Tuesday, November 28, 2006
drained ,physically and mentally ,ONCE again i should get used to this kind of lifestyle if i wanna survive in this course .. my back and neck are aching now, even though i didnt do any excerise ~ omgosh how bad is thaT?! i believe my lifestyle MUST BE very UNHEALTHY NOW .. haha cos i nuggets daily[as in buy $1 nuggets everyday] (if possible) .. -.-yet without excerising ..!! + PLUS .. sinful man~ despite saying, imSTILL not stopping his lifestyle of mine -.- cant help it .. i died in the hands of procrastination -.- and after MONTHS of sem 2 , its time to face the music .. haha as in, its time to get back my grades for my assignments .. Sad to announce, i failed one of it -.- ,whereby i received a 'F' -.- for my storyboarding module -.- hais .. im so not skilled in drawing cute little stuffs man` now, im thinking that my drawing skills is deproving ,and thats so saddening~ i cant seem to draw the things i want o.o .. tuesday, is such an unlucky + stressful day for me... simply becos its a day which i have lots to finish and hand in !! most importantly, my sotoryboarding + typography TUTORIALS fall on this day(tues) ...ARGGGHHH stresss arh .. just let me relieve my stress okay ~~~ STRESS STRESS STRESS ...!!!! stresss stress stresss st resss stresss stresss ~~~~ erm eh shld be done LOL
9:12 PM
Sunday, November 26, 2006
yesterday,which is saturday,the 25 of nov), i went PS with joyce and huiqi .. baby bittergourd? nah~ its .. i forgot the name =)
yeahs~~ finally some pics ,yah !? haha
1:56 PM
oh~ JUST HOW STRAIGHTFORWARD IS THIS CRUEL OUTSIDE WORLD IS ?! when you can benefit pple, pple will swarm over to you and treat you nicely ... hoping you can help them wif what they need .. but.. when you are in trouble and need someone to reach out a helping hand, everybody will turn their back to you and think that you are bullshitting(ignoring you) how harsh is this outside world .. its just a simple request, and you cant even help .. haha no wonder i have no place in ur heart -.- i feel so stupid .. or i feel so like an atm ~ im not your mother okay .. im not complaining about the treats that i have been giving for the past few yrs .. im just feeling so upset that you will ONLY treat me nice when you are in need of something i have .. thats so sick .. at times, i tried to curb my feelings ,trying not to be so stingy .. i thought im being selfish for complaining ,whenever i lend u sth ... somehow i realised~ im wrong 0.o perhaps in ur eyes ,im just a money tree? i dunoe !? or even a genie, to you, to grant you anything that is within my capability .. i dun mind~! yet ,at the same time, u chose to ignore my feelings .. haha and ridiculously, i know you dont have to rely on me .. i know you('ll) have TRUCKLOAD of pple waiting for you to rely on them .. being used - is just my very core hatred .. you can use me, but u have to cherish me at the same time .. i will treat you the way you treat me .. *SLAP her FACE* im a selfish brat ..
1:33 PM
Friday, November 24, 2006
lead a life of a follower~ why am im always doing the things pple ask me to do ? o.o haha i m a sheep aka mehmeh~ aiyer .. initially, i thought i can have a fabulous dinner at AHJISAN(dunoe how to spell~) today ... and have a great time sucking the noodles into my mouth .. IN THE END ..PUI .. the meeting at ajisan is cancelled -.- hais .. no more ramen ~=( argh .. my favourite~ if they didnt mention abt ajisan, maybe i will not crave for ramen so much .. HAIS .. craving craving craving .. drools~ my whole lots of assignments are bugging me now =\ boo these assignments . they spoil my weekends everytime =(
8:31 PM
Thursday, November 23, 2006
sometimes, talking is really redundant/useless to certain pple .. cos no matter how pple talk sense in them, they will still absorb NOTHING in the end .. so my conclusion is .. :HOPELESS CASE - no use psycho-ing them to do according to what i've said cos they wun take pple's advices into consideration .. FEDup.. Im really irritated with those kind of pple hais . a simple conversation with them ,just make my blood boils .. are they taking my words seriously or not ..!? i always qns myself that .. random:im feeling dizzy now ..perhaps its due to the gas that i inhale o.o lol.. anyway, one week is over going to end again .. 2mr is going to be friday .. @@ and i think i will probably help joyce with her maple character from 10am to 2pm(hopefully), so that her 2x experience card will not be wasted hais .. im really troubled over joyce's financial o.0 now, its like she's been the breadwinner in her family o.0 hais ,thus, she keeps on mentioning how broke she is .. and here i am ,not able to do anything but say some CRAPPY comforting stuffs to her .. i think she's not appreciating ~ 0.o cos .. its like my oh-dun-be-like-that advices dun seem to work .. i know i dun have the power to console/make her feel better .. hais . i feel so useless LOL .. ZZZZZZZ i din manage to slp yesterday .. perhaps i shld say i slept for 2hrs+ yestersday ,just to CHIONG my drawing again ~ but i din regret .. i m so proud of myself summmore ~~ cos i can actually resist the temption to sleep, rather than surrender to the dream god .. LALA crap crap .. i just know that i have to blog ... ZZ
8:32 PM
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
better day .. today is indeed a better day.. ate ROASTED chicken rice .. as usual, got teased by the tutor of my stupid-and-not-gd-enough idea agn o.o i have resigned to my fate, yet not giving up ! haha i am still having thoughts to impress him and everyone else ! why isit that the grass at the other side of the fence ALWAYS look greener ? am i asking too much at times ..? should i be satisfied with the things i have now? YESH ,to both qns 0.o CHERISH everything, may =) HOW I WISH I CAN jot my every emotions down on the paper .. its hard+challenging okay~ its time to charge my battery, thus TATA =) lalalalala .. somehow,i got really disappointed when certain things didnt happen .. at the same time, i was glad that it didnt happen .. my burden is lessened, i guess i should really start on my drawing .. OH MAN .. shouldnt i be on my bed now ..?! its 1.45AM .. GOSH
1:39 AM
Monday, November 20, 2006
i just wanna pray .. pray hard that everything will be fine tomorrow .. pls ~ i will do my part =\ AHHH im having STORYBOARDING and TYPO tutorials 2mr 2 STRESSful modules ... ahhH jz ..nothing will stay
8:32 PM
Sunday, November 19, 2006
i so wanted to make this blog UNKNOWN to EVERYBODY .. haa but somehow, for some reasons, i didnt~ perhaps i have been moody today again . the emotional ,crappy feeling rose up agn .. thus ,i dun have the mood to open up my mouth and crap .. or even to talk .. i just want to remain silent and listen to what the others say .. ~~~~~~~~~~~ emo emo emo i love listening to pple's conversation, without participating .. i think its interesting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i dunoe whats into me .. are my assignments bothering me ? i dunoe . i cant even understand myself .. how can the others comprehend me then ? =\ i deserve the situation im in .. i din blame anyone, except myself =) sometimes.. isolation may be best solution for me ,as i wun have to bother so much.. be my friends' feelings or their views of me .. argh i dunoe .. i dun wish to know also .. i wish i can heck what the others are thinking .. i hope i can live in this world by myself .. i hope i nv grow up and understand anything .. i hope ..... i m not born to this world =) and of cos .. i reallly hope nobody will worry for me anymore and let me fade away .. haah .. just leave it be ? =) i will feel guilty for making pple worry for such person ,like me .. haha =X im not worthy =)
8:03 PM
hha in order to compensate myslef for the past few days ~~ i shall ... SPAM MY OWN BLOG o.0 this ,doesnt sound nice o.o haha i jz wanna say .. something cant be spelt .. im confused .. i have no idea what i want .. =( just , help me =\ .. decide
2:07 PM
im DEAD .. arghh !!~~~ ~~~ ~~
2:05 PM
Thursday, November 16, 2006
ZZ was fed up today .. with myself ,my friends, my tutors, basically .. EVERYTHING.. perhaps im being moody again .. nothing seems to please me .. in fact ,everything annoys me .. (thats how i feel this morning ,till this afternoon ONLY larh~) afterwards, when im released from the drawing tutorial and reached LOT ONE to buy an iced cappuccino, my feelings became as cool as the drink .. hah (afterall, i think i still prefer MOCHA, ITS MY CUP OF COFFEE *TWIST!*) once again, i pon the 6pm LECTURE today(on thurs) .. cos its really ridiculous for us to attend it as the morning tutorial ends at 11AM .. ,which means we would have a SIX HOURS break .. -.- thats ridiculously long ..LOL ..its such an impractical planning @@ so we asked somebody to tap our landyard(our identification card -.-) in order to mark our existance i feel pretty guilty for not going for the lecture .. but the moment i reached home, my mindset changed completely o.0 omgosh -.- hais .. i dun have the slightest bit of self-discipline ,which is such a saddening fact` i love DRAWING MORE AND MORE ! REALLY .. i think i see some improvements in me ,as in my drawing~ =)
8:33 PM
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
ARGHHH !!! VIRUS IS ATTACKING MY EVERYTHING ! I HATE IT !! my tummy is affected, blog is affected, and even my blog is affected by it ! ZZ i went to the loo thrice in the day ,the moment i reached home.. until now, my stomach still feel uneasy -.- eh, sch has been so-so so far~ i wun expect much .. but my minimum expectation for my ALL of my assignments is a PASS okay -.- gosh .. i must, MUST HIT THE PASSING line ! its a SHORT entry >< heeheee =") moody, i have no idea what i want now .. clueless.. and i love this phrase : MADNESS DRIVES ME .. *scratch my head* dun ask me why =\ argh~~~~~ my blog has problems !
8:45 PM
Monday, November 13, 2006
haiyah~ yesterday was a LALA day .. in fact ,THESE few days are my lala days .. i felt so relaxed these few days, as though there aint any assignments for me to meet e deadline perhaps im too drained from the previous wk of SUFFOCATING LOTS of assignments im happy that now, im left with 2 assignments to do .. the procrastinator in me is acting up again .. arrgh i dun feel the sense of urgency to complete work .. thus ,i guess there will be more nights for me to burn midnight oil .. maybe i should be a CHINA panda, so that i can heck care my dark circles ,and concentrate on eating my bamboo shoots -.- no link ~ anyway, life isnt happening at all .. @@ down down down .. nothing is HIGH at all haha .. -.- thus ,no elaboration is needed 0.o the more i wan to hold on to sth, the more it will slip away from me .. hence, the best solution may be letting go ~ argh, just dont ponder so much and dont ask for too much
9:02 AM
Sunday, November 12, 2006
picture of my class partying !~ see that whole lot of chicken CHICKEN meat on the hotplate .. they are salty PUI 0.0 and to my surprise, i drank 2 cans of drinks yesterdaY! haha why is it so surprising? its simply bcos this MAY here doesnt drink water MUCH .. so i guess this is a surprise to me o.0 fine` crappie .. oh not to 4get ,we had 3 containers to fill with prawns+crabs ..Why are they put in a container ,and not the plate? ARGH good question =) .. cos prawns + crabs can ONLY be taken ONCE ,with those containers .. so ONCE TAKEN, GONE! to my disappointment also 0.o, i didnt have a chance to sink my teeth into those BIG AND JUICY PINCHERS(crabs) as they are way too valuable that they can only be offered to those BIG SHOTS in my class .. argh joking =) a fun thing to do there is to get a LIVING prawn cooked on the hotplate ,haha another machoist act .. goodness ~~ i can see the prawn was struggling on the hot HOTplate @@ and its struggle is redundant HAHA 0.o how can it escape from our evil clutches .. ACTUALLY, the main objective of yesterday shld not be on the buffet, BUT on the birthday girl ,MAY ! HAHA yet she arrived late ,so the moment she was there, almost everyone was bloated from all the binging on the CHICKEN ! gosh larh .. we took too much chicken in the 1st place @@ .. Soon, we had our dessert ,which is her CHOCOLATELY BIRTHDAY CAKE =)) my favourite! CHOCOLATE! At that moment ,we were lacking of plates @@ so we ended up eating the cakes with a thin piece of tissue paper ! its REALLY PATHETIC .. like what LINGling said," We can FEEL THE CREAM!~" can u imagine how THIN is the tissue .. argh mind you, that's facial tissue ,which explains why its so thin -.- aiyo my class nv plan everything ahead 0.o nvm .. as long as everything is fun, im cool with it =) so ~ some started playing CAKE FIGHT and ill be the audience =) ..however, i was unlucky still ,due to my itchy-hand sickness and 'ka jiao' somebody and landed into chocolately state (but much better than the others) . the cake (i guess from 4 leaves) was WAY TOO SWEET i think and one piece is ENOUGH for me and lingling too .. argh lingling doesnt have a sweet tooth ,poor thing 0.o i was thinking why cant people put on a glove while they are bbq-ing ,hot-plating, frying something .. those oil hurts .. @@ i was scalded from those oil/butter while trying to cook my CHICKEN .. @@ i guess i cant fry anything in the future~ everything must be done in mircowave oven 0.o LAST BUT NOT LEAST , MAY THU MAUNG, happy bdae! hah although you wouldnt be seeing this HEE =P i dun care .. =)
12:32 PM
Thursday, November 09, 2006
boo this quiz
=) i like the result,but still not very satisfying ZZ
11:57 PM
arggh ~! lets call it a daY ?! i supposed ,i can have enough ,or may be MORE than ENOUGH sleep FINALLY .. i had not been sleep well for days .. =) so much happier today than the past few days .. my back and shoulder have been aching recently ..perhaps, its due to the stress that im trying to cope with ,and the many,long hours that i spent in drawing, TRACING and thinking about ideas .. i really want to get my butt moving ,and go for swimming .. however, whenever the thoughts of my assignments strike my mind, well, swimming may not b the correct thing to do at this moment .. as supposingly, i should be lying on my bed now, close my eyes and have the CANDIEST dream in the whole universE ?! argh, i have to compensate my body for overworking @@ .. and of cos ,its time for me to award myself, to be able to complete every assignments i have for this week on time =) im so proud of that =) actually sometimes, sleep is nothing to me .. i mean i dun feel like sleeping sometimes .. i just feel that its such a time consuming "exercise" .. YET ..my eye bags and dark circles are emerging .. if i really wan to conceal them, i guess sleep is the best solution ..~i wonder what time i will wake up 2mr @@ i want to have MOS EBI RICE BURGER + ICE MILK TEA =\ == sickening,i got to buy one real soon ..im missing it so much >< i cant really rmb the purpose of this entry .. but well ,i still remember sth ..~ in .. perhaps in a half an hour time, somebody will be officially seventeen ~ haha and its U , SHARON MOHYONG YUMIN .. ahah HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY GIRL ! =) thanks for giving all the concerns and advices that i need .. you are once my bestest friend ,may be we are not anymore .. but i really hope this friendship of ours will sail on forever =) blehs ~ =)
10:58 PM
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
GOSH ~ WEI XIAO PASTA 's episode SEVENTEEN (which is the last one) IS OUT ! and i HAVE WATCHED IT .. argh ~ itss gonna be the last time im drooling over zhang dong liang (nicholas?) !! haha cos i dun think theres a wei xiao pasta 2 .. haha BUT NVM , i owalse believe that nice memories are being kept in my mind .. =) i like those kind of gentlemen >,<> anyway~ i have been SUPER DUPER busy 0.o and having less than 7 hours of sleep .. GOSH . i thought the standard amt of slp we shld have is 8 hrs -.- .. i have far too few hours of sleep ..What boils my blood is .. no matter how much effort i have put in for my assignments, the results are not satisfying .. hais ~my artpieces are still deemed as lousy and sloppy -.- ARGH .. @@ Fortunately, i wasnt ask to redo my 'redoed-alphabets' .. dun understand ? nvm .. i just loathe all those redoing processes T_T .. i m like redoing EVERY assignments that are handed to me -.- ~ theres no wonder that time is very enough for me =( thus, im here to leave some words for jy ( ;) ) to read .. since u love my blog so much *winks* lala HAHA pathetic, same , old routine of mine ... DRAW and THINK MORE is my aim for my everyday ~ =( boooooooooooooooooo its time to rush assignments again ~~ btw .. im quite happy as my burden/workload is lighten =) YEAH YEAH and i ate my favourite osyter meesua today?! theres an xtra osyter in it ! YES !HAH argh, i really want to prove HIM and anyone ,who thinks that im 'CMI' , wrong!! come on brain, generate more juicier ideas for me =\
7:18 PM
Saturday, November 04, 2006
im courting death =\ i had simply wasted a 24 hours to do my assignments.. not exactly 24 hours ,but hais . HAIS .. fine~ the prob now is ,i think im dead tomorrow is going to be another "chionging homework" day for me .. aiyer i dread this kind of stressful life .. i hate to meet the deadline .. i hate to do things bit by bit and relax, ONLY when all my assignments are completed .. why? cos i know, theres no end to my assignments .. there would be TONS of them stacking up ,one onto another .. once again ~im pressurized .. when i went to the DMD forum and SAW how MUCH ALL of my classmates did, while i did nothing still ~ im lagging behind them .. WHO CAN HELP ? who bothers to =( .. HAIS yeah i should be INDEPENDENT .. argh i hate THAT word .. oh ~ i had a GREAT workout at cck gym, with JOYCE and PECKFONG (i love to call her that still ><> Nonetheless, i had fun today =( (oh ,i feel guilty for not doing even a lil for my poster (assignment =( ) ) .. and regained the calorieS by having XXL CHICKEN, LARGE WHIPPED POTATOES and LJS COMBO ONE for DINNER .. oh ,and not to forget, MAC FLURRY for my dessert 0.o what a sumptuous meal o.0 ? yumyum~ my stomach is satisfied ,but my brain is not .. >< sinful arh sinful ~ procrastinate is sinful BOOOOO == i must burn midnight oil today 0.o
11:23 PM
oh~ i had a nice day ,eating,shopping (for food o.0) at orchard today 0.o and its a rather tired day for me too ,although all i did today was eating and slacking .. ZZ *yawns* bought a 8"manikin for me and another for ling~ and at artfriend, i was thinking to buy or not to buy the 12" one as its just $1.20 more to get it .. after much mind struggling, i chose to buy the 8" male one ..i was thinking that its more portable ,when its compared wif the 12" ,even though its more worthwhile to buy the bigger one .. argh~ nvm~ at least, i was able to save $1.20 for my food =) haha annd, im broke today .. i spent almost every single cents in my wallet today 0.o its such a saddening fact .. i even regretted for not bringing an extra $10 to taka ,since i would seldom go out with joyce .ever since my sem2 has started.. aiyer, thus, i DIDNT manage to have a bite at MOSburger =\ rice burgerS ~ i miss u .. haha and joyce seems to notice the NEW released OSYTER RICE BURGER 0.o ~ im like ,you sure or not? 0.o hais nvm~ i din have the $ to eat, so it doesnt matter much too =\ regarding the manikin that i bought, im loving it so much .. so much so that i was so eager to open it ,TOUCH IT and TWIST IT .. wahhhhh ~ = ) finally i managed to ,and imtouching it still .. haha i sound like a pervert .. anyway these are the photos of my new,beloved toy and.. ITS A BOY~! wahhhaahaha ![]() ![]() ARGH ~! DUN RUN AWAY FROM ME ! i think hes going to be handicapped soon .. cos when i was twisting and playing around with it, his right leg seems to have problems bending ~ i wonder if im too violent or is he being too 'fragile'? o.0 i just hope it can last for life =( .. the moon is pretty round and 'shiny' tonight =) oh well~ i cant post that pic up,for dunoe wad reason .. =P blehs fine
12:16 AM
Thursday, November 02, 2006
YAWNS~ ARGH i havent been getting the sufficient amount sleep~ so i wonder how am i going to produce my homework smoothly and wholeheartedly .. to be frank, i have been sleeping through some of the lectures this week .. my eye just wanna close on their own and the eyelids are so heavy that i couldnt keep them open anymore .. so BONK~ ZZZZZ-ing in the lecture~ argh i feel so bad about it, as i am missing out the important,essential informations i will get from the video that was playing during the lec.. HOWEVER ,somehow, the videos werent that interesting enough to keep me awake -.- HAIS .. or is my body hungry for some rest desperately .. i know i have to blame myself for all these as im procrastinating again .. despite me,having the idea of changing a new leaf (as in dun produce last min work) in my mind ..ARGH well said is ALWAYS EASIER than done -.- i tried to complete my work as soon/early as possible ..yet my homeworks always seem to be piling up ,higher and higher .. this is so suffocating -.- i m feeling like a 'wu gui mei' indeed! (haha only the ones ,who watched wei xiao pasta, will know this term, or u can use ur imagination and let it go wild o.0~) wateva~ time is never enough for me ,when the sch starts .. -.- sleepy eyes ,eye bags, restless look, being easily agitated, frustrated and stressful is what i have for these days o.0 maybe its due to my pms too HA =) .. its 3.14, and im listening to 'bei qi xing de yan lei' now~ well, i nv seem to be sick of this song as it can just play on and on ,without me ,feeling sick of this song (i think its for the time being, as im still pretty obsessed in that drama +) ) today is thurs, and if you all were to rmb, im having my DRAWING TUTORIAL today 0.o so ,fine, we were on time (or shld i say, the tutor is late =)) and its a guy model for the day ..and i still feel that the first model we had for drawing is really the best model ,that my class had seen ..as so far,the 1st model is the most suave and macho one haha =) ANYWAYanyway, this is not the main point .. what i wanna say about today is that..im recognised as one of the students with the better sketchbook.. better sketchbook, as in with better sketches done inside i supposed =) so happy can .. i love the DRAWING lesson so much... as i feel like improving whenever im doing one more gesture drawing =) and not to forget the tutor, who is there to ENCOURAGE us .. =) we, so need her encouragements .. or i m the one, whom need her encouraging .. she (my tutor) knew that right inside our heart, we are uncertain about ourselves, our drawings and stuffs ..thus, she was never tired from demostrating the right way to draw the gestures ..=) im glad to have such a thoughtful tutor =) oh ! and i was told to buy a WODDEN maniqueen (not sure about the spelling =\) do u know where can i get one from ?! i know i can get it from artfriend, but i dont want to make my way to so far ,when theres nobody to accompany me >< size="5">DO ANYBODY KNOWS WHERE I CAN GET THE WOODEN MANIQUEEN FROM, OTHER THAN ARTFRIEND? argh im goin to load some pics up soon 0.o ,i hope
3:05 PM
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
像断了线 消失人海里面 我的眼终于失去 你的脸 再等一会 奢望流星会出现 愿 如果真的实现 爱能不能永远 明天 或许来不及变 但曾经走过的昨天 越来越远 北极星的眼泪 说不出的想念 原来我们活在两个世界 北极星的眼泪 你哭红的双眼 被淋湿的诺言 淹没在心里面 我抬头看着爱不见 再等一会 奢望流星会出现 愿 如果真的实现 爱能不能永远 明天 或许来不及变 但曾经走过的昨天 越来越远 北极星的眼泪 说不出的想念 原来我们活在两个世界 北极星的眼泪 你哭红的双眼 被淋湿的诺言 淹没在心里面 我抬头看着爱不见 当对的人等不到对的时间 就在放放开手的瞬间 爱撕成两边 北极星的眼泪 说不出的想念 原来我们活在两个世界 北极星的眼泪 你哭红的双眼 被淋湿的诺言 淹没在心里面 我抬头看着爱 不见 整个宇宙都 流眼泪 歌词由 www.9ymp3.com 提供 argh, its such a meaningful song =) i love zhang dong liang~ haha 0.o man~ im fantasizing and idolizing him o.0 =) for my ideal another half (i were to choose) i will choose the one who cares for me ,rather than his look 0.o i would rather look for someone who is not that good looking(average kind=) ) cos i will have the fear of losing when i own something .. at least ,an average person wouldnt attract THAT much attention, when compared to a gd looking one .. argh im addicted to WEI XIAO PASTA 0.O it simply makes me fantasize about those wonderful fairytales that will nv happen in real life ... i love to watch tv so much can .. actually , i didnt regret watching it while neglecting my assignments and stuffs .. and i knew it very well that im LAGGING BEHIND TIME .. ZZZZZZZZ its time to get my butt,brain and hands MOVING .. gosh im looking forward to epi 17 of wei xiao pasta still argh . i cant shake wei xiao pasta off my mind >< .. pls upload wei xiao pasta up FAST argh otherwise i just cant concentrate and focus .. GOSH im in deep trouble.. someone,pls distract me with something else =( meaningful + touching lyrics = =) erm~ i cant the pics up 0/o
5:43 PM