Saturday, March 31, 2007
taken on 30th march, while blogging on 31st march .. hah see that moody JOYCEits ur BIRTHDAY! COMON SMILE! this common PIECE of seaweed IS ACTUALLY VERY TASTY!!you cant see the sadness,which is hidden beneath the happiness =\ see it for yourself .. o.o .. *oh yah, i do look like gromit in the last picture ,lols
8:51 PM
Friday, March 30, 2007
12:05 AM
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
OH MAN .. i simply .. SIMPLY CANNOT BELIEVE MY EYES OH MY GOSH!i can .. actuallly get into ANIMATION O.O well, its actually the most demanding specialisation among that 3 specialisations (thats what they say) and students with the better gpa will be the first to get in.. but i guess ,not in my case!omg ,till now, i still cannot believe that i can get it O.o is there any errors in the allocation ?i hope (not) ..oh well, wateva o.oO.Ohaha actually im not having the mood to blog, just that im waiting for my dear fren ... so i might as well use this waiting time to do something =\ hahahais and as usual, we are late =\terribly late agn ? haha we are like one hour late hais ,i wonder when can we quit this sickening habit of ours~so i guess that huiqi must be cursing and swearing at lot one now ,for waiting for us =\lala no patience ,unlike joycehaha haha >< my days are rather boring .. though i know i can practise more on folds/life drawings ..im so guilty to admit that i have actually neglected my sketchbook for erm days? aiyah actually is since my studio project 2 has ended and my march holiday has started .. so i guess i have slacked and chilled around for say , a month already .. it has been a rather stress-less 'month' for me .. =D no wonder my hair is not dropping as much as last time ... haha or may be i have not pull my hair(stress!) that often alrdy hahaoh man`how time flies ,really?! i have nearly failed to realise that my holiday is ending very soon(2 more weeks) and i have to return to that torturing routine o.o haha i have to work hard for my second year i have to ~ i have to ..! why aint she rdy ~~~~?!its 4.23pm now, ooh la la ` i wonder wad will their mouthes shoot later?and how black will their faces be ? hahah will it be blacker than BAO JIN TIAN ?well, we shall see~ haha o.O .. oh NOOO~
4:05 PM
Sunday, March 25, 2007
omg, my entries are getting shorter and shorteri guess im running out of things to writesame goes for talkingi think im just too boredi bore (or entertain?) myself by questioning myself about some unknowns in lifei went out and read some magazines
maybe, its time for me to slower my pace (MORE?!) just to spend time more fruitfullyoh yeah, at the same time, i can learn to appreciate the people and things around methus, its time for me to offline NOW( before 12am =D) and be a good girl girl o.o wateva O.Oi see something's differenti feel something's differentyou have changed ,or am i the one?
11:47 PM
Saturday, March 24, 2007
its hard to talk in riddles when some things cant be speltbut well, some things are so obvious that it doesnt have to be speltlike the feelings u have for somebody ..or the feelings someone has for you~from..his/her actions..the way that someone looks into your eyes ..you just know it when u feel it just like how i do all these whilemy feelings might not be 100% accurate at timesbut, i guess it cant be wrong at times also ..hahaha, i tthink u never care at all u say that im moodyi say u r so mood-less
11:22 PM
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
i got so stressed up when theres comparison going onmaybe im so not disciplined enough to keep improving at my own rate ,without being affected sometimes, to be frank, i really get really demoralised to see people AROUND ME getting high gpa .i dread (or im scared of) pple asking for my gpa nowbut at the same time, i WAS happy that i have improved .. even though thats a small improvement ..yeah WAS,cos i realise that i have been thinking (or questioning myself )about my future latelyi aint happy with the grades i have now.. yeah obviously, and i have tried .. tried to improve but i guess, im too late to repentone year is overand yeah, there isnt an ans to it .. im hanging in the middle of nowhere hais, should i persevere or .. should i change my course?.. but .. NEVERMIND, thats how i always consoled myself yet ..sometimes ,its really depressing to face the reality today , i have checked my gpa .. not unsatisfying ,yet still not acceptablehaha reality
2:51 PM
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
not feeling well .. =\ i feel so bloated these days what's with me? i dun feel like onlining too ..but to be more accurate, i prefer to appear OFFline.. =) wateva, cos my able-to-play-msn-games-with-me friends are either offline or busy ..otherwise, its becos i dun feel like onlining ,larh !haha ~Also, i realise that i will raise my voice unknowingly, when im agitated or nervous ..haha ,><>< but thats for that very moment only ,obviously ..haha cos usually ,i take my time to do my things ,which will include talking also ..haha=3 wateva watevaargh BLOATED @@ANYWAY,im glad that i have completed the MAHORABA anime ><SUGOIII !HAHA
2:15 PM
Monday, March 19, 2007
OH .. MY .. GOSH ..just two more days ,and i gonna face the musicwell, these 2( i think so ?) weeks had been my happpy-go-lucky days..i have been enjoying life ever since my studio project had ended on 1st of march .so i guess, its time to get my butt moving and .. do something productive?im scared
12:56 PM
Friday, March 16, 2007
HAHAH !PLEASE CUP YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOU YAWN ..!thats a very bad example =) hahaahoh man, i woke up at 11+ today ... i wanna sleep more, but have decided not to =),yet finding myself rotting at home now =\=( boo haha well, its okay, its alright ..everything is going to be fine =D
P.s. Do you feel like yawning when you see that photo ? haha yawning is contagious!
1:37 PM
Thursday, March 15, 2007
 thats happiness, and , who is going to grant me that?
11:23 AM
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
SO ,life is sth thats more than THATno point grumbling ,when u know all these grumblings wouldnt change anything ,but ur own mood ..the outside world is cruel those outsiders will only see the outer sides of usnow, i know .. the best way to protect urself, is to ..keep improving ..
10:26 PM
Monday, March 12, 2007
naive ..how naive can pple be?why cant huamn beings be frank and open to me?i think everyone is hiding someone from me ?=\if u were to care, i wouldnt have cried so muchif i wouldnt have cried so much ,you wun even care AT ALL o.oi dont understand human beings TOTALLY i must be a bastard ,hahi hate my doubts ,seriouslywhy do doubts exist?now, assurance doesnt work anymore..i have gone too far, way too far for u to hold me back =)u wun see the old may anymoreu wouldnt =)
10:38 PM
OH .. I HAVE BEEN CHILLING AROUND that ESPLANADE region THESE FEWDAYS .. erm yeah so u should have expected me saying ,"OH,IM SO BROKE!" .. cos we had been wasting or rather spending our $ away on coffee bean, KFC? hahaha and long john silver.. well .. i just simply cant ..erm quit my sickening habit,as in to spend $ before i earn some haisand .. somehow, er im .. erm more truthful to myself and people around me..thats wad i hope to be and im happy that i have done that =\yeah those qns that i usually cant ans ..seem far more easy to be answered haha o.o wateva ..to be frank, i dont really have the mood to blog alrd .. ><> im tired .. and i wanna have a rest now haah despite all those chilling ,cos erm many braincells were actually killed during the chilling o.o hahahahahha cos of those erm.. chiminology qns .. like ..what's love? What's life ? whoa, i think those qns are far too difficult to be explained in words thus, silence took place when it was my turn to ans erm, i took quite long to answer that "what's love" qns .. in the end, i so called copied ,well i think i had copied opf's ans by saying happiness agn haha cos yeah ,i couldnt find another word that best describes it haha but i think love is not a 100% happiness .. its a mixture of happiness and many other unknown ingredients .. well, i still couldnt figure out what are those unknown ingredients and provide a i-feel-is-right defination for love so maybe, spare me from that What's Love qns .. hahaha maybe ,erm we can talk about love but not WHATS LOVE .. haha wateva o.o
THUS, i have been going home late these days larh .. resulting in insufficient and proper rest haha .but they had been a nice time bonding with opf and joyce haha ,at least i really get to know about them more =) *grins!* hhahahahahah
hais i think i have been neglecting my family these years .. oh, im hungry now .. >< aiyo, i have been skipping my breakfast for weeks or months ? hahah why cant i wake up before 12 or 11am -.- ARGH AHAH i miss the morning breeze ..
minjie ,yinghui, we will, we will go for sakae sushi someday i really hope! hee =) but let my wallet and stomach rest first! HEEEEEE=)
i wanna eat unagi sushi,onigiri and eetc!!! so much ><
3:45 PM
Saturday, March 10, 2007
why are u treating me as dirt ? haha aint i supposed to be the best in ur eyes ?maybe, somehow, we arent real ......when u can ONLY see my flaws..oh well, maybe im really gd for nothing=\watevadisappointment explains all
12:35 AM
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
OMG, I HAVE FORGOTTEN SOMETHING IMPORTANT ?!THERES A MAPLE PATCH TOODAY!! FROM 8 TO 4PM !DARN .. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAhope my maplestory can work after the patchi wun want to REDOWNLOAD IT AGAIN !! ><I WOKE UP AT 10AM (which is slightly earlier than what i will usually wake up), just for .. MAPLE !HEY! -.- WT WT WT HAHAH NVM .. SO I SHALL BLOG .. AND ADD ONE MORE ENTRY =)omgosh, i had a damn nightmare just now ><i dreamt that im going to face my death o.omeaning to say, i know im dying soon and im waiting for it .. or perhaps finding ways to avoid the death scary .. the dream resembles one movie .. haha ,im unclear about the contents of my dreams now .. -.- hais otherwise .. otherwise i may be able to write something about it .. but .. this dream is creepy?!how can i know when i will be dying ... ><ah! wateva .. every other day is a new day for me =)gonna go bugis with THAT 2 brats later on and we will probably window shop .. i dun wan to buy or spend too much on food anymore .. i have to save up =) so that i can go out with june ,to buy some decent clothings? haha my taste for fashion really ..*thumbs down* .. lol -.-=) oh yah, im thinking of getting myself a necklaces or choker ...><i wonder if we will take neos today or not .. haha o.o i wonder~no no no .. i have to save up .. but ..can i resist the temptation to try out that CRASY machine !? haha =)btw, im fine =) 
   p.s. why is my face so round o.o ?!
argh haah
11:27 AM
Sunday, March 04, 2007
hha YEAH ! A NEW SKIN FOR YEAR 2007 ,finally ! wahahah this skin is quite cool .. so i suppose u will see this skin frequently when u blog hop around ?? im planning to make my own blog skin .. but well .. its kinda hard ...saying is always easier den doing ..anyway, went to xuelin's house today .. hahashe din change much ,but im happy to see that she's erm,still vibrant ? haha ,just like last time .. she can keep smiling and laughing =) heeso today, we have spent our whole afternoon watching CLICK and FINAL DESTINATION 2 for the 2nd time at her hse .. haha cos we have actually watched them at my house yesterday( just that we bring the vcds to xl's house today agn ,so we happened to watch it agn, since xl has never watched them before+ we are free+the movies are really nice =) )it's always good to see her again =)so sharon, when can i go ur house =)oh, i feel like a freeloader today =\ so paiseh >< anyway, its good to watch those movies twice too .. cos i can understand those movies more when i watched it for the 2nd time .. haah=\ bored? no? i dun wan to =)maybe ,it's time to hook onto the maplestory agn ,hahajust joking~~~~~oh yah~ i have a pet too =)yeah ,a bird this time around ! haha NO MORE UNWANTED POPUPS ALRD ,I ASSUME ! =)
12:40 AM
Thursday, March 01, 2007
OMG, i have finished all of my CNY hongbaos $ unknowingly ..O.O i dun rmb buying anything AH, i know alrd.. i have spent it on food and this dAmn project .. haha, its over FINALLY, and i have been waiting for this DAY ..=) YES! i can finally PLAY =), have a good rest and slp until 2pm =) waaha
anyway, i went to bugis with ling after today's presentation. We didnt do much ,but we have a great time together .. hah oh yesh, the sickening heel(not very high one) is causing 1 HUGE soft blister on the last toe of ling's both foot -.- ..i have some blisters too ,but mine are not as .. erm horrible as hers ><.. haha den as u know, theres a large neoprint machine shop at bugis,so how can we miss THIS GREAT OPPORTUNITY to take some neos (so as to celebrate for the ending of our studio project! YAY) =) we have tried this CRASY(its name) machine TWICE.. =\ TWICE!!! JUST TO TRY OUT THE "DOUBLE"MODE! ARGH, IN THE END, I ..I CHOSE THE SAME,WRONG MODE AGN! ARGH! totally spoilt my mood.. but seeing her face save the day =)? =) "love" her =) haahaa shes cute =) =) the bottom one is our first attempt =\
er..but theres not much of difference in the neos between both
7:57 PM
Yours Truly
known as "yam" in cyberspace, not becos i love yam, but the color..
haha nah .. just becos ..
i think u can guess the reason behind it.
currently studying ~~
busy, yet available to go out? xP
my belief : Actions speak louder than words. DO IT, don't JUST TALK about it .
cos TALK IS CHEAP. ^^ ATNA sucks xP.
bit by bit, day by day,
we can ,and gonna be stranger AGAIN ~
tell yourself this:
contact lens!
TRY -spa/pedicure/manicure
more Tees(my aim:<$<10!)/li>
black shorts
CROPPED cardigan*
more PSPgames!!!<3
canvas shoes(black)
happiness & love
keepINTOUCH with friends
LOVEmyfamily MORE
A part-time job
THATpairof VINTAGEearrings!!
PIERCEear(my right ear)+ one more on my left's
bracelet-like WATCH
kawaii/black EARSTUDS
a healthy relationship
MUSIC BOX(da toy shop_orchard)
polariod camera!
black,white,grey,purple,orange and NEON COLORS
<3 family and friends
people LOVE and CARE for me
mocha frappe, or any chocolatey drinks/food
chill by the river, i love night sceneries
YOU,to spend time with me
MONEY! of cos
a job in the NEAR future
I hate, MY hates
people who make EMPTY PROMISES
jerks and bitches
tell me, is it so hard to achieve all that?! xP
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Software: Macromedia Flash Pro 8, Adobe Illustrator
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Layout © Xavqior