Thursday, January 25, 2007
OK .. I WAS DAMN DAMN DAMN UNLUCKY TODAY ...YES TODAY ,JANUARY 25 ,A THURSDAY @#$@#$!@#$!@#!@#!@#!@#!@#!@HAIS EVERYTHING WENT SO NOT SMOOTHLY FOR ME TODAY 1) the discussion for my assignment went wrong ,very wrong we wasted ALOT OF TIME just to quarrel over some tonal value for our drawings 2) was nearly knocked down by a bus 3) boarded a should-be-going-to-jurong-east train, yet was informed that it's stopping at yishun mrt station instead . We were fooled .The train continued to travel .Thanks to yanling ,for being for clever this time round4) was terribly late for many assignments .. no lecture today ,yet stayed up until 7+ in school (by right, i should be able to reach home at 2+5) just realise that there are 2 assignments for me to hand up 2mr ROTTEN SH!T HAHA i tot i can sleep early ,and wake up late 2mr ..IN THE END , MORE of my ENERGY IS DRAINED physically and emotionally -.-SICK
8:20 PM
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
have been yawning for uncountable times today ,due to the FEW hours of sleep i had, yesterday,or perhaps this morning -.- *a BIG YAWN* agn'=\ oldie , i look like a old ladyhais saddened=\ things cant be so wonderful and perfect for me ..and im right , i was living in a dream all along ~o.o skipping lecture tomorrow again ..=\well ,its DRAWING lecture this time round .. so it shall not be that important also ..im so tired,who doesnt feel that way too ?ha
10:37 PM
Monday, January 22, 2007
some things are too good to be true ..way too good`maybe all these are my hallucinations when some unexpected things happen, i will rub my eyesand disbelieve the reality <3hate those people ,who try to manipulate me..oh yah i think there are some crap people ,who will owalse think that they are the only ones that are having PROBLEMS in their life ..im not referring to any of u ,who is viewing my blog =) haha
9:48 PM
Sunday, January 21, 2007
sometimes i feel so wrong in every paths of my life =/maybe only the pure and simplest things, can make me smilei cant catch up the pace of the othershow? im lagging behind ..lingling said im independent once again ..cant i ask for some companion?hais
9:11 PM
you can only see me with this clip HERE .. count urself fortunate ! hahabtw, the previous entry should be written on sunday(which is today,21st jan) .. but due to some unknown time errors ,my blog treats it as a saturday post ..haha =\ sian .. haben bathe yet =\ .............................but hais ,tata, have to bathe soon =( =( sadden =( no motivation to pull me to the bathroom =\ =\ b O r E d
1:20 PM
somehow i feel so tired after all those eating and playing ..=\just thinking how u could do without me ..=( days of agony are coming in 1 day time ..argh .. i hate monday ..perhaps tomorrow gonna be a special one =\ bored ,yet buzy ..gosh i so wanna take neos with my friends again .. but somehow, i know its an impossible mission =( hais .
1:04 PM
Saturday, January 20, 2007
AH .. slacked TOTALLY today =Xman ..but at least i did something productive today ~WATCHED "THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA"=) and love this movie entirely =)haha although this is a musical kind of movie, i can understand the storyline atleast! Also, i am able to appreciate those musics okay =\~no larh .. i think i really love their singings =) ohyah, i love to look at the main actress's mouth when she was singing ..so sexy haha ,no larh, i think her lips are so perfect =)sth random: ate chilli crabs today =) *BURPS!*met my satisfaction
10:48 PM
Friday, January 19, 2007
*yawns*i really loathe last minute cancellation .. but i cant do anything to reverse the situation ..so i shall have lingling's LIKE I CARE attitude to face this kind of situationaiyer wateva .. my eyes are heavy now.. yet i dont have the urge to sleep ..hais.. anyway i have nothing to say ..im happy that the deadline of maya assignment is postponed to next wk, which means i have one more week to complete ..On the other hand, i will have one more assignment for me to handle with .. wth .. my 3D character ,which is for my maya assignment, looks stupid enough when it's being compared with my classmates' .. aiyer, how come im feeling lucky and unlucky at times?maybe its a bliss to be naive in some ways ,just like babies ..All they do is to sleep and eat everyday .. how nice +) moreover ,fat = cute , in their case ..haha well ,tomorrow is going be my resting day =)
10:33 PM
Thursday, January 18, 2007
anyone has any idea why cant i screenshot those scenes that i want in that certain vcd played..why is this so ?i cant screenshot that FUNNY MOMENT down in Jackie Chan's Around The World In 80 Days !oh man~wad a letdown -.- haiswad a boo boo o.o~~its a small world afterall .. its a small world afterall ..its a small small world afterall~~its a small smALL SMALL SmAlL world afterall ..SMALL small SmAlL sMaLl world !?
4:12 PM
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
: (haiyah why ask for something that keeps running away from you?i only want to ask for something/someone who can stay by my side ,whenever i need a shoulder ..whoa this girl is despo o.oha joking ..nobody is replaceable for anybody o.ohaiyah im damn bored nowwwwwww ...................................reason being .... NO IDEA ..maybe .. is becos joyce is busy, and im stuck down here,being bored,with almost nothing that can interest me o.o HAAH sickening larh~ haha so she called me today (so unexpectedly ,actually) ,and blabbered and fed me with tons and tons of informations on ite and her future .. i was like WOW ! she has planned well for her future. What about me then ? absolutely NOTHING at this very moment ..shes going to uni, and i believe she can make me .. wad about me ?a "gone-caser" lololololololol anyway, nid to chill someday leh .. so suki is not a bad idea !! =)c'mon, find one day quick~ i wanna stuff my stomach and my everything with sushi ,and sleep like a log .. and has a life of a pig =), nah ~piglet is betteri dun wan to grow up, and i dun wan people to grow old tootime, FREEZE ! ..haha if i were to have the power.....
10:19 PM
my heart skips a beat .. i hope my brother is alright must stuff him with food that has HIGH CALCIUM!
10:08 AM
Monday, January 15, 2007
HAIYAH ! so LUCKY , my online friend is still LIVING on this earth ..im so scared that that sec 2 online friend of mine will end his life, just becos of some minor probs in his life ..i will be SO sinfuL if he really ...*choy choy * -.-anyway, today i was FORCED to choose my specification by 5pm today ..THUS, rash decisions were made ..SO SICKENING LORH ... COULDNT they just give us AT LEAST ONE day to decide ..MAN~ sick sick .. anyway, my 1st choice is ANIMATION, followed by INTERACTIVE MEDIA DESIGN (no high hopes for it ) and lastly, GAMES ..=\ wateva it is .. the choice is MADE .. and i will have to live with it LIVE IT OR LEAVE IT (haha how rhyme yeah? hahahah)o.o my tear glands are getting more and more sensitive o.o hais ~ anyway, hana kimi ROCKS o.owu zun is so suave! gosh larh ! no more zhang dong liang .. hahahaahhaahman~ hahh
how can i understand u ,when i cant even understand myself .. maybe, my life is crooked ever since i have made the first choice on my own .. is this my desired course ? am i so naive to believe that all human beings are kind hearted .. NAIVE .. AM I ONE ?i hope not
10:46 PM
Sunday, January 14, 2007
currently living in a dream ..and im waking up soon ..why is this happening once in a blue moon ONLY ?haha greedy meok i know nuts about cropping when it comes to PAINT .. thus, pardon me for those .. white spaces HAHA =X paiseh neh~  haiya~ poor cropping =X YAY QUALIFIED O.O ! =)
1:31 AM
Friday, January 12, 2007
weird ..i should be feeling very happpy since the weekends are approaching in less den a hour time .. but why, why am i feeling so ... complicated o.o ?dilemma ~i wanna go, i dun wan to go ..the fear of rejection is acting up in me all these whileomgosh .. how fragile can i be o.o HAHAno way man .. no way u can break my hearto.o emotionless pls =)yeah! went causeway point with lingling agn !and get to taste the chocolate coronet .. =\realise sth .. the coronets at bpp are better .. papa breads' (? gosh, not sure of the shop name) CREAMPUFFS are AMAZINGLY tasty too !
11:07 PM
花样少年少女muacks~ lalaim watching epi 8 2mr ~~ wee ... hope that epi 9 can be uploaded REAL SOON human beings are weird .. they tend to reach out for unreachable things ..when you lose it ,you will miss it ..when you have it, you will take it for granted ..L I F Ewhat will u do ,when you can no longer see me in ur life?would u care? haha maybe ,i should get a life soon .. and quit the reliance on u .. i dread the dependence in the very me ..thus ,from now on ,the best thing is being not affected by any of ur moves ..im still the may u know, just that ,im trying to learn how to let things go ..and let it easy ~im sure u cant understand how im thinking right now .. you must be thinking that i have given up on u .. wateva .. the loads of misunderstandings has became the barrier between us =)
12:17 AM
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
im hooked onto 花样少年少女 from NOW onwards HAHA nice .. its another comical drama ,that teenagers will be interested in ..anyway =) i was happy that yanling was able to fork out a lil of her time to go 'WINDOW-SHOPPING' with me ,at lot one .. HAHA actually, i really cherish her alot ..i realised ,SO FAR, shes the ONLY one that can allow me to be at ease whenever i go out with her .. shes a friend ,who wun gif me pressure when i din talk .. who will care at the right moment, with right actions ..sometimes, she may be so blurred that she din notice the tinge of sadness on my face ,but she can somehow know that im feeling down or etc ..i LIKE HER ! hah =) she can brighten up my day with some stupid,yet cute actions of her .. HOW I WISH .. REALLY .. sometimes HOW I WISH I CAN BE AS SATISFIED AS HER ..how i wish i can ..NOT ask more of life .. anyway anyway anyway .. im happy that yanling CAN spend time with me ! although we din go till very late or take any neoprints, the time we spent together is enough =) ..oh yah! and i tried THE SALMON FRIED RICE ? from PEPPER LUNCH today! =x HOWEVER i 4GOT to take a photo of it .. i think i was too excited =\ ..erm.. and i dun quite like it =\ opps .. cos i find it too expensive for me .. but nvm !haha treat it as an experience HEHEEE cos at least i HAVE TRIED something from PEPPER LUNCH BEFORE ! wahahah .. ok im mad =\my online friend says im high tonight ..well ~erits a mask .. =\
ok larh, all these pics are taken in yr 2006 o.o hee
can feel the 'fun' ? ha
8:35 PM
Sunday, January 07, 2007
@@ wheres my do-homework mood !!!!!!sick sick HAIS =\ the future is troubling me o.o haha only nachos/meesua cure o.o ..hmm .. may be not .........................................................im bored o.o ,but has lotsa assignments in my hand o.oGOSHboring~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i wan to buy a long sleeve top o.o !! o.o aiyer ..this taurus is irritating
9:32 PM
let pictures do the work ..words shouldnt be used by me ..oh btw,..procrastination is progressing =\      im looking at yah~  hee saw tHOSE DIFFERENT ME ? IN AWE ? haha o.o ZZ diao i noe.. im TRYing to cultivate the mood to do my assignment o.o yeah i have fun .. so bye o.o
3:32 PM
WOW .. !how can i turn HER down? aww o.o ....... haoh man~ i have a blurred faceohyah~ before i forget, HERES A PICTURE OF MY BABY.. CUTE O.O hahahahahah
1:23 PM
the day was fun ,when it filled with entertainments, with ur dearest friends .. for me, they are the ones.. WOW haha .. see how they 'die' in each other 'weapons'.. HAHA comical .. indeed =)
close up
3AM now .. anyway .. pictures for YESTERDAY - a fun day eating out ,a adventurous day at TOY"r" US!
 cutie hah , cramped face o.o  cute pandas on the shoulders .. haha .. aiyo .. i was thinking how blissful are the children nowadays ...=\ haha there are so many newly created ,creative games (either boards or cards)that i have nv tried b4 .. once again ,i felt like a country pumpkin walking in a modern toy store ..haha anyway, its a nice experience =) errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr luckily blogger has this 'recover post' thingy, otherwise i guess i will blow my top ! .. -.- blogger closed down on its own all of a sudden .. omgosh .. SICK .. ok fine it destroyed my mood for blogging .. so sayonara .. o.o will try to modify 2mr .. 3.32AM now <-- makes me so not motivated to blog on =)
3:25 AM
Saturday, January 06, 2007
 see how EMPTY is the train haha .. o.o im alone in that car neh .. =\it was 9pm+ then ~~ o.o hah ,lrt stn was crowded ,though
11:03 AM
Thursday, January 04, 2007
this is my ideal dinner .. that's ENOUGH .. really ..! perhaps NO .. i want more of these !! haha i simply love that HERBAL CHICKEN SOUP .. OMGOSH ,i LOVE BITTER STUFFS ! why did i say that ?COS ... i love MOCHA ,DARK chocolates , ER those kind of HERBAL soups (SLIGHTLY bitter will do ,for soups) =) yummy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~but hey! i love swt stuffs too ! hee aint i a suitable person to fall in love ..? love is in the midst of sweetness and bitterness .. LOL o.o hahah  LOOK ! WHAT HAS MY BROTHER DONE TO MY CHRISTMAS PRESENT ! .. RUBBERBAND EYE BAGS FOR MY SEAL ! HOW CUTE ! HAAH o.o *hugs~!*
3:13 PM
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
bad news and good news ..yay ate nuggets
10:16 PM
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
sch is reopening 2mr shld i moan or celebrate for it ? hahaNUGGETS!no more slping-to-12pm days ~
10:03 PM
Monday, January 01, 2007
its a new year !i guess ,its time to change my blogskin someday ..somethings happened so unexpectedly..similarly, my brain will function at unexpected moments too .. or i shld say .. i am always thinking so much about everything around me ..why is she doing this .. ? why din she do that to me ?anyway..those 2 qns are just examples .. what i am trying to portray is ... every small,insignificant actions that people do ..has greatly affected me o.o in some ways .. o.o feel stresseD? nah i dun think u all will, hahamy handfone was dead flat yesterday .. so its A BIG PITY that i cant capture those beautiful fireworks down .. so .. hope to get some pics/videos from joyce someday soon .. i was glad to watch that 'golden fountain'(i name the firework o.o) once again .. > to be frank, i really think that it doesnt pay to be kind .. im not asking for something in return for my kindness (o.o not really 100% kindness, nvm wateva), but its like people are so blind that they can fail appreciate and think that those @#$@#$@# pple are gd ..
do u noe what i have learnt thru my teenage years .. the best way to gain respect + attention from pple ,is to have ur own opinion + ur own special char .. but why are my friends thinking that im have changed, and not liking the way i m right now .. what's worse is they are afraid of me now .. do u noe what i feel ? i feel like a slave in the past .. im like only have the right to nod and agree to their decisions o.o haha nvm ~ cos thats how i think .. i know for the most of the time, they are making the right decisions too .. so .. im ok .. and will say "anything" or "ok" to their suggestions .. sometimes ,i hate my own horoscope ..no more ..!~ i will try to love my horoscope more this yr ..
i wanna go on a holiday .. i wanna draw more ..
i have to understand this logic ..- YOU CANNOT GET WHAT YOU EXPECT ALWAYS .. JUST BE SATISFY WITH WHAT U HAVE .. and pls , for somebody ..
dun make me misunderstand .. I REALLY HATE MISUNDERSTANDINGS ..
ok all in all =) happy new year ~!
im fine again ! thanks all ~! sorry for all the craps above .. but i feel alot better now haha
6:11 PM
Yours Truly
known as "yam" in cyberspace, not becos i love yam, but the color..
haha nah .. just becos ..
i think u can guess the reason behind it.
currently studying ~~
busy, yet available to go out? xP
my belief : Actions speak louder than words. DO IT, don't JUST TALK about it .
cos TALK IS CHEAP. ^^ ATNA sucks xP.
bit by bit, day by day,
we can ,and gonna be stranger AGAIN ~
tell yourself this:
contact lens!
TRY -spa/pedicure/manicure
more Tees(my aim:<$<10!)/li>
black shorts
CROPPED cardigan*
more PSPgames!!!<3
canvas shoes(black)
happiness & love
keepINTOUCH with friends
LOVEmyfamily MORE
A part-time job
THATpairof VINTAGEearrings!!
PIERCEear(my right ear)+ one more on my left's
bracelet-like WATCH
kawaii/black EARSTUDS
a healthy relationship
MUSIC BOX(da toy shop_orchard)
polariod camera!
black,white,grey,purple,orange and NEON COLORS
<3 family and friends
people LOVE and CARE for me
mocha frappe, or any chocolatey drinks/food
chill by the river, i love night sceneries
YOU,to spend time with me
MONEY! of cos
a job in the NEAR future
I hate, MY hates
people who make EMPTY PROMISES
jerks and bitches
tell me, is it so hard to achieve all that?! xP
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