Friday, August 31, 2007
i just wanna SCREAM ," YAY !!!" REALLY HAVE TO THANK THE 3 LADIES OUT THERE HAHA FOR HELPING ME TO COMPLETE MY ANIMATION I REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR ALL HELP without you all, i think i wouldnt be able to finish IN TIME I REALLY HAVE TO THANK YOU ALL =D (HAHA er however only yanling may get to see this) (though the effort was 'wasted'.. cos those damn cropped files disappeared miraclously) *scratch head* anyway, over is over.. im, quite,satified alrd =D ,though the timing is weeirrrddd my old life is back i CAN SLEEP SNACK WATCH PLAY EXCERISE EAT anytime AGAIN!~ woohoo ohyah, really have to thank a taxi driver too he's really a nice guy as he is willing to speed ,just because i told him that im late (and im terribly late .. i think for 45 minutes) ahhah and ,finally, the most luckiest thing happened! haha i made it ! i reach the presentation room in time.. meaning to say... im NOT LATE woohoo can u believe it? my appointment time is actually 10am.. yet i arrived at 10.45.. and IM NOT LATE the comments given are not bad too aha timing = too fast ,my char proportion = X_X ? haha actually, my tutors did give me some useful advices, but their words seem to enter from the right ear ,then out they go through the left ear. so =.= sian .. hais surprisingly, one of my tutors can actually guessed that IM A SLOW WORKER..! YES..he asked if im a slow worker.. and i replied yes and asked how come he will know..and he said that, i seem to think too much when i am animating, which results in wasting of time anyway, what i can remember is, he says i should think at approperiate time .. hmmm aha i dont really get his meaning .. anyhow, i know i have to fasten my pace haha im indeed too slow .. hais how am i going to survive if im so slow, yea o.o i will die of fatigue lo ... -.- hais haha lastly, =) i really have to thank whoever(including those who gave me support ;) ),and whatever that help me in this studio project .. be it aftereffects or photoshop ... whatever and whatever .. just , T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U haha
12:39 PM
Monday, August 27, 2007
我关了手机 用力地深呼吸 告诉我自己 没有什么了不起 就当我和你 演一出爱情戏 流一点眼泪没关系 也许是我太年轻 不懂你要的关心 并不只是一对一 才会伤害自己 爱情过了保险期 就像玩腻的游戏 不想再要一对一 可是没有耐心 原来这才是真的你 无法掌握自己的心 偶尔花言巧语 偶尔又选择逃避 自做聪明 原来这才是真的你 习惯演戏随时在磨砺演技 忘了什么叫做珍惜 你想找谁合演对手戏 这是你的权利 就让你自己决定 虽然泪水淹没了眼睛 我却轻吻让心痛一个彻底 决定就现在喊停 不再受委屈 ho~wo~ho~
8:29 AM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
may gives up very easily may gets very demoralized easily may has no discipline at all i think she has no sense of urgency and lack of time management boo boo =\ 3 more days 7 hours 29 minutes to 12am ding dong boo
3:22 PM
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
killed colonies of ants today phew ganbatte ganbatte
9:13 PM
Sunday, August 19, 2007
i like to cage myself at home more often now reason being, i love to be in my comfort zone. im just a coward moo~ no wonder im a taurus a stubborn one.. when there are extroverts around, i will always be the introvert =)
4:39 PM
Saturday, August 18, 2007
icons and symbols, icons and symbols aint they meaningful? haha i remember that i used to use those symbols to show assymetrcial balance and symetrical balance ( pardon me for the spelling, i seriously dunoe how to spell -.- ) woohoo~ so i will probably stay at home today and tomorrow i wanna play badminton ,squash and bowling so much who can fulfil my wish? yanling ? yanyu? haha ok larh, it's not yet the time for me to think about those .. @@ studio project .. haha jiayou ganbatte .. ugh ,im so sick of myself repeating the studio project ,again and again again and again again and again yawn.. it rrained today guess it's a good weather to sleeeppp hibernate and throw everything aside haha =D maybe some msn games can perk me up ?! noooo, no audtionsea, no maplesea, no 02jam ,no runescape ~!
12:42 PM
whenever i wanna try, and i have tried something out, the result is not that fantastic and the little 'shake head' that you do ,can just put me down on the spot .why cant you just encourage me and say that i can do better next time? why do i always feel so inferior in front of you ? Why did you not care about my feelings ?Why am i feeling so lonely ,even when you are just beside me? Did you ever look inside me? The little things i do ,you can never see. You thought im hardhearted. Now, i dont give a damn anymore. If you think that i am dull, then yes, i am. You have your friends, and i have mine. Though im only have that pathetic few friends, doesnt mean you can ask me out whenever you feel like, and chunk me at one corner when you dont need me. I am not you doll, not your puppet. You dont own me. If you dont even bother to care about how i feel, then, dont come near me. I dont need hypocrities to be my friend. sometimes, i really hate you, alot. I dont want to be your shadow. maybe im really dull, thats why people usually treat me as thin air, they dont respect me. they dont ask for my opinions. maybe im really that ignorant and stupid. maybe, without you, i wouldnt have any friends. maybe im really worthless ,without you. if my friends are my 'friends', just because of you ..then i rather be left alone ,without you. shit me, i have alot to say and i am stuck with words. im so stupid and useless. i am afraid of trying already. Rejections . maybe, expectations really disappoint me.
12:11 PM
Friday, August 17, 2007
today is my brother's birthday .. a very big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to him haha i think he wouldnt see it =\ haha we didnt really celebrate for him today ,as yesterday's sushi buffet is considered as his birthday celebration =) i didnt really take pictures during the buffet as i was busy gorging on the sushi when we had reached there haha you couldnt blame me, as we reached the sushi restaurant at 4.30 or 4.45pm if you can do some simple mental calculation, we were only given 15 minutes to start our buffet ,before they will start asking for our last order at 5pm i guess, i really look and sound like a very desperate auntie there .. haha i kept pointing and saying ,"i want this, i want that." haha strangely enough, i didnt really gorge myself to my maximum i dont feel the bloatfulness (haha not sure if theres this word) that i will usually have after a buffet i think it is because, i wasnt the one paying for the buffet,so i can eat at peace? haa i dont know the chawanmushi is slightly different now.. it has a miso-soup layer on the top .. ![]() my family love this chawanmushi too ! =) hee im so happy about it hope you have enjoyed, brother!
11:03 PM
Thursday, August 16, 2007
woohoo 5 more minutes to my brother's birthday! i gonna be the first one congratulating (@@ i forgot the spelling !) him! oh man =D he's so lucky i dont have even have single person to wish me a "happy birthday" on the spot , 12 am haha.. haha my nails are so ugly so i have decided to color them today yeah, masks i help my ugly nails to put on a layer of pinky mask boo
11:54 PM
holiday mood it is seriously affecting the way im living my life now absolutely slackinng already that explains why i didnt really do my best for my last assignment .. hais nevermind hope i can still pass all of my modules for this semester as this semester is seriously killing me, and my friends i wish them luck too now that im much free-er(though im not completely freed from school work), i begin to be more concious of the things and people around me and i feel ,so depressed about it, once again hah i find that i some people claim that im bias towards some people saying that i treat certain people better,when i didnt (or maybe, i ,myself didnt feel so) sometimes, i have to say, certain friends of mine do ,really give me alot of pressure when i am with them whereas some, i just feel so comfortable with them so,when i feel pressurized or uncomfortable, i will naturally show the 'mimosa' and maybe aloof? side of me on the other hand, if im feeling comfortable, i will naturally show the fun side of me.. haha thats how i will "work", if u are puzzled of my reactions someday .. ( perhaps i will rant on this some other day +) ) HAHA GOOD THE SUSHI BUFFET DATE IS NOT CANCELLED ! YEA I GONNA PREPARE NOW ~ =) SUSHI!
3:17 PM
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
YOSH IM HERE AGAIN woohooo IM FEELING MUCH RELIEVED NOW .. as my sickening @#@$#1^&*%^&%^3d animation assignment is finally down ! woohooo~~~ im so glad about it =D now, im left with the MAJOR ASSIGNMENT, which is known as the killer studio project! YOSH YOSH YOSH .. i must ganbatte this time round *tying a headband,which says "GANBATTE" on my head* HAHA =\ my days are dull im dull if things are going smoothly, i should be able to go for a sushi buffet at lot one tomorrow! haha it's gonna an early celebration for my brother's 16th birthday! How fortunate is he ,ya? haha i gonna gorge myself with my craved-for-quite-some-time sushi ! WEEE (i wonder if i will be able to eat some salmon or sashimi) =) im super duper happy happy as today, can ,somehow, mark the end of my semester ! GOGOGO may ! however, never did i realise that it's already AUGUST by now !! i guess i have devoted pretty much of my time on my school assignments =(( it gonna be another new year SOON =( boohoo 19 years old will soon belong to me =( and i , dont look forward to it *random i have spent a bomb on arcade these days =( + =) = =\ haha i have no idea whether to be happy or not cos i really do enjoy the fun i have with my friends at the arcade, yet on the otherhand, my wallet is getting thinner and thinner .. =( hais i guess i can never quit this habit of spending $$ on food (more of food!) and games HA
10:12 PM
Monday, August 13, 2007
i guess, im far too free these days i find myself with NOTHING MUCH to do aww boring.. yes indeed who can play with me ? badminton, basketball (?dun really like, i will mostly get air ball xP) .. why not play some basketball at the ezone arcade ! haha .. i wanna try squash out hmmm =( im bnored bored bored maybe , i should get my studio project 3 done first ,before i start thinking about what i should dooooooo ~~ scoobe dube dooo haha o.o say YESH to the fireworks !
10:08 AM
Sunday, August 12, 2007
oh, super turn off-ed now my post has mysteriously disappeared and i have no idea why fine -.- shall not blog now then im sooo hungryyyy i wannnnaaa get my dinnnerrr now and play the dled trAILS that i have downloaded !!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ok i think i have just repeated myself -.- woohooo~~
6:40 PM
Saturday, August 11, 2007
yawn~ this week has been a tiring week for me, as i have been rushing one assignment after another so phew, finally i will be able to rest, for awhile, now =D hhee so i have pampered myself by playing GAMES today ! =) =D however im feeling so tired now *yawn~~~~~~~~~~~~* nothing much to blog abt too ,haha eh btw, happy BELATED NATIONAL DAY, SINGAPORE ! HAAH =\ hmm the wind is so strong nowadays~~~~~~~~ woooo~
12:02 AM
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
totally .. regretted .. for sleeping yesterday .. for i woke up at 10.05 this morning =( im so dead 3 big assignments is waiting for me .. supposingly, i have to clear them up by TUESDAY .. THE TUESDAY has arrived ,yet i have yet to finish any of them! im so sick of all the jiayou(s).. or even those questioning... say," what have you been doing?" You are so slow." -.- ugh hais =( back to work ,again
10:39 AM
Monday, August 06, 2007
im just ... dumbfounded this relationship is indeed so fragile i cant imagine the future burning midnight oil you are so slow man .. far too slow you are so lagging behind ur peers boo you
10:04 PM
Friday, August 03, 2007
haha i guess i wun be onlining to blog or do anything else .. as my pc is down for these few days xP
2:03 PM