SPOT. )ok anyway, thats not the point.URGHH i dont know the purpose of this entry..probably for me to ,vent my bottomed feelings again ..RAWR......sometimes i really wish to tell you all about something but .. something is stopping me is it disbelief .. or is it because everything is ending soon~ the feeling is just not right ..
3:46 PM
i used to look forward to EVERY sunday.. now i dont.. or rather, not as much as last time..
there are many many reasons..
hais.. and you, should know the answer man .. or you are rather ignorant about it ..
its 2 am + now .. and im still wide awake .. hais dont know what will happen later ...
WENT OUT JUST NOW =) luckily... we could meet up .. if not ... i would be all alone.. yea? nonono .. its rather, im glad to meet you all =), to realise that i still have friends around me TO CATCH UP and SPEND TIME TGT =) laughing away .. poking each other .. haa haa ... thats my comfort zone ..to always be with the ones whom i feel comfortable with .. ahh blah .. what crap am i talking right now mannn ..?
saw lots of nice nice clothings from pris's online fashion website .. whoa .. some of them caught my attention .. but uh .. i dont really know how to see the sizes/measurements for the clothings leh .. or rather i should say .. i dont know my measurements .. how to measure uh .. haha >< .. N-O-O-B ,i know .. =X
2:09 AM
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
hee just some random photos that i have taken THESE days ..just 2 different snacks from japan ..=)our general manager just came back from japan and she has bought this for all of us to try ..and whoa .. the peas are NICE!! maybe, i dont hate peas, afterall xP.oh thats a squarish WASABI biscuit. wow and it really has this STRONG wasabi smell for the first bite. JUST THE FIRST BITE. haha as you can see, the biscuit is quite mini~ yeah .. xP
i was wondering, if their small build(as compared to singaporeans) is related to their SMALL apptite (damn cant spell this word) their snacks are so damn cute and mini lo .. i think i can eat up to 25 of all these small packets a day =X. JCO DONUTS! they bought DOUGHNUTS TODAY!! hee i ate the CHOCOLATEY one (on the right) ><>
aiyah ..wanted to list down the different doughnut shop names' .. however i just simply cant remember, except for DOUGHNUT FACTORY and JCO ..
uh this chocolate doughnut is from ... another shop .. which i have forgotten the name .. ><> its not bad tho .
SEE THIS FAT WALLET? haha dont u find it amazing+amusing ? lols .. i think its pretty hard to hold it with a hand .. lols .. it belongs to one of the collegues there.. he's a intern too .. =) but too bad he's leaving soon, next week ...
gotta face it .. no more lunch partner .. awkward lunch hoursss are here to come!!~
OUCH! MY LOWER JAWS or rather GUMS ARE HURTING SO BADLY.. i think they are swollen mann .. OUCHIIEE
11:34 PM
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
    THOSE HADJUST SUMMARIZED MY SUNDAY. lols .. hais ... lazy to talk about it. nothing much too .. since she never say anything about it also .. ahhaha ok just abit of the steamboat. its at angmokio .. not sure of the location , i mean the name of the building/street. however its at the 3rd floor. $15 for adults .. the afternoon buffet starts from 1pm to 4pm.. the ingredients has a variety of yong tau fu ingredients and some seafood,such as prawn and LALA! whoa i love the LALA to the max man .. but aye .. too bad. we didnt really eat much of them .. i didnt eat eat much of the prawns too .. as time is running out .. yea so .. =( i think i will go there for another round ..! cos I WANNA TRY THEIR GINSENG CHICKEN SOUP!~ ah i wonder when's my next time ... iwanna bring my family there..~ its quite a good deal~ the drinks there are not diluted.. there are icecreams for desert too! hee AND ALL THESE IS JUS $15! WHATS MORE CAN WE ASK FOR? OH YEA I LOVE THEIR PORRIDGE very much too! +) alright .. gotta hit the bed now my eyes are crossing like X_X..this .. and my head feels so heavy ..
12:33 AM
Monday, July 21, 2008
haha kay i gonna POST SOME PHOTOS UP, like FINALLY!!*clap clap*yea and these were taken 10 days ago ..when we went to Far east for a $15 haircut =)its at student price, of cos ..see the final "products"~*heehee i didnt photoshop the photos, at all =X they are all authentic! lols) .. lols ... i personally dont like mine in the first place, as i look so much MORE MATURE when my fringe was being jelled up .. mmmmmmm my hairstylist said that my face will look longer and sharper in this way .. uh yes i do agree with him. However, i, just feel so .... like a mature LADY..
AHHH no i dont wish to be a lady yet.. i wanna be .. the young MISS LIM .. haha OK i personally LOVE may's hair!!!! She actually retains her hair length .. however, she cut one side of the hair short, and the other side long .. you will be able to see it more clearly in the photos at the bottom.. WOO! SHE JUST COMPLETELY , LOOKS LIKE A DESIGNER! HAHA ok fine. for yanling .. haha she thinks that she has looked younger with their hairstyle and was grumbling at that point of time .. however i think she's ok with her hair now. woo~ and she has even bought hair wax cos she simply cant stand her fringe keep tickling her forehead/face.. HAHA funny.. but she looks more stylized ,in some ways xP $15 .. includes wash + blow. i think its quite reasonable .. anyway, saw this very irresistible BUS STOP! wow .. bus stop nowadays are so cute and "tasty"
HAHA .. i got so many pimples on my face these days .. really tabuleh tahan ..
lols yanling says MAY zonked out in this photo. hahah ..
"MEI NU~!" *screams!* ;) I WANNA BUY PLAIN TEE.. GIORDANO POLO,CHEAP PLAIN TEES! SEE ! LOOK AT MAY'S HAIR! (not mine ,the may at the centre.) BLAH! =) NICE.. heeeee
11:53 PM
Sunday, July 20, 2008
ZAP THOSE FATSuhhhhhFATTYTYTYTYYTYTYTYYTYT BOMMMBOMM hhhahawateva im crazyim just boredimso so looking forward to tomorrowhope everything will be alright tomorrow<3>
sian ..
12:11 AM
Thursday, July 17, 2008
ugh i just cant quit complaining ..time and sleep is always not enoughyeah i owalse grumble about the same old things.. rather than treasuring the time now to sleep right?yea human beings are owalse like thatthey tend to see faults in other people but they cant see the problems that they have wth ,is this right?saying is always so MUCH simplier than doingdo you know its pretty tough to put our thoughts,or rather sayings, down as actions?like i owalse have the problems of executing the movements that im asked to do so ..and, i know i dont have ultimate bright/creative ideas to execute them in AfterEffects ..im quite a simple-minded girl~ ha~ uh but im trying~! but being hardworking here doesnt seems to be applicable herebeing hardworkingg doesnt bring me to anyway fari need ideas.. i need GUTS to PLAY WITH THE THINGS I HAVEYESi need to be daring enough to do all those shitty exaggerated transitions so to realise which are then the better ways to executemy supervisor told me something like this,before i started working in my office,"I dont mind you to take more time to explore, AS LONG AS YOU TRY." YES.. that sentence of his, keeps me motivated ..another says, "its okay, as long as i have learnt something."i really have to thank them , alot, for not putting me down by saying, "may, you are so slow. " and etc .. no..but recently ... hmmm i feel reallly really down ....one of my,socalled, major project is down . and now i have to continue working on another TEDIOUS projectUGHHH that project, is seriously draining alot of my energy away everyday.i cant even rest with a peace state of mind.i will keep thinking ,or rather, worrying for that project of mine.cos i know that im stuck , with that problem..... and the deadline is drawing near.. i dont have my own sweet time to figure all these out . (though my working speed is still the same =X)yea ... and i dont know who to askkkkk for help ...i have already consulted the only person that i can help..and yes, he did give me some advices/suggestions to do ... BUT HEYY!! MAN .. im the one doing and hes the one saying this and that , and end off with the word "try" ..yea TRY ...im trying man .. but how come those just dont workDAMNITits driving me crazy~~~~~
12:33 AM
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
hey , you think you are coping well with everything now? uh i dont think so. you know what, when you earn/gain something, you gotta sacrifice something . im not saying that you are responsible for all these.. ugh maybe you do have to take up the responsibility .. anyway..you gotta face the consequences sooner, or later.. the situation aint going to turn better just because you try to avoid all these.. you gotta, make time for the people you care, else they might misunderstand.. that you cant be bothered with all the problems that are existing now .. and would eventually leave you someday, without you knowing . . . just ,LEAVE..
im just walking one step, seeing one step nowhaislife is so tough.NOW THEN (well, i have been quite scrimpy, although i spent quite ALOT of my $$ on ,comfort food) i realise that $$$$ is really hard to earn ..i have been slogging for these past few days .. like seriously (esp this and last week. gosh, being a slow learner/worker, it seems that, going home late is inevitable)however i gonna have MY VERY FIRST OFF(whole) DAY ON THIS COMING MONDAY!WOW MAN !! =)thats what that keeps me moving on and onhowever,the pressure of not being able to finish my stuffs by the assigned time of the day is really stressing me out ..cos if i cant do it fast enough, i would have to jolly well OT jusst to clear my stuffs up .MY ..the current project that im working on now, is SERIOUSLY KILLING ME slowlyi really admire my collegues' passion for design and editing man..they can just sleep like for say, 3 or 5 hours, and get up to do work again ..=D thats very impressive.. how i wish i can be as productive as them .. anyway the clock strikes twelve already. i think i should better sleep soon =Dyeah JIAYOU LE
11:45 PM
get a half day off today aye(+(
1:01 PM
Monday, July 14, 2008
WAH MY DARK CIRCLESanyway i gotta sleep soonwill update soon =)watch out =Dow ow *my eyes are swollen*
12:37 AM
Sunday, July 06, 2008
sometimes , i dont say it out doesnt mean i dont care.doesnt mean i dont feel anything..in fact, im thinking much more indepth things .i dont understand?finefuck off. ignorant peas.
1:58 PM
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
i was late today =( he didnt say anything. hope everything is fine. ok i admit that i left my house late..so it serves me right to be late BUT .. ehh the waiting time at cck is DAMN 10 MINUTES LONG lo .. i was LATE ALREADYY lo..and NOW i gonna be VERY LATE.. how i wish i have a personal train\helicopter\swan\fairygodmother\phoenix ah ok, whatever that bring me str8 from cck to my workplace. you know ,when i reach JE, i saw that DAMNNN DO-NOT-BOARD train AGAIN .. haha seem that i always encounter such "lucky" incidents.. and oh ,if i never rmb wrongly, i think i saw that SIGNIFICANT DOnotBOARD train EVERYDAY coincidence? or is it my fate..
left the office at 9pm lethargic, really=\ i feel like yawning and yawning..or should i say i kept yawning and yawningwork, is pretty O-K ..however i think that tomorrow is gonna be a may-gonna-X_X dayhah cos i feel that my supervisor would want me to get all my animations done later(the people there are quite nice tho. i really have to blame all these on myself, for being such a slow ass -.- man~)so may, you really dont have the time to stone! ahhi better start thinking of the transitions later when i wake up ...write them down on the paper.. yea my memory is getting bad. =(ah *pull hair*why time always seem to be running out..why .. do i feel that im running away from reality.have you , realised that we have drifted further ,and further from each other?or did you already feel this way, right from the start ..?
go on and be busy with your life.
and i shall bury myself with work and more workyosh!jiayou le maylimcherhooi!!!!hahahahhaahwilll post photos up another day! =) ciao~ my eyes are urging me to close them and have a good 5 hours rest
12:55 AM
Tuesday, July 01, 2008

12:23 AM
Yours Truly
known as "yam" in cyberspace, not becos i love yam, but the color..
haha nah .. just becos ..
i think u can guess the reason behind it.
currently studying ~~
busy, yet available to go out? xP
my belief : Actions speak louder than words. DO IT, don't JUST TALK about it .
cos TALK IS CHEAP. ^^ ATNA sucks xP.
bit by bit, day by day,
we can ,and gonna be stranger AGAIN ~
tell yourself this:
contact lens!
TRY -spa/pedicure/manicure
more Tees(my aim:<$<10!)/li>
black shorts
CROPPED cardigan*
more PSPgames!!!<3
canvas shoes(black)
happiness & love
keepINTOUCH with friends
LOVEmyfamily MORE
A part-time job
THATpairof VINTAGEearrings!!
PIERCEear(my right ear)+ one more on my left's
bracelet-like WATCH
kawaii/black EARSTUDS
a healthy relationship
MUSIC BOX(da toy shop_orchard)
polariod camera!
black,white,grey,purple,orange and NEON COLORS
<3 family and friends
people LOVE and CARE for me
mocha frappe, or any chocolatey drinks/food
chill by the river, i love night sceneries
YOU,to spend time with me
MONEY! of cos
a job in the NEAR future
I hate, MY hates
people who make EMPTY PROMISES
jerks and bitches
tell me, is it so hard to achieve all that?! xP
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Software: Macromedia Flash Pro 8, Adobe Illustrator
Resources: 1
Layout © Xavqior