Monday, March 31, 2008
11:54 PM
ok so .. i really have to say that, im getting REALLY LAZY LAZIERRRRR ur hum . yea -.- if yall realise, my entries are getting shorter and shorter.. reason being.. my energy and concentration span is also getting shorter and shorter .. im too easily distracted.. however, thats not the point haha.. yesterday was joyce's birthday. and woo~ she receives many ,DIFFERENT kinds of presents from different people. fortunate her.. oh and what i wanna say is .. YESTERDAY IS A HAPPENING DAY YEA. we were asked to meet at lot one at eleven AM .. welll thats kinda EARLY for me to .. reach lot one at THAT time ON A SUNDAY.. so i was late =\ .. but not too late kay~! haha okok well i reached at 11.45? or 11.30, but to realise that there are two more persons ,who are later than us. but in the end, it seems that that 2 persons cant reach lot one fast, and we gotta rush to collect food from wholesale at kembangan ( spelling error ?).. ok whats soooo unlucky for the day is that, the moment we step out of the mrt station, it began to drizzle, and eventually rain damn HEAVILYYY okok .. so i was wearing my that, old and tattered birkenstock ... aye.. =( and it became so slimy when its in contact with water, for i dont know why reasons .. ermerms so , the whole journey (from kembangan mrt station to that wholesale shop) is torturing. almost everyone is drenced .. ahahaha that heavy rain luhhh but luckily it nv rain when we started our bbq .. =D hahahaha yeah so , i didnt really help out at the pit, as i reallly know nothing about those charcoals and bbq thingy.. so i sat at the stone tables with xuelin, hazel and dexter ... and we started to spend our time away by playingggggg BIG TWO hohoho its been some time since i have played that game yea >< reminiscing.. last time i used to playyyy aloottt ahha ok not that MUCHHh but is like we will play at wherever we go? ANYWAY YEAH .. i learned a new way to play poker cards.. which is called "BRIDGE"! ,if im not wrong. ah so huiqi was saying its a MUST-PLAY- game for JC people .. haha quite fun and quick game i must say .. haha but i still dont quite get the hang of the game .. thus, i cant really feel the excitement of the game ... ahh MAYBE NEXT TIME .. haha when i know more about that game, den i shall own u all .. haha JOKING =) im so lazy that i cannot even do simple mental calculations .. aye ok yea. so in the end, i spent my whole day there, eating drinking playing chatting and laughing away. its really nice to meet up with your secondary friends once in a while... haha to know more about each other.. share and joke around, just like before~ hmmm but is like .. everyone seems to be attached .. not everyone .. but is like i think the next time i saw them , each of them ,will bring another guy along already bah =) the day was fun ,yet tiring. reached at 1am i think ? hmmm or 12.45am .. bathed and slept at 2+ tomorrow.. (ps, no photos to show at all =) woo~ and i overslept today =( mmm , TOMORROW IS APRIL FOOL DAY.. i wonder what will happen =\ ahhhhhhhhhhhh kay i gotta bathe now =P
10:10 PM
Saturday, March 29, 2008
so much to say . . . . . . so many things, have already bottled up, inside me. =( aye dont have a proper weekend rest
11:57 AM
Saturday, March 22, 2008
12:25 AM
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
finished bathing not long ago, and has just settled down on the floor with my laptop. hahah its my first time blogging ,with my lappie. its like always too lag for me to use com, else is due to the failure of the internet connection so so . i was like so surprised, when it just connects automatically for me >< hee yanling, dont say i use others' internet lo. its like they allow me to use >< heeeeeeeeee ah so , i have been sucha pig ever since last weeek. been eating dinner, and sleeping straight after. piggified ,seriously. aye so no choice, i gotta stay awake now, which is 1.15AM to START doing my storyboards. chio eh ? im so hardworking eh ? hahah =.= ayessssssss......... my body is aching alrd.. is it due to the lack of the beauty sleep? i just feel so drained. i feel like dragging my body to school everyday. 8.30 am 6.30pm everyday ok, i gonna @#$#!@#!@#@! again. naggy me. cant seem to be enough with all the rantings. haha oh and, i think i will be receiving my grades for my modules for my last semester *cover my eyes* aye ,see no evil man .. *=( i can only pray hard that i didnt fail any module, ESPPPP RENDERING~* ahh =( and now, my lappie's battery is running low. i gotta charge it . elsee, hohohoho~
yeah and i finally finished watching "dou ni yao bu yao" wohoo =) completed another drama, like finally!~ i shalll conttinue my dreams in lala land.. ermmss
1:11 AM
Monday, March 17, 2008
a big =(.. im so disappointed. im still stuck at the CONCEPT stage for my final year project.. but im only left with 8 weekdays , for me to do in school.. im so deaaadd +( sadd nothing goes smoothly for me... ayee =( all craps and rubbish come in ,..
8:00 PM
![]() haha soooooo CUTE.. and wow, its FRIDAY ,like FINALLY woo ,my idea for my final year project is finally finalised. im only left with some editings for my timing reel, i guess. aye. have to watch the last 2 episodes of DOU NIU YAO BU YAO soon too... hee wanna viwawa everyday toooo. having a fun time everyday in school... all thanks to jiayee lols~~ a note to myself: (1)got to do a FINALISED CHARACTER TURN TABLE, (2)timing reel ,with the finalised timing (have to add in those necessary pauses and, removing unnecessary frames (3)colour tests for characters ,with background right everything you say is right and reasonable. while everything i say is unreasonable and crappy. fine. i dont want to care anymore. if you wanna accompany the other people more , then its your choice i wouldnt force things to happen i wouldnt be angry becos of the things that have or going to happen cos what goes around ,comes around. i reckon theres retribution. ah i dont care. maybe i should just mind my own business. wake up early everyday, and sleep early everyday. school ,play, eat, sleep is my life. i dont need you to step into my life, to complicate and mess everything up. i want to be myself. i dont want to be your shadow. if they were to be my friends, they will always be. if not, i might as well let them go. . . . ..
8:46 PM
Saturday, March 08, 2008
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() anyway.. all these are some knitted art crafts made by somebody.. i was browsing the net for some research .. then i found all these.. oh btw, i found all these on flicker? or flick .. can check out that site for more .. =D CUTEEEEE suddenly i have the urge to make all these tooo =D , <3
11:08 PM
ahh spent 9 hours of my everyday in school (except for my weekends) whoa and thats tiring . this vicious cycle is slowly zapping m energy away mann i dont have the .. energy to go out ,to play or do wateva i just feel like lazing at home.. doing nothing, think of NOTHING just wanna give my brain a rest aye . didnt go out with yanling and may today cos i told them that i dont have money to go .. plus i was tired =\ it seems that they are quite disappointed. however, i think they will still have funn luh haha just that we cant get to meet. aww i miss the times when i spent our time watching tv eating and munching all day long .. simply just squander our money away on FOOOD and ENTERTAINMENT haha =\ those days .. so carefree and relaxed .... aye so today ,i spent half of my day at hmmmmmmmm and that sort of tires me out aiyoo i should have made use of the time to rest, close my eyes and tune in to the radio or sth .. but i didnt #@$!@#@#!@ what am i doing man -.-. haiss plus i haben bathe now .. ok its 11pm now. so i gotta bathe first, so that i can catch that channel U, 9pm jacky wu's show haha laugh my head off , then maybe sleep.. shit ,then next day ..-.- so fasttt man -.- my goshhh
10:53 PM
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
woo. received a warning letter today .. as i left the final-year-project room one hour earlier yesterday. well, i was pretty scared in the first place. scared that my tutor will give us a lecture, loudly, in that fypj room. however, luckily, woo ,he didnt really scold us.. he just say ," This is the your final warning~" woo and everything is back to normal again .. hah we learnt our lesson. i think we wouldnt leave earlier, anymore, i guessss~~ so we can ONLY leave at 6.30 pm everyday my gosh .. everydayyy thats saddening man =( plus we have to report to sch at 8.30AM everyday .. ayiooo i have already been late, for these 3 daysss goshh haha the earliest that i have reached, is erm i think 8.45? hmm thatss already 15 minutes late ... AIYOAIYO.. hais some problems occur .. hmm hope there will be lesser misunderstandings between my new team mates and us~ =\ aye aye .. we dont seem to be able to get along well with those new members.. we even gave the two guys nicks..>< hais..felt bad ,to like badmouthing them, when they are really serious with their work.. but is like ,some of his actions are weird .. is like he will suddenly walk over to our area, stand there, and look at us. i mean he will like watch what we are doing at that point of time .. mm yeah and i will go "mmm" is like, sometimes i feel like im being watched .haha so i feel quite stressed sometimes, to have pros to be in our team .. aye aye oh ya.. sth weird happened .. the lrt i took today is like DOTSSS ha is like i have to alight at keat hong lrt station, which is the 3rd lrt station. hmm but the lrt just zooms past the station, and then stopped at the next lrt station, teck whye. i was so stunned .. many people are stunned too.. ha den i heard one malay lady was like cursing away.. lol.. well thats about it haa i gotta resstt
8:04 PM
Sunday, March 02, 2008
seriously, sometimes i feel that i really have no friends. or rather ,i feel empty inside. i feel that no one cares , no one bothers and im just a pain in the neck i jsut dont understand, why cant they just pay some attention to me, when i was talking why dont they listen when im talking or saying somethings sometimes are my words so not important? or am i too softspoken that i have not made myself loud enough or am i so invisble that they didnt realise that im around im really, enough with all these nonsense. if one can really survive as an isolated island, i would, long ago, be one infact, i was one , in the past. now that i have tried to open up myself more, i feel that my friends aint ,sensitive to my feelings all they could see the , =D + +] me, maybe well, i know there are some pple ,who really cares, when they know that im moody ,and came over to ask about me i appreciate their concerns. however, some people , just disappoint me, totally. who is willing to be there to emo with me... i got quite upset a week ago.. i feel so , sad about the things that happened. sad abt the people, whom i think are close to me, they dont actually know me and care about me. they dont even know that im angry with them perhaps, in their hearts, they will be thinking, "may is tired may is stressed up with her work she needs a rest, i better dont bother her. " or even OTHERWISE? "shes moody, leave her alone. she will be alright on her own." oh i dont know. however what i really need ,at that point of time, is concern! i want people to come over and ask ,"how are you" blabla .. shower me with their concerns.. to let me feel that, im not alone actually.. =( =( +(=( =(=( +(+(+( why is it so hard to be happy ? now that my psp is confiscated by !@#$!@#!#!3 i have lost my another source of entertainment and happiness so screwed ,alright. still need to wait for 2 more weeks what a rotten 29 feb 2008 i have. --- you know , love just turn sour, when one always takes more than one gives. when money is involved. when there's betrayal. when theres lies. THERES NO TRUST, anymore.
2:52 AM