Tuesday, May 29, 2007
phew , finally, i gonna have break on wed and thurs =D i gotta replenish my energy + pamper myself with good music, food and environment =\ my eyelids are so heavy now jaa ne i =\ some people are just fated to be
10:25 PM
Monday, May 28, 2007
yeah so true . so are we in different worlds?
WOW , im a true woman ? lols
9:37 PM
Sunday, May 27, 2007
oYEAH , SO IT IS PICTURRRRR TIME AGAIN IM SO LAZY , SO SOME PHOTOS HERE MAY BE ABLE TO ENTERTAIN =p since not many will be reading my blog =P ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() NO , I DIN MEET HER FREQUENTLY .. I SELDOM MEET HER ALRD ![]() yet, i was embarrassed ..Thus, i placed the 'camera' quite below ><> this shows that i can nv shoot myself from below (and this is the best picture that i can pick out from the many that i took at that time ><) ![]() ![]() so i returned home .. and snapped more pictures =( joyce is so getting onto my nerve.. she can actually think that we are still LIVING IN YEAR 2006 ..!! I THINK SHE HAS DRIVEN ME UP TO THE WALL (edited) I CANT CONTROL ,BUT to BOO HHOOO again =( shit lorh ,so long since i have cried =( oh yah , see the GREEN TEE that im wearing ? i wore the same tee as huiqi TODAY>< so damn embarrassed +( its not my first time encountering this kind of situation alrd~ =( my life can never be lacked of embarassment =(
11:36 PM
sunday aint sunday anymore break aint break anymore interests aint interests anymore love aint love anymore im not the one you know anymore hais finally, i was done with me WEBSITE .. yet im having problems uploading now .. haha gotta ask yanling for help tonight oh yah, plus i have 8 pages of drawing + animation stuffs to rush goodnessssssssssssss oh yah ,not to forget, to sharpen my conte charcoal for 2mr's drawing tutorial =D woohoo gtg bathe now i have to meet hq and joyce at 4 at lot one today and see the time now *look at my clock* im so late -the latecomer ends off this entry-
3:44 PM
Saturday, May 26, 2007
=( in many's eyes, im just a failure a SOMEONE, whom cant even do a SIMPLE TASK well .. in many's eyes, im just a slacker a SOMEONE ,who can only produce some inferior works, a someone ,who simply SUCKS AT EVERYTHING im so tired of being lagging behind im so tired of being the pain in the neck/ass whateva the case ,im so tired of myself, this course and everything ! =( - i can be your listening ears .. but pls ,DONT TREAT ME AS YOUR VENTING MACHINE venting machine , as in , vent all ur frustration at me im just a human being i have my needs to THROW ALL THE RUBBISH LOUSY MOODS OUT otherwiisee, i gonna break down in fact , i think i have broken down these few days i haven been slping well i havent been slping early not to mention slping on my bed YET WHO UNDERSTANDS i thank those, who said JIAYOU and all the others encouraging stuffs to me =) i really need them to strive on and also, to boost my morale i really REALLY APPRECIATE cos they really keep me moving on =) but some pple are just so irrritttaating i cannnt STAND IT UGH, THEY ARE SUCH SELFISH BEINGS WANTING TO TAKE ,BUT NOT GIVE HEY, I CAN GIVE YOU MY CONCERNS BUT PLS DUN ABUSE MY CONCERNS OK stop putting me down ,by saying FAIL LARH .. AIYAH WHY U ALWAYS CANT FINISH UR WORK... WHY WHY WHY Ss .. shit, suddenly, i hate to reply i hate to answer WHYS uuuggggggggggghhhhhh ANND FINALLY, my MUCH LOVED WEEKENDS IS HERE , BUT I DOUBT I CAN ..HAVE A GOOD TIME TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO .. this week is simply too torturing that all my energy is zapped away ,by A MODULE = WEB DESIGN.. i guess , now, im still facing a crisis ,as in i have a high chance to GET A "D" or even a FAIL for my web design due to the late submission of work =( i shouldnt sleep yesterday (IF i knew i cant finish by TODAY) i should have sleep on the thurs(day of submission) if ,IF i knew i will forget to bring my thumbdrive to LOAD IT UP (LIVE MY WEB).. goodness ,so its 12.38am ( i followed the time on my desktop).. so its a SATURDAY AGAIN time flies .. it zooms past me SO FAST im so lagging BEHINDDDDDDDDDDDD............ =( AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH even you dun understand
12:18 AM
Friday, May 25, 2007
selfish beings selfisg selfish ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..................................................... why can people pour all their troubles to me?.. while.. while.. i cant pour mine OUT.. selfish selfish selfish yea, selfish me too , for wanting so much http://www.yammil.bravehost.com - my digital portfolio will live it up sooon
11:43 PM
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
hhaa once again , im courting death still blogging now, or rather doing some boliao quizzes online haha .. and im having a hiragana(jap) test later at 12=\ haha wish me luck >< i wanna generate more brain juicceeeee ~ ~should really let one of my online fren try this test ..hes way too paranoid i think maybe, he will score 100% for it =X hee ok ,GTG .. =) good day
10:54 AM
Monday, May 21, 2007
=( darn i knew it i wun have proper sleeps EVER SINCE MY SCHOOL STARTS *yawn*
10:20 PM
Saturday, May 19, 2007
just pardon me, i love to crap ALOT and tend to repeat ALOT =( haiyah haiyah , i felt so boring ,as in to keep facing my computer yet not doing anything =( you xin li bu zu i have the heart to start doing my assignments , yet somehow i have no idea of which/how to start with =( im s-t-u-c-k i just feel like watching TV preferrably, jacky wu's entertainment shows =P hais, big headache (literally) =\
11:44 AM
Friday, May 18, 2007
yesh, i want to stand ALONE i wish to STAND ALONE hais, ever since this semster has started , it has been giving me unsupressable amount of stress (my hairs is dropping much more than before, oh man ,so i gonna be bald soon) i said that i want to stand alone .. yeah ,meaning i want to be independent and do everything by myself .. and actually, im super( YESH, SUPER (lols) ) envied of yanyu >< simple reason = she has got a very super pro(pro as in good in maya,photoshop + wateva arts-related programs) classmate (name:nana) to help her touch up her assignments >< xin fu de xiao nu ren, despite that guy isnt his boyfriend =\ so nice can >< im so jealous envied jealous envied >< but wad can i do still ? i have no one to reply on, but myself THUS , i want to STAND ALONE ALONE ALONE ALONE .. and be proud of the artpieces i have created!! i really hope~ thus, im so motivated to do my work .. and i woke up early today ! HOWEVER, i have been slacking from 8+ to 10.45 am .. omg ... nearly slack for 3 hours .. goodness me -.- i told u , those distractions are hard to resist .. >< wateva im just a 18 years old girl =(
10:26 AM
Thursday, May 17, 2007
my test is a gone-case again but , im still glad that i can produce SOMETHING out at least =\ haah i was quite relaxed today as we are approaching our FAVOURITE WEEKEND !!! ><> =D but again, i am like so distracted ... =( i cant focus , when my bro kept calling out for me, when the tv is showing some great dramas and entertainment shows, when my back is aching ,when i see certain people online and i have sth to ask them, when certain people din reply my sms, when i feel like bathing earlier =(, when i feel like PLAYING!, when i even feel like BLOGGING ! or even clearing those unnecessay/useless things on my desktop ,and of cos,..when i feel like eating ! UGH so many distractions which i cant resist lousy, yea
11:06 PM
![]() =(
somehow feel that nobody understands some even misinterpret my thinking im so dead im so haggard im an old woman (many said so ,ugh =() going to have a SUPER TOUGH webdesign test 2mr (many said that its super tough tough tough ,omggosh) =( let me finish at least half pls >< let me be enlightened!!!
10:11 PM
Saturday, May 12, 2007
11:54 PM
somehow, i see it all i can see who are bothered ,and who dont thanks to those who bothered and THANKS to those who dont bothered too =) i see it all haha =) its time to change my thinkings of certain people or rather, to confirm my mindset of certain people =P you noe what, a small insignificant incident can actually tell me alot i wun want to condemn anyone here =P peace O.OV masks ,i so want to tear my and everyone's masks down white lies are beautiful, but i will rather accept the reality then being a fool, being kept in a dark =P haha so random =p anyway, ipmrefetcoins precfet us
11:07 AM
im OFFICIALLY EIGHTEEN NOW ... haha more m18 for me to watch =D -.- and those sickening horror movies have become R21 ,boo nvm, i shall rent those movies from =P u noe where .. =P (anyway, all these are not impt ><) im glad that some of u can still rmb my bdae~~ thankyou so muchieee =)) i guess its not hard to forget one's bdae as long as we have frienderster or the bdae alarm~;) so later ,i gonna stuff my stomach with lots of food ,and gorge until i have the satisfaction (oh man. i owalse have problems spelling and pronouncing this word~ha) =)its my day agn =\ =D
9:07 AM
Friday, May 11, 2007
who will remember THE DAY? haha who will? i am like ,cant be bothered ,as well o.o =P
1:01 PM
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
people tend to take, while they forget to give at the same time =( so busy nowadays *yawn*
10:06 PM
Friday, May 04, 2007
dun wanna think so much argh,ugh, just let it be =P u cant hurt me anymore no way never .
8:43 PM
Thursday, May 03, 2007
hahah, i have no idea why my world is revolving around the word "FOOD"! haha anyway, wad else can i blog about ,other than food? haha ,and so ,i had NACHOS (which come along with MELTED CHEESE of cos).. *grins* somehow, the food will taste yummier when its shared with someone else =D oh ya,before i have forgotten ..its YVONNE'S BIRTHDAY today.. eh, i still dunoe ur age leh why dun u tell me ?! =( you are still young larrhh =\ have a happy day anyway =P (if u see this) so i have this assignment ,which requires us to design our very own DIGITAL PORTFOLIO the biggest headache here(for the moment) is the CONCEPT! the teacher said that the portfolio must be able to show something that says about myself + the design must have a certain theme =( moreover, i guess i wun be doing too complicated design since all of these designs are supposed to be manually created ,by using notepad .. *faint~* haha tough road ahead ,yeah~ i like da 9pm,chnl 8 drama i think this show can make many singaporeans reflect upon themselves they are really like, acting out the true singaporeans' lives =P
8:50 PM
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
HAHA KFC is damn crowded yesterday..but luckily joyce found a seat very quickly and the KFC melt is okay ..i prefer bandito still~ lols picccturess: owalse peeking at the things/people at the next table xP hee KFC CHICKEN THIGHS..!! UNAGI SUSHI~~ STEAMED EGGGGG i crave for them!!!!
8:01 PM
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
so may's day isnt as fantastic as what i thought will be
chey! in fact, im not having a fantastic day =\ today started off not too well as i have slept until 11 or 10am+ ,and found myself to be quite dizzy.. nevertheless, i still went on to on the computer and started slacking in front of the computer i remembered that i have seen some pple saying something like this (somehow?): waste your time reading how other people waste their time (somehow, it sounds like..erm bloghopping ?HAHA) so if that was to be true, i guess i have wasted hours of my daily life o.o wahhohohoho .. okok so anyway, i have diarrhoea today (before i really had one, i have pain in the stomach/gastric? haha i dunoe ..anyway, its so painful larh >< toilet ="("> and yeah, have SOME problems settling the "going out" issue perhaps, one day i may elaborate on it some pics that i have taken IN THE TOILET boredom can drive one crazy .. haha, out of a sudden, i wanna compare myself, WITH and WITHOUT specs .. and prefer myself WITHOUT the specs still too bad, i dun have the $ + the guts to use contact lenses... if not, ...teehee ![]()
yeah, my ulcers are recovering =) i can smile with no worries now! =D had some pics taken at woodlands's KFC earlier on .. will post them up later on =) ZZ
10:39 PM