Tuesday, October 31, 2006
ZZ i didnt sleep completely on monday's night @@ well~ i have been constructing a 3D "f" on monday and a "M" on tueday (which is yesterday) but i did manage to catch some sleep on tue .. so life is quite stressful .. hmm and this course of mine is getting harder and HARDER to cope with -.- man~ the assignments are piling up ,so are the questions and doubts i have for the assignments .. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ no more happy-go-lucky days for the next 6 months i think thus, i may not blog that often ,as blogging is really taking up some of my time 0.o and i need that 'SOME of my time' so much ..!! haha i want to relax,sleep,stone or even sketching during those time .. ha -.- i wanna go for buffet so much .. i miss the sushis ,ljs,oyster meesua and many more ~~ goodyGOODY .. oh bad news for today is, i have to construct my THAT TWO ALPHABETS again .. Zz the 'm' is expected to redo as i completed it in the nick of time -.- haha cos i managed to finish it ,just before my tutor called for me ZZ argh .. but im still feeling so sick when i knew my alphabets are not up to standard and have to be reconstructed -.- .. saddening .. well, so i get a C- for this constructing excerise BOOO -.- am i fated with Cs and Ds for my lifetime ~ ZZ i want BBbbb !! haah today ,im happy still cos i ate NUGGETS today! cos at least theres one to care for me ~ yippie~! wei xiao pasta is NICE .. OMGOSH ITS REALLY NICE LARH .. although cyndi is pretty act-cute in the show .. but when it's towards the episode 10+, its touching and they made me so envious of them as their love is soooooo sweet ,even though they nv really tell each other (as in look into each other's eyes and say out seriously) that they love each other BUT its really ,really obvious 0.o haha and i find zhang dong liang suave =) .. hes such a hero ~~ omgosh ..~ there are many scenes in the show that portray his chivalrous acts GOSH ... ><> argh in real life, there aint goin to have such a goody goody ,perfect guy in this world ( eeeeeeee the drama shows always ,ALWAYS have such person .. i dun believe that such person will exist X.X) .. haha i think thats why people have idols to idolize ,as in their minds, their idols seem to be perfect inside out o.0 ..argh crap .. anyway ,i feel so stupid that i can actually idolize a singer after listening to his/her song, or even after watching him/her (normally is him haha) acting the good guy in the show .. HOWEVER, i nv regret idolizing him/her/them for that period of time (watching that drama show) =) cause they are perfect ! haha their loyalty,thoughtfulness,bravery acts,unselfishness and every other goody goody characters they possessed ,are DAMN HARD to find in any other human beings o.0 not that is that hard, but it's ultra difficult to find a perfect person to love you o.0 not to mention ,im an imperfect person too =) ha see .. thats my greedy thought~ im expecting someone perfect to love me .. -.- pui larh haha when will such good fortune falls upon me .. wishful hope =\ argh i think i have watched too many dramas
9:22 PM
Sunday, October 29, 2006
back from jurong ~ oh ,today im supposed to meet lingling at je ..and yep ,im late again .. well, this time round is caused by my blurness+sotong-ness -.- i mistook 12.30pm as 11.30am .. and i was to meet her at 12.30pm so just now .. when it was i-thought-its-11.30pm ,i was sitting down, blog hopping, relaxing etc without realising that im actually late for the meeting -.- Fortunately, she called and confirmed sth with me ,and then i knew of the ACTUAL time -.- ZZZ i cannot trust the digital clock that was tickling away in my computer-.- its one hour SLOWER than the actual time .. in this case, i will be LATE FOR SURE .. gosh .. got to FAST forward the time real soon 0.o YET ,today is a fun day for me still =) .. we took a number of ARTISTIC pictures, *applauses~~* which are required for one of our assignment .. so okaY .. we spent our time at the lib ,thinking hard, squeezing every single drop of our limited brain juices out .. and TADA !! finally ~ 3 ideas ,which we thought are gd enough, were produced ! omgosh =) we are so proud of ourselves *shake head* three only , and we were taking like .. 3hrs ? omgosh haha of cos we had fun and had many great laughs over the photographing stuffs .. we laughed at how lame/creative we were ,based on our ideas .. haa maybe my thoughts are too negative ,that i can only think of one scenario ,whereby the pingpong ball+matchbox (combined and represented a man) and i shot it in a view that expresses depression i suppose , as the man is about to jump down from the building so as to commit a suicide and lingling thought that its an excellent idea =) LALALA hah its fun =), as in shooting pingpong ball+matchbox in a meaningful way 0.o initially, i wanna have a bite at ljs but hais ~ ling wanted to reach home fast to complete the other assignments .. i knew we were lacking of time but i simply dont have the mood or motivation to do those assignments .. i need someone to sit beside me and accompany me .. HAIS .. YANLING .. why dun u do ur letter construction with me .. oh ,that letter construction is my another assignment .. we were told to use artcards ,to build our 3D alphabets -.- man~ they wanna test my patience and art again ARGGH .. @@ grr i cant post my self-portrait up in blogger -.- Zz wads wrong with blogger ?! -.- so many assignments are due-ing in this coming week .. OMGOSH >< sickening =")" color="#ff6666"> I WILL ! =)
5:10 PM
http://www.lifetimetv.com/cgi/rsvp/game_window.pl nice,mind-boggling game .. -.- okay this is the third time blogging over the same thing -.- ZZ so i shall make this simple , short + swt ! hahaahahah i managed to complete the 8 tables ,with a score of 1210 .. BREAK IT! im sure you can =)
11:59 AM
Friday, October 27, 2006
i wonder what will tomorrow be? i mean, i wonder what i will be doing tomorrow? Will the original plan change ,like how it has changed last time? fine fine i have to adapt to those changes ,i shouldnt be so naive to believe in "forever" .. =) sometimes, i really feel sorry for those 2 headed snakes .. =.= *shake head* i feel that their actions are very pathetic .. they are so hungry for people's attention that they will resort to those despicable methods .. AYIER i cant stand them .. i feel like slapping them so much .. misunderstandings are always caused, when such people are around .. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeee i cant stand it .. aiyer, why must fiona xie be such person in chnl8 ,9pm show =..= i feel like smacking her so much .. OMGOSH .. come to think of slapping people, i think i have not really give a tight slap to anybody for yrs .. haha,its not as if i will slap somebody so hard ..but i dunoe why i love to mention about slapping so much 0.o anyway .. i hate those 2 headed snakes + hypocrites .. they are the same ,yah ?
9:57 PM
haha~ i shall not be a childish, selfish kid anymore .. i wanna change~ 0.o actually, i planned to work harder for my semester 2 .. i realised my standards are @@ .. when i compared with the others i realised that i always never conduct a REALITY CHECK for everything i want to do .. as in, the things i want to get ,the attitude that im expecting from the others and so on .. i wishfully think that all the things i want ,can gain through all the efforts+time we put in .. being hardworking can get you to somewhere, yet its may not somewhere that you wanna reach .. esp for my course? almost everyone in my course ,has a gd foundation for art? some are skillful at drawing, while some are gd in designing ..-.- what am i then -.- 0.o i wonder what will my standards be if i can strive through this semester and promote to year 2 .. hais~ why am i always find myself struggling in whateva i am doing -.- i am kind of sick of it .. yet it's full of challenging .. at the same time, im looking forward to the sense of achievement when i improve 0.o when will that day come =\ ? boo ! ![]()
2:20 PM
Thursday, October 26, 2006
im happy o.0 argh dunoe why .. but im a person, who needs assurance constantly or periodically? gosh -.- but i must say ,i love to hear mushy stuffs >< hee im glad that joyce is still able to call me after a day at work =) haha .. yesh i can feel the concern u are trying to give =) although she slept without saying "good night" today, i didnt blame her .. i used to be angry with her over this kind of minor stuffs ..as i feel that she is not giving me any respects .. i mean she knew she was going to talk on the phone with me later.. unfortunately, most of the time, she couldnt tolerate or stay awake to wait for my call .. NVM i shouldnt be talking about this .. this entry ought to be on a lighter note~ =) so back to i din blame her~ its tough for her i know ~ =( as standing for 1 hour ,can be torturous for me ,let alone 8hrs+ for her ? ZZ moreover, she was not given some time to have lunch .. OMGOSH if i were to be her, my stomach would grumble for the rest of my day and my mouth would never curve upwards willingly .. haha as you know~ as a salegirl, you have to smile and SMILE .. -.- aiyer hypocrities haha but no choice ,this is the reality =( you have to smile when you are serving your customers ,even if you are in your lousiest mood o.0.. OKOK what i m trying to say joyce has worked hard for her $ =( i hope everything can go smoothly for her =( ZZ hais .. so i supposed im staying at home everyday ..(after my schooling days and even my weekENDS!) i always look forward to FRIDAY and WEEKENDS larh!! but .. hais. .. things are different now i think ? =( joyce is unavailable from today onwardS?.. i thought .. i thought i will be able to meet her up more often as her holidays has started .. since 1 week ago? argh i dunoe .. somehow, im dependent on her ? haha i want her to organise everything ..as in outing and stuffs .. so that my days will be filled with fun+anything that is entertaining and fruitful ? oh ,if i didnt rmb wrongly, it has been some time since i went to her house and play =( i haben get my sweater back .. =( i left quite a number of things that she gave me at her house .. perhaps i should leave all of them with her ...since they were given by her .. so they are considered as hers also ? BLEHS .. -.- wateva argh i cant adapt to changes fast .. thus, pls give me some time =( nowadays ,i seem to have STM aka short term memory .. im like ,kept on repeating the same qns agn and agn .. but hey ! i really dun rmb that i had questioned that sth before? and that same person ,whom was being questioned by me repeatedly, got fed up .. and i o.0 .. and will ask myself a qns,"What's wrong?" omgosh .. what's wrong with my brain?! i think i seriously need a noteboook at ALL time ,so as to keep taking down IMPORTANT NOTES or any interesting stuffs =) sometimes, how i wish my memory is that BAD =) why cant i erase those ugly and painful memories from my mind .. SICK .. that stubborn brain of mine == ZZ wanted to post a pic of mine up .. but blogger simply disallow -.- fine .. dun post lorh .. big deal haha
10:25 PM
sorry .. i know most of my entries are negative but those are my true feelings that i want to put across to everybody, who cares for me .. i dont mean to make myself so miserable at those times o.0 yet the emotion is not easily controlled by us .. maybe its only me .. thats why i will lose control of my rational self when my mood just went @@ lousy ? anyway ,everyone is leading their own lives .. nevermind me .. why do u bother to make urself frown when u get to know more about my feelings .. you aint a psycologist r counsellor .. 0.o haha fine~ im taking the concerns, that you all have been trying to give, for granted .. my upper lip is itchy now ~ its probably bitten by some bugs or something .. or is it because of all the cursing and complainings i have for the past few years 0.o watsoeva 0.o anyway, im going back to sch in an half an hour time .. so i decided to blog sth before i leave ..~~ As scheduled, i had a 3hrs (actually is 2 hrs+ ,as the teacher is kind enough to let us have a morning break, as in to have our BREAKFAST =) ) drawing tutorials .. What we did today are the usual gesture drawings .. and it sucks =\ .. i simply cant sketch fast (in 1/2 minute) . HAHA >< off ="\" encouraging =")" in =")" conveniently =")"> eh back to the drawing tutorial ,the model that we had today is not as fantastic as the one before ..OPPS i know we are supposed to drawing the GESTURES only larh .. but hais ..im quite disappointed still .. HA ? eee yet ,im not that kind of person who go for looks .. just that .. AIYAH you know it yourself ..that all human beings prefer observing good-looking things/people .. i wouldnt deny that i will take a few more glances of beautiful pictures that i come across .. the beautiful pictures can be people with stunning looks or marvellous, perfectly captured scenaries .. =) at the end of the "day", we were given 3 tasks to do .. 1)SKETCH MORE IN THE SKETCHBK 2)CUT OUT 20 "HEADS" FROM MAGAZINES and DRAW in the sketchbk 3)2 SELF-PORTRAITS ..omgosh -.- i have to draw myself ,WITH MY FEATURES ON .. GOSH GOsh gosh ~thats quite a heavy load for me =( as i have other assignments to rush also~ aiyer but i want to watch movies =( sian ><> oh yah, something HAPPY to mention here .. my drawing tutor PRAISED me for my SKETCHES of the SKELETONS in my sketchbook ..THATS shocking ~ i thought .. haha .. and she knew, that im being EXTRA careful with my "skeletons" (as in drawing ;) ) and she told me that it's okay to make mistakes ?! haha is that a compliment or she is hinting something 0.o .. maybe i have talent in copying 0.o haha OH its because all the skeletons are COPIED from my "textbook" .. we were told that COPYING can be one of the practicing methods . However, TRACING is not allowed as thats considered as plagarism (wrong spelling o.0) .. 0.o its rainy now .. i love rainy days BUT definately not those, which are TOO heavy and with thunders .. ZZzzz i have to leave my house by 4.05pm and its 3.52 now ..so BYE .. =)
3:15 PM
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
i claim that EVERYONE ( or nobody ) can understand me .. on the other hand , someone claimed that i m NOT understanding her ,even for a tiny,weeny bit .. i feel redundant at times .. i just cant figure out .. why some of my friends can just make me feel ever so relax when im with them ,while SOME just simply give me stress, inferiority and etc .. i always thought friends are people, who are always there for you to lend you a listening ear ..,yet somehow i will feel otherwise sometimes -.- im not blaming or complaining about my friends here .. just that .. i dunoe why .. i just wanna jot it down.. Perhaps ,its due to the low self esteem 0.o .. i feel my world is rather revolved around my friends, instead of my family .. and i have regretted it .. One of my poly friends is a kind of homey person .. She loves to stay at home and spend her time with her family .. i wish i can be like her.. haha to be frank, i find myself stupid to be a doormat everytime .. doormat, as in being the messenger 0.o (help people to sms their opinions, instead of them doing it themselves), a maid ?(or even a slave?!) , being a i-need-to-be-there person o.0 .. am i ever that important in all of my friends' heart .. sometimes, i really wonder how important i am, to them?? am i just someone ,whom they can ask out ,so to fulfil that "the more the merrier" saying ~? gosh if that's really the case .. i will be lost for words.. so if that's really the true meaning of "friends" .. i rather .. not to have EVEN ONE .. for all i care .. i rather be a loner , be someone, whom will be forgotten and unnoticed by everybody soon not or later .. =) once again i will say , if you care ,things may not turn out to be like this .. that girl was suffering from a real sick, unwanted "illness" ...... something i MUST SAY.. i love my family - parents ,ma-ma~ and brother .. they love me and i love them .... seriously!!!! treat me the way you want me to treat you =)
9:38 PM
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
gosh @@
7:39 PM
i dont understand .. why cant human beings treasure what they are possessing/owning ? why will they normally realise the importance of the SOMETHING AFTER they have lost it ? sometimes, i find people, who are concerned about me, irritating and i will throw tantrums just to vent my frustation 0.o .. i will give them attitude and they will evetually think that it's useless and not worth it to give me that continuous care.Deep inside my heart, I yearn for people's concerns ,YET i dread when they over-do it .. as in keep bugging me and not allowing me to have a moment to catch my breath .. when i am really feel THAT suffocating, i will explore and ROAR!!which results.. everyone's leaving me one by one .. i consider that as one of my weakness .. i m too, over affected by my feelings and emotions .. When i feel that you are betraying/treating me unfairly , i will give u a cold-shoulder .. People may ask ,why are you making a big fuss over this minor problem ? i can truthfully tell u , i dont know why .. 0.o my gosh i act according to my feelings .. THATS REALLY BAD .. i will question myself frequently ,about my attitude, attire, feelings when i heard some comments or when something nasty happens ? i dunoe .. but im sure one can reflect upon oneself anytime, anywhere right ? Sometimes, i will think alot when i bathe ..Perhaps that's the reason why i can take half an hour to bathe 0.o .. another random fact : my destress solution is to take a hot shower bath .. HAHA =) .. happiness cant be brought .. yet it's easily gain when you meet the right person at the right time.. 0.o is the love fading away .. perhaps is all the lies that has camouflaged ur true self 0.o
6:59 PM
Monday, October 23, 2006
haha i have been spending some time on my blog these 2 days ..im trying to change almost everything to my liking ..Most importantly ,i did all these changes BY MYSELF .. i m so proud of it .. of cos ,i had some guidance from my lao shi-yinghui !! i really want to thank her so MUCH =) for helping ,without grumbling .. she's really REALLY nice larh .. Also, she will make some efforts to concern about me .. haha =) you are such a nice friend ,YINGHUI .. THANKYOU ! REALLY ! anyway, back to my blog, i love the song-亲亲 .. i owalse think that liang jing ru has a nice,high pitched voice (which i dun have ,obviously) 0.o and i find that her songs ,as in the lyrics, are very meaningful and touching .They can cause my mind to wander around ,while i am JUST reading through her lyrics (not all written by her ?)..they just made me think through some stuffs .. sometimes, it's useless to hold on to stubbornly 0.o and YESH, i believe in FATE so much ..i will always think that affinity and fate are the 2 factors,which will bring my friends and i together ..sometimes, fate is just so ridiculous ? HAHA when it's fated ,we cant do anything about it .For instance, if 2 persons are bound to meet one day, they will meet each other so concidentally ,without making any special appointments and stuffs .. Yet, when 2 persons dun have the fate to meet ,MANY THINGS will crop up and stop them from being meeting .. this applies to couples too .. Even if they have the affinity to meet each other, yet not having any fate ,they will STILL seperate in the end .. Perhaps ,i should leave everything to FATE to decide .. you may not neccessarily get what you want or expect 0.o that's life .. we have to face it one day .. thus, it's still the best to be independent(i dunoe what logic this is..nvm~) ..imagine~ if you were to be independent ,you wouldnt fear for the LONELY days to come anymore .. for me, when that day was to come (fingers crossed!), i wouldnt tear anymore and kept on blaming on the others for not being able to accompany me throughout my journey~ its time to grow up, may .. you are no longer a child =( but .. i hate THAT fact well i have continued to fake a smile to encounter that ANOTHER hurdle of mine BOO~ I LOVE MY BLOGSKIN =) esp the picture! keke
8:29 PM
Sunday, October 22, 2006
the chloride smell stained my body still .. aiyer .. i dont seem to be able to get rid of it .. fine i shall stay with it for today .. tomorrow shall be the first day of my 2nd week of sch .. why am i counting all these schooling days ? perhaps , i just want to know how many days of tortures i have managed to endure ? in conclusion, first week of sch is actually quite fun/interesting/comical/exciting/educational etc .. its not as stressful as semester1 .. haha since it's just the FIRST week of semester 2 .. i shall expect a HEAVIER workload as time past ..0.o i dont know why ..but i love this o.0 so much .. so much so that i kept using it ,regardless of the situation .. =) haha my online friend cant stand it and my hands also cant stand it as it will automatically press the keys o , , , o .. weird, not sure of what i am doing .. for today, i went swimming with joyce ..nothing much .. jz swim ,joke around (splashed water and played like kids) .. To be frank, i think i din really exercise much today .. yet we went for KFC after that .. aiyer .. i wonder i will lose or GAIN weights INSTEAD.. aiyah ..serve me right ~ i simply cant resist the temptation ..Fortunately, the chicken thighs, CHEESE fries and whipped potatoes didnt disappoint us .. otherwise i will smack myself (ha joking).. for wasting money on something that couldnt satisfy me o.0 .. i was full from all those binging HAHA ..cos we upsized the whipped potato, trade in our colesaw for a cheese fries .. eh .. yah .. 0.o that's about it 0.o
9:28 PM
OH ? -,- as you can see.. i have changed my skin ~ a new start or a bad start ? i dunoe .. but i m really very happy that at least i have changed the skin to something i prefer and more appealing ? o.0 .. white, doesnt seem to suit me in any ways 0.o .. perhaps black is a gd colour .. haha, then, i will be able to isolate myself in the very corner of this blog world 0.o .. its BEST if nobody can notice me anymore .. =) so i can slowly disappear from this world .. all my crazy rantings will then be unseem from the rest of the world .. it will prevent all the unneccessary worries ..and from that day onwards .. there's only positives and not negatives ..
1:45 PM
Saturday, October 21, 2006
you know that something is bugging us , yet you chose not to solve it .. instead, u chose to avoid and run away from the problem, and hope it will be resolved on its own .. when it's the time to face it, you shut youself up and thought sleep is a good solution .. if you were to spend a little more effort to care, i suppose things wouldnt turn out to be like this .. you reap what you sow =)
2:28 PM
Friday, October 20, 2006
nothing much for today .. nothing is worthed talking about 0.o oh ,maybe i should say .. the tutors for my INTRODUCTION TO 3D ANIMATION are interesting 0.o LOL i never know learning can be so fast .. and as i wish ,the tutorial ended fast enough .. perhaps it had ended TOO FAST as i couldnt bear to leave the lab .. that program is so SO useful ..haha and i wanna cr8 something really SPECIAL & UNIQUE from it .. i hope i can =) on the other hand, i wouldnt want to go home, as in take MRT, at 6+ ..it's just so ..UNWANTED and inapproriate time to take MRT .. ee its the peak hour and im sure everyone's wish is to reach home FAST and comfortably 0,o .. HEY ..NOT SO .. haha .. however, i could still manage to grab a seat 0,o when we reached woodlands 0.o .. -.- at least i had a chance to rest my legs .. it's late NIGHT 0.o oh yah~ i just know the existance of this word: xi-yan .. HAHAH .. do u know wad does that word stands for ? FIGURE IT OUT ! =)
11:06 PM
Thursday, October 19, 2006
once in a while, my friends will make/say some inspiring and meangingful statements ,which are probably concluded from their real life experiences 0.o "We shouldnt do things or help people in a way, that make us feel UNcomfortable." ..this is quoted from one of my fren(yanyu[yy])'s thought when she verbally THREW this sentence out of her mouth FEW months ago 0.o she told us (me and lingling) that when we wanted to help one of our classmates with her video-making .. oh and regarding the video-making, that classmate of ours was trying to look for 2 people to be her models SO THAT she could be able to get the shots for her 'movie' .Being kind, lingling and i accepted her request 0.o SINCE she was not going to shoot my face HAH ..0.o fine~ the purpose of raising this incident up again ,is to set as an example for something im goin to talk about later 0.o ..i am also trying to say that we should not go against our feelings/discomfort/inconvience ,just to help to solve the others' problems 0.o ..However, aint we supposed to be..helpful/caring etc ETC when our friends are in need 0.o .. anyway, this is what that happened when the ONE HOUR lecture ended .. my class is going to VIVOCITY for DEATH NOTE (the newly-released movie) tomorrow and UNFORTUNATELY, they are facing some problems .Two of them could not make it in the LAST minute ..fine~ actually its none of my business since i informed them that im not going tomorrow .. BUT HEY ..this incident is not over YET ! as i was saying, 2 of them cant make it ,due to some PERSONAL REASONs?! .. so they are looking for people to replace them .They cant find any suitable 'spare tyres' ,thus, they came to us ,with their eyes blinking with hopes .. however, i made clear of my stand that im not going SORRY "IM NOT AVAILABLE" was made clear to them. then, they pestered lingling and she was really had a HARD TIME thinking to GO or NOT .. as yy is going if she is going .. IT'S SO OBVIOUS that she's in a dilemma ..and she kept on frowning EVEN after she had decided NOT TO GO .. she has her reasonS .. it's not her fault I KNOW ..NOT MY either ?! yet, another classmate blamed me for not replying their sms fast enough!? omgosh .. is he clear of the situation or am i the one who is ignorant of the current situation .. i was quite fed up 0.o ..i made up my mind yesterday alrdy ..they all knew that we aint going for the movie and YESH! they DIDNT buy our tickets .. so .. WHAT'S THE PROBLEM NOW ? in my opinion, i think i wasnt in the wrong .. 0.o wateva the case .. i wonder if my classmates will hold a grudge against us .. if so, well i must say TOO BAD to myself .. i guess i will probably be boycotted 0.o my classmates ARE so damn frustrated over the 2 nobody-wants-to-have tickets -.- poor lingling, she felt a slight guilt for rejecting their offers ,despite they pleading and pleading 0.o .. i know how she felt cos i experience that too ..even up till now 0.o .. aiyah this matter was over as their problems had solved ..so i had a great chat with lingling and i got to know her better and i supposed she knows me better too ? i hope so and i hope not ..HAHA it's scary to have someone to see through you so EASILY .. so this is the 4th day of sch .. 0.o and tomorrow is going to be the 5th day~ gosh the weekend is coming !~ it's time to RUSH all of my assignments and ,of cos, BIT to forget to SLACK.. YAY IM WAITING FOR THAT DAY c'mon .. let tomorrow's 4-6pm tutorial ends fast .. =) ohoh .. to be FRANK, i love MY drawing module .. i never know i will have a REAL, BREATHING,MUSCULAR hunk for my module ..WAH WAH WAH .i was SHY larh HAHAHAHAH ..i wanna laugh when i first saw the model, with only the panty on.. GOSH .. luckily there's still sth on to cover that SOMETHING hahaha so we are not really drawing nude 0.o ..maybe .. i am looking forward to the NEXT drawing lesson .. haha i wonder if there's a female model .. if YES, the boys in my class might oogle and glue their eyes on the model for the whole 3hrs .. LOL .. nono i think they would have fainted 0.o haa due to the excess loss of blood 0.o fine LAME ..im exaggerating larh .. =P im watching the 9pm channel 8 show .. =( i feel that the guys (in the show =3) are so INSENSITIVE to the girls ,who are so DAMN caring/thoughtful/ultra nice to them (samewise for some girls).. why is this so ?! HAHA sian i know why .. cos people normally wouldnt appreciate the NICE people around them ..they took them for granted ..sick sick sick .. that's why, it's better to be loved than to love
8:39 PM
o.o OH ? some are true man 0.o haha i have a 6 hours break after my DRAWING module .. THUS ,im BACK HOME to slack =) heeeeeee ...=) here are some of the gestures that i drew, for today's hw 0,.o ![]() ![]()
2:58 PM
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
an entry on FOOD 0.o trip in genting~ (just wanna share SOME 1ST 0.o)
i have to end here 0.o the pictures are loading WAY TO SLOW .. haha or maybe my files are too big to be uploaded .. they took ages GOSH 0,o i hope my computer wun hang 0.o ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() wonderful,gigantic scallop 0.o I LOVE THE SOUP + THAT SCALLOP SO MUCH THAT U CANT IMAGINE =) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() HOHOHO .. its the KIT-KAT icecream!!! gosh .. saw that kitkat in the middle ?! haha ![]() my BRoTHEr !!! HAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAH i think im done with the "food' pictures at genting!! =)
10:23 PM
3rd day of school .. -.- my legs/heels hurt like hell as i spent a day walking/standing for HOURS .. man~ i can say, my foot cannot support my body weight .. haha as in .. ER ..i cant stand/walk for long hours .. ZZZZZ maybe i have not done enough walking for the past few months .. @@ bought those neccessary art materials from my BELOVED (lol) ARTFRIEND and popular 0.o and 30 dollars+ can just dissappear so EASILY+QUICKLY in a day o.o .. i was super unsatisfied with everything.. like the cheecheongfun (in nyp) that used to taste nice WASNT nice today.. =( the drinks are way too sweet,too gasy ,unlike before ..=( my legs are aching ,even though im not doing any exercise 0.o .. this entry shall be short today, to CONSERVE the energy for tomorrow's DRAWING module~ wee! body art ?! o.o i need models !!! any volunteers?
9:47 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
2nd day of school - ate $2 worth nuggets (my all-time favourite 'snack' lala) 0.o fine .. this is the start of my UNhealthy eating habit .. STOP me if YOU CAN =) =) .. or otherwise, you can ask me out for workout,swimming,GYM!! (wahaha) and wateva that allow me to perspire .. nothing much today ,as now ,i have NOTHING in my mind that has left a DEEP impression in me .. oh i remembered STH !i was LATE for the first typography tutorial again .. DAMN IT .. i am like, FOREVER LATE FOR EVERYTHING !! DISAPPOINTED ,yesh INDEED .. my friends are super disappointed in me and deemed me as a ' latecomer' .. FINE! HAAH .. since they have this thinking all along alrd, i shall prove to them that im a POTENTIAL LATECOMER 0.o ..-.- so diao okay~ oh yah ..today is just the 2nd day of the second impression and yet, the tutors are giving me a so-called bad impressions .. 0.o THEY ARE LATE TOO ..and are late to those kind of ugh-okay-WE-forgive-you extent .. why? it's because they were late for nearly half an hour~ wahlaoeh ~ haha just when all the students were guessing whether the tutors were coming or not, the tutors APPEARED .. "shuo cao cao, cao cao jiu dao~" wah ..this chinese saying is so realistic o.o i cant stand it .. haha when i am like badmouthing somebody, THAT somebody just appears~ wahhh cant stand it 0..O i was told that im fortunate..YESH and NO .. to this statement.. i always believe that, when you are satisfied with the things you have, you are considered as fortunate ,even though the fact is not .. my friend once told me that OUR brainpower is SUPERB ..i believed her too ,cos our mind/brain really manipulates our every action and it even tries to control our heart (but sometimes, it just fails to..ZZ).. our heart is powerful/strong too ..simply because it can pump blood to the whole body .. ITS the core of every humanbeing ? BLEHS ..but sometimes, it just becomes so fragile, especially when you heard/saw something that upsets you =( and the heart will ache for centuries and bleed non-stop .. wahaha that's called depression yeah ? when you possess something, you lose something.. i wonder if i possess more or lose more? i wonder if i ever received or gave more ? and im wondering if i m thinking too much 0.o it's better to be loved than to love someone else ;D so cherish those, whom love you so dearly ! o,o RANDOM .. like i care 0.o and to be honest.. i HATE repeating myself OVER and OVER again .. so sick can~ The worse thing is, the same, old person that im lecturing, is not absorbing anything IN ! gosh .. my words just went IN and OUT ..THAT'S SO INFORGIVABLE ! 0.o i will roll my eyes when i see you next time ! =P 2mr is my FAVOURITE day (for this semester! ><) as as as .. IM RELEASED AT 1.50PM !!!!!!!! it's the ONLY miracle in my timetable .. i hate the REST of the days of the week cos my sch ends at 6PM everyday .. OKAY ..THAT'S VERY SICK ..however however however ,i should owalse look at the BRIGHT side ,no matter HOW BAD e situation is ><. im consoled when yy told me that the others have to end their day at 9 =( .. relax relax relax 0.0 i must not be late for 2mr's 8AM lecture .. GOSH .. im travelling alone =(
10:07 PM
i learned a word : masochist 1. Psychiatry. the condition in which sexual gratification depends on suffering, physical pain, and humiliation. 2. gratification gained from pain, deprivation, degradation, etc., inflicted or imposed on oneself, either as a result of one's own actions or the actions of others, esp. the tendency to seek this form of gratification. 3. the act of turning one's destructive tendencies inward or upon oneself. 4. the tendency to find pleasure in self-denial, submissiveness, etc. am i one? or am i one of the victims of those kind of peeps 0.o both, i think =)
6:33 PM
Monday, October 16, 2006
first DAY of school = boring ,yet had a minor shock when i was about to go home today? as the blur me had FORGOTTEN MY PRECIOUS THUMBDRIVE while i was happpily saving all the neccessary folders from the school computer... wahhh that's so LUCKY of me to be able to claim it back from the SAME SPOT that im using before i left for my tutorial~ LUCKILY, the tutorials lasted for 1hr ONLY (tutors were late for 1/2 hours, and a SHORT briefing on that particular module?) ..so 'PHEW' that my fren wants to return to the same lab to save those informations~ and so.. fortunate that i did think of my thumbdrive and wanted to save sth in~ i was so glad that i was fast enough to realise that my thumbdrive had gone missing !!! most importantly, im quick enough to retrieve it back from the hands of the honest girl, who was using the com that i was using 1 hrs++ ago HAAAaa im so happy.. people NOWADAYS are honest ?! no~ i cant judge everyone by this incident .. as i believe this is PURELY LUCK that i still managed to get it back i shouldnt be naive~ but i still believe there's still a minority who belong to the 'honest' category =) YAY *claps for those peeps !* omgosh im feel so HAPPY =) nothing is lost on the first day of my 2nd sem a good start for my semester! next thing is, im BROKE! hah..things i have to buy STILL ! gosh~ - FIVE .. FIVE SKETCHBOOKS!~ i dun print papers okay =.= - TEXTBOOKS ! 3 summore and they total up to $70 i think? BLEHS ..!! - own pple $5 for the sickening transparency = FIELD CHART? .. EEYERR..whhat course is THIS? keep sucking my $$ away~ money sucker!! ha SICK.. - 30 cm metal ruler (anyone can donate~?) - peg bars -m- ZZZzz piak cek~ i dun even know what is it -.- - erasable kind of blue pencils - mechanical pencils ?! omgosh ! i think i will have to bring my sharpener and 2B wooden pencils ,in order to save small amout of $ -.- - there's still more for me to buy .. (current financial state= going to bankrupt soon!) ZZZZZZ no wonder the 10% discount for every purchase at ArtFriend is needed! omgosh FORTUNATELY, nyp claimed the member rights for us .. ha -.- i appreciated it .. REALLY .. on the other hand, i hate to patronise that shop .. everything ,tat is sold there, are so bloody expensive =X pardon this poor hag nagging agn =( =)
10:34 PM
Sunday, October 15, 2006
After reading others' blogs, i will usually feel that im not the most unfortunate person in the world .. that's why i enjoy reading blogs ..im not being sarcastic here by being happy over other's misfortune etc ..but i feel i dun have the right to be so depressed with the situation i am in .. that's why i owalse think that me,a 17 yrs old girl, is still unknown to many many kind of issues or worse kind of scenarios that may happen in the future .. i know i should cherish the things that i am having right now~ and i know im just asking for too much at least .. i dun seem to be satisfied with my current state .. i see faults in anything & everthing .. im so restless ..argh im really envied of those lovely couples, either in drama shows or even in real life, where couples-who-are-holding-hands is a sight that im envied of HAHA ..i once told lingling, no,more than once, that how blissful yanyu(my fren-same class as me) and her 'laogong' are (until right now ;D).. well they are engaged! haha ~ im glad that they are still together despite her busy schedule for sem1 (damn DMD HAHA) and now the timetable for sem2 is WORSE ..yet i guess they can still remain THAT STICKY throughout .. haha =) in fact, this is the kind of love i want .. i need assurance and security ..if u fail to give me any, i will start to 'attitude' .. i wouldnt say it out ..(that love test is quite true) .. fine .. i will stop cos its no use saying all these when theres no purpose for it .. haha i guess the content of my entry is DAMN random and messed up cos i love to JUMP here and there (as in topics).. my mind went blank again ,despite me trying my best to think hard .. argh, i might as well end this boring entry .. HEE at least i blogged today .. im happy for it .. ohoh! i watched HELEN THE FOX today (i ought to cry while watching, YET i din = no soul [some commented that, if you didnt tear a single bit, you have no soul! ) my gosh .. perhaps, im getting MORE and MORE heartless .. maybe its gd so that i can survive in the REAL world out THERE .. PUI ..opps an act of a barbarian.. cannot blame .. i always believe that : A LEOPARD CAN NEVER CHANGE ITS SPOTS
10:30 PM
i knew it .. my life cant be so perfect/wonderful, that what i want will come true .. things owalse happen otherwise .. fine .. wo ren ming ~ watsoeva is the situation ,i should ..i should fake a smile infront of everybody,even facing myself .. i should .. i should always look like i-dun-care-whats-going-on-and-be-happy or otherwise ,to remain expressionless .. sometimes, being dreamy can be a good thing as it allows u to think of the wonderful things that you hope to happen yet ,deep inside ur heart, you know it wouldnt happen. At the same time, it allows you to get deep into your thinking at anytime, anywhere? argh crap .. maybe the reasons for having a tough times for the past few years are due to the stubborness, being over-calculative , over-sensitive and lots of factors which will contribute to me,being too emotional .. at times, i will cool myself down by having a shower when i was so fedup with everything .. thats why, swimming is a very applicable exercise for me HAHA .Likewise, i can shed the oil off my body ,without any beads of perspiration YET i will get ULTRA DRY hair at the end of the day .. this is so sickening as my hair is categorised as those super-dry.. now, the chloride or wateva chemical made it DRIER .. gosh i really cant stand it cos my hands will get entangled in my hairs (three thousands of sorrows = san qian fan niao si?) .. eeyer, maybe bald is a very gd choice for me,who dreads hot and think hair is troublesome, hard to take care..-.- BUT I LOVE MY LONG HAIR still ! heee.. (hee out of point.. ) nevermind me, see im alright again .. it's linked to another point .. -.- ZZ i supposed nothing special will happen today .. huiqi and joyce are coming to my house today at 1pm (i wonder if they can make it ,time=11.37). -watch vcd (note, no 's' -.-) -play dai di (big two) ! GOSH i have been losing recently -.- -eh .. watch them tv? -er~ eat, drink, shit? -.- hais .. no comment for that ~ i hope..i can be happy today ,before im off to my doom GOSH
11:17 AM
sometimes, i really dun feel like blogging after i have viewed those blogs that i will view daily (if i have the time ;D).. i feel that my life is just a ..boring routine when i compared mine with theirs .. nonetheless, i still enjoy pen-ing down my thoughts in my blog whenever i feel like doing ~ i thought .. i can blog about my feelings ,on the things that had occurred in my life in these few days .. However, when i were to really start typing my entry .. erm my mind is blank ..but i can still remember to say this ,"ROB-B-HOOD" is simply a worth-watching movie ! How CUTE can the baby boy be ? omgosh .. im mesmerised with the boy's cutie cutie face(in fact, i love his eyes~ i feel like pinching his chubby cheeks so much >< ) anyway, it allows me to have a GREAT laugh while watching .. thats so great .. cos it's so involuntary ..the laugh was so real as i was laughing from the bottom of my heart .. in conclusion, jackie chan is always my action-movie idol .. i love his stunts so much .. sometimes, i really think that those actors and actresses may possess some qualities to become deities as they can do some fascinating stunts that we, normal human beings, cant accomplish .. THEY ARE GREAT (this can be shown in charity shows .. i owalse gasp or get worried for them when they were carrying out those high risked performance~ *a round of applause for them~~*) ZZZzz .. i think theres no more of such performance as many pple were fighting for their human rights? haha like say that they shouldnt risk their lives for charity and so on ~ what i can say for this week is .. im .. broke yet experienced fun+happiness and etc in this week .. i got to have fun .. DAMN LOTS OF FUN tomorrow ( i hope ><) cos its the last day of my freedom .. why? becos this coming monday is the start of my doom .. which is the start of my semester2 .. i gonna be a zombie during those periods of my life (just like sem 1,which i can never forget how i stay up for ALMOST EVERYDAY ,just to complete my assignment ..@@ geeezz .. sch just turn me OFF so naturally, lol) i have insecurities in my heart .. im just so ..stubborn to NOT able to trust anybody .. may is going to be a old hag soon haah .. wrinkles + eye bags @@ try to gain my trust, joyce
2:23 AM
Saturday, October 14, 2006
@@ .. SO SICKENING .. I AM SO IRRITATED WITH ALL THE INDECISIVE PEOPLE .. IN ANOTHER WORDS, I HATE MYSELF FOR BEING SO DAMN INDECISIVE .. sickening grandoise plans i have in my mind .. all these are bullshits .. sickeningly wasting of my time and my skin cells .. sickeningly perspiring for every round of negiotiation .. BLEHS .. im damn controlled by the others .. i damn myself .
2:24 PM
Thursday, October 12, 2006
@@ aiyer .. i have been reaching home late nowadays .. blehs .. wish to upload some pictures when i am back from the swimming (which is something im goin to do later on) .. ZZzzz swimming for the 2nd time of this week.. frankly speaking, i dun have the mood for it as what i really want to do is to watch wei xiao pasta on youtube all day long .. For the time being ,i have watched until episode 2.1 which is very ,EXTREMELY slow and UNSATISFYING !!.. sickening.. i think i cant finish watching by this weekend .. damn it . HA -.- i realise that im really a super duper slowpoke at all times .. i just dont have any motivation to get my butt budging from the seat .. SICK i gonna be late AGAIN .. and this time round , i gonna be REAL late as its 3.02pm NOW .. and i have done nothing but sitting in front of the monitor .. nice job done eh ? =P wateva
2:59 PM
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
i hate.. HATE my computer to DisConnect everything that i m doing.. now, not only my msn messenger will disconnect, my download game- KONGKONG, DC -ed super many times ,which has naturally built up my frustration .. GRR i have zero interests in KONGkong for the time being~ blehs.. hais .. channel U's "LIAO ZHAI" is showing right now~ i love all these drama shows, with a weird,supernatural storyline .. they acted out the imaginary characters,who can only exist in our dreams perhaps .. HA .. anyway, did some stretching in the swimming pool today .. the happy thing is i have exercised today and .. the swimming pool was not as crowded as before(as in my previous trip to bb swimming complex) . i cant really swim well and .. i think the lifeguards knew it as well~ thus, we received quite a number of stares from them .. However, we happily heckcared and swam like nobody's business... the saddest thing is, the ONLY store at the swimming complex was closed .. therefore, we decided to leave at 5 plus and headed to WEST MALL instead.. and i find westmall so interesing .. thats the problem with humans ..when something is so easy for you to access to, you would learn to appreciate ..However, when things are out of the reach ,people will try all their mights to get those things .. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .. aiyah .. actually ,its nothing .. the chloride(?) smell still stained my hands + hair still .. YUCKS -.- why are human beings so contradicting? They expect someone/something to change YET sometimes, they just couldnt accept the fact that someone is changing .. HOW COME ? i ,myself is a very gd example to take.. fine i shall stop here.. NO MOOD
10:20 PM
i feel that my heart is the OVERALL in charge of my body .. i think i will usually do something that goes with my feeling .. i am just what i am .. emotionally controlled by my heart and .. logically controlled by my mind/brain .. though im practical at times .. i feel like a no-common-sense child still.. IM LOST lost in all the white lies, lies with good intentions,fake lies to help yourself to get out of e trouble, esp intentional lies .. the world FULL of liars .. PUI okay .. i hate ,although im one of them .. is a promise so hard to keep .. I REALLY WANNA QNS EVERYBODY ..?! thus, i never believe in the word "forever" or "eternity" .. HA so are those words a joke or what ? WHATEVER im bored THUS im crapping right here.. the self-defence armour in me is building up .. sometimes ,i do think that im a optimistic with pessimistic thinking~ @@ see~ i love to step on my own foot so much.. i LOVE to say things to contradict myself .. i hate e SOUR taste..
1:45 AM
Monday, October 09, 2006
![]() this is the midnight madness that i will get -.- when the clock striked 12am -.- i wonder .. why cant i sleep before 10PM .. no wonder i deserve the wrinkles i have on my face =( BOO `~~~ HAIS .. sickening sickening sickening .. all these sickening(s) are just so NOT enough to express my feelings now ... whats over is over ..-.- aiyer ~ sickening ! haha =/= fine~... ATTITUDE PROBLEM !-.- its time to reflect upon myself ..
12:09 AM
Sunday, October 08, 2006
i shall let the pictures TALK !!
. . . they were so high with the fire thingy that they became so cruel enough to force a bug to make way to the fire and perish itself as an offering .. to .. the moon for that night ? hmm .. and the moment the bug fell into the fire , sizzling sound could be heard, as though we were frying it for our supper .. how cruesome we could be yah ? haha .. and i was so timid enough to be intimidated by the the loud rocket-gonna-to-take-off sound, which is produced from a fire cracker(with sound of cos) ..Thus, i lit one of those fire crackers and i had managed to video somebody lighting the fire cracker..(im not sure whether its called fire cracker .. anyway, it resembles firework..when we threw it high up into the sky) How special can this mid-autumn festival be ? i really wonder .. we din walk around with our lanterns but we burned them .. not actually we ..but someone larh~ haha .. anyway, i spent my time watching and screaming on that day ..which is quite bad ..FOR MY THROAT ! well, OBVIOUSLY, im back from LOT ONE and bought something -.- for somebody ..so i shld also provide a picture of it ..(loading pics now~) (fine..its not winnie, the pooh (her fav) .. but we think that its the most .. er ..suitable one) ![]() ![]()
11:18 PM
if you were to know how i feel , i may not feel THAT terrible .. THAT terrible feeling is something u cannot imagine .. u hurt me so .. ur ignorance addS on to the pain ,deepen the wound and worsen everything that used to be so perfect .. one simple phrase : i hate myself.. i feel craps in me .. nth is going right BLEHS this is such a sickening, meaningless life .. i feel like abusing myself till i feel the numbness in me .. NO .. i dont want to feel anything how i wish i m a cold-blooded mammal -.- blarhZ .. i wonder if i shld get a present for somebody, who bothers to wish me a "happy birthday" yet din bother to buy a present for me .. hah i think .. i should buy a present .. =) thus .. goin to lot one soon ( in few minutes time ) .. to shop around for that 'missy' 's present .. BLEHS hmm what should the budget be .. hee .
5:26 PM