Saturday, April 26, 2008
whoa. its saturday again .. i dont wish to sleep so early tonight man .. but .. somehow, i cannot ..stay up till so late anymore.. hahah anyway, i went to lotone justnow. and it look SO SO different now .. lot one looks so much spacious and bigger nowww =\ with lots of NEW shops coming up .. while all the old stores/shops are closing down for the new .. hais reminscing(kay i got problems spelling this) man.. haha i used to .. go choachukang's library and B1 so often ... i wonder how it will transform in one month time .. hahaha lots of drilling,boards and stuffs everywhere .. haha yaya back to going to lot one just now .. ya.. ate kfc just now (not that. the standard is still there. its still so juicy and crispy like before. ) met huiqi, had some misunderstanding later on. mood spoilt . luckily opf came haha and we went to arcade together! woo we played alot of the 55cents games there.. like the PHOTOHUNT..MAHONG,PHOTO MEMORY stuffs. marine kinda bejewel .. er yeah mostly puzzles .. and last but not least .. the COOKING MASTER game.. <- its damn entertaining.. haha I WAS SCREAMING AWAY...hahha sometimes i dont know what i was screaming.. i just know that we all got to pick out the correct ingredients out ASAP(with our fingers+eyes, of cos) but i guess we got quite bored after we KEPT playing the SAME game(eg. photohunt and cookingmaster) haha and yeah i think we left lot one at 1130pm ? haha *ayeee boring.. no picturessss hahaa i should have just snapped a few photos of those machines and gamessss erppss and woo .. the trip back home is adventurous too . hahaha aiyah everything happened in a flash .. its just hard to explain here.. hahahhahah only ,hazel knows about it .. ya da.. anyway ya ya.. haha enjoyed the today,friday hahahahha HEEEEEEEE to be frank, i am REALLY REALLY GLAD that its SATURDAYYYYY tomorrow (actually is today.. haha as its 01 50am now ..) however, i GOT TO DO SOMETHING, yea got to draw something at least.. for my assignment. haha HHAHA *managed to see yanling today .. so long ... didnt see u .. haha =)
1:36 AM
Thursday, April 24, 2008
my gosh haha it's been some time since i have posted a decent entry haha this entry is not going to be another decent one too ahaha my "decent" ,meaning, really blog about something ,er meaningful.. i guess haha anyway.. i think i gonna post up some RANDOM photos HEE EHH so long since have posted photos HAHAHA been playing bimbo alot. hahaa this is my record for the "french kissing", at woo~hhah didnt manage to accomplish it.
haha another random photo, taken a few days back. when we went to jurong's army museum. heee =( meaning i have unhealthy scalp .. omgggg i dont want to drop all my yett =( my hair seems to be quite sparse here.... =( boohooo NOOOO =(((( terrible man. ok the following photos are for ... a few days back too .. i think is last friday ? hee we went to the hong kong cafe at city hall. followed by ,the esplanade. hah i was so careless and clusmy that.. i toppled the thing. so the icecream ended up, to be on the table, instead of our mouths . haa so sorry to my friends .. aye ><> how nice if there is nata too ..
yea a night shot of the "durian" and the newly built ferry wheel. haah these 2 photos are taken by hazel hahah yeah .. taken by her. haha
eh i think its TOOOO ridiculous.. how can theyy really put 2 slices of cheese, =(( they cant just treat us like this hmmmm we are still expecting some ham or tuna ... for it ... BUT BUT BUT ... hmmm the sandwich is really that plain .. 2 SLICES OF CHEESE + LETTUCES well .. it tastes not bad ,anyway the toast is nicee!! haha the sandwich is big too .. i guess its worth the price ($2.50) aha i think i gonna try egg sandwich/tuna sandwich next time ... haha aye. =\ why sucha big difference when i have specs on and off. zzz >< hmmm have some problems posting this last night .. hahah so yeah haha i gonna "bimbo" a while now .. hee its 7.13am in the morning now yea~
11:12 PM
Saturday, April 19, 2008
im envious. like seriously. tong ren bu tong ming
1:03 AM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
ah so tired every day you know what do i want to do everyday, when i reach home from school? eat and SLEEP!
10:26 PM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
haha seriously what am i doing i stay up at night.. and feel like sleeping in school what am i doing wasting my time away wth i feel like scolding , "FUCKKKINGG CRAZY" .. i got frustrated ,so easily. haha midnight madness keep blogging some nonsensical stuffss in different entries.. no wonder i gonna hit 500 entries for my blog hahaha
2:02 AM
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
i ,should be feeling sad now, right ...? you dont care about me ,anymore. OK SERIOUSLY.. SHIIIITT why did i nap so much ,so much ? -.- zz that i miss my bathing hours.. i so want to wash my oily hairss UGHH i feel so dirty now mann
11:59 PM
6:19 PM
aye yesterday wasnt a good day for me . i was feeling, tired tired tired .. =.= and im sick of saying that im tired thats so boring.. always saying the same old stuffs.. but what else can i say still ? haah oh ,i slapped JY today.. ahha a very gentle slap.. though she says that theres a "PIAKKK" for it.. luckily she isnt THAT mad.. so as usual, she will just go crazy ,revenge by hitting my HEAD! damnn i was quite pissed off with her actually but well, after thinking , i realised i was in the wrong ...=\ i shouldnt have slapped her .... haha i shouldnt treat her like yanling .. yanling... my buddy buddy .. hee i know she wouldnt mind .. oh well, and ,i dont slap her anymore.. wellwell i dont ,just,anyhow slap ANYONE.. i guess, im just, too restless today.. so the moment she(JY) "accidentally" pinched my flabby arms, my evil twin sister just thought of slapping her when i turn over to face her.. and i JUST SLAPPED .. her aye.. =\\\\ my badddddd so paisehh rreally glad that shes not angry with me .>< anyway, i gotta sleep now.. else i gonna be angry woman later on .. a hungry man is a angry man a tired woman can be a fierce woman ,too~
12:17 AM
Monday, April 07, 2008
8.57am now.. and im all alone at my desk ahhahaha my friends are all late oh~ val was stuck at bukit batok/gombak mrt station just now.. hmm i guess she is on her daddy's car right now~ pray hard they could reach earlierrrr~ BEST,BEFORE THAT kim mo enters the room >< ! hmmmmmm and i was early today! HAHAH signed in at 8.30am, ON THE SPOT! WOOO~!
8:56 AM
do you know that heart-to-heart talk can actually do magic? 5MOREDAYS!IGOTTAWORKREALLYHARDD.. ENCOURAGE ME YEAH H HAHAHAHH DONT DISTRACTT ME UGHHH hahaha =( its been sooo long, since we have had a decent chat.. =\ so long, since i told you about my problems.. so long, since i have revealed all of my true emotions to you... so long~
12:28 AM
Thursday, April 03, 2008
![]() whats wrong with this ..? i cant complete the puzzle .. >< aye .. anyway, i played this like say, one week ago .. mm by right, i should have logon to this site ,and play this game everyday, so that i can earn some IQ .. but well ,i cant login .. it keeps telling me to login, even if i have typed in my username and password,and press"ENTER"!. aye><
9:10 PM
EWW i got a warning letter ,for being late today! oh man tell me that im unlucky please... why are those unlucky things always happening to me ~~~ hmm is it that i really , cant do anything wrong ? =(( =( im so not looking forward to the future .. -.- zz presentations stress frustrations problems =( i need to destresss tooo =((((( i wanna watch movie.. and eat all the food that im craving forrr~
8:29 PM
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
AHHH so sadd =( jiayee is on mc yesterday.. and now ,it's pri's turn .. haha + jiayee's =.= i really cannot believe it lo .. that .. jiayee can actually get a 2 days mc ...~ AHH seeing them on mc.. really make me feel so slackkk i dont feel like going to school too .. i feel like dozing off in school everyday .. -.- just so sick of staying alert .. haha cos we are not allowed to use the internet for our personal use .. so if i were to blog hop, or ebuddy, i may be caught red handed,ANYTIME, if im not cautious. wah .. i feel ,so like a jailbird, really speaking of jailbird.. is0 assaulting, serious? one of my online friends injured someone, that someone's jaws dislocate/broke.. and has already reported to police.. then my online friend says, if he cant raise $1.3k,for that someone's medical fee, by this friday, he will be jailed .. or so o.o hmmm i never knew that assaulting can be such a serious offend .. hope he cannn raise the money in time .. >< ahhh i feel so lonely lo .. haha =\ =((
10:00 PM
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
mmm why am i always looking out for you on msn messenger ? yet when i really see you online, i dont have the courage to talk to you .. maybe you are always so busy, that, im starting to be afraid , to approach you ..
8:34 PM
IT'S APRIL FOOL ,TODAYYYY ahh got tricked by enuj ... just now HAHAHAHA] you got me lalalalala . .. yawn` >< xP
9:09 AM