Saturday, September 30, 2006
=) when a heart is being stabbed repeatedly .. it becomes numb and turns cold .. thus, one becomes heartless .. when one becomes heartless .. things that once matter in one's heart .. doesnt matter anymore .. one just dont give a damn .. -.- who am i what am i -.- feverish mindset .. sickening aloof attitude/behaviour .. tons of bad points i have that i cant list down indeed ,there's no wonder that im an absolute good-for-nothing fellow =\
10:17 PM
Friday, September 29, 2006
-.- cant the teachers just tell me whether i have passed or not .. it's a torture for me now .. although they have not justified me as "fail", i am so SO worried now .. i cannot play my gameS FULL-heartedly .. as .. you know~ im not confident my final artwork YET ..i find no reason for them to fail me .. perhaps there are some imperfections..but not to that extent of failing me i GUESS ! as i thought i have fulfiled the requirements or i have improved the areas that i have to ~ but somehow, there is insecurity in me .. im scared .. ..afraid that they will call me on the 15 of october (the day before sch reopens) just to inform me that .. "SORRY, you are being debarred from this course are no longer a student of NYP" hais .. i will always think of the worst possibilities .. i just couldnt deceive myself ,just to make myself feel better .. i just couldnt .. no use cheating on yourself .. anyway .. i just hope .. that UNWANTED call/email will NEVER come .. shooSHOO .. leave me as FAR as possible .. im looking forward to my sem 2 .. i HOPE i can really stay in this course .. PLS LARH hhaah .. -.- whoa .. im such a DESPO omgosh .. but the modules in 2nd sem seem so FUN yet so tough and challenging at the same time .. GRRrrr ~ irony irony ~ SICKENING LARH @#$%$%^* .. can they just let me enjoy the rest of my holidays peacefully ~~ so pls pls .. i .. WANT .. TO PASS !! =) HEE
thats why we have to feel it ourselves ~ feel with your heart ~
7:22 PM
Thursday, September 28, 2006
things to do during my free time .. 1) eh .. watch all kind of recommended dramas shows that i can find on youtube .. OPPS .. 2) practise my human-figure drawing (sem2) and colouring skills (if possible.. argh~ i may not be so motivated) 3) sharpen my drawing+ shading skills 4) sleep more than 8 hours a day .. thus ,maybe taking naps in the afternoon 5) excerise ! BADMINTON ! hee or GYM ..! (hope i wun spoil their equipments =X) 6) BLOG !! omgosh .. must really be consistent in blogging man ~ =) 7) try to complete my COLOURING BK ..( need to be done manually ;) ) 8) so on~ i cant think of any alrdy .. haha OH OH i remembered! play 02jam and other downloaded games! so to train/fasten my reflexes/response to things ~ hey~ we have to react fast to the things around us .. that's why ..we must play such games *winks* ~ ting ting ting !~ argh have to go .. i have been occupying the computer from morning till now (8.33pm) OPPS .. its his turn to use so SAYONARA ~
8:17 PM
![]() ![]() yayYAY .. it's neoprint time again ?! WAHAHA .. actually they were taken yesterday at lot one .. i was too lazy+tired+unavailable to update .. hee that's why i chose to update today .. ANYWAY .. i suppose u guys will feel the "FUN" when u r looking at my neoprints .. haha ..seriously speaking .. we are fooling around in the neoprint machine .. cant you see how JOKERS we were in our shots .. haha .. argh ~ we were being so natural at that time =) heeeee natural = beauty .. *nods nods* i agree HAHA .. the neoprints look so hilarious ,to me and lingling at least .. wahaha ..but i guess she should be 'saded' right now .. cos we are facing a big problem now ..- there's a HOLE in our wallets .. fortunately ,i tink i m not going out on these days .. haha .. gonna spend my time playing + sleeping + stoning if possible .. and regarding my final(that artwork) .. erm i have no idea of the result yet i just place my artpiece on the teacher's desk .. she's not around .. so no choice .. i HOPE .. SINCERELY hope that she will pass me .. PLEASE PLEASE .. >< her =")"> anyway .. YESTERDAY was a happy day for me ALTHOUGH it was a day spent in the oh~-so-sian place -lot one .. haha hey but to lingling, it's a place which she will rarely go .. thats so HAHA right .. hais cos she lives hear jurong point .. haha .. okok ... the shilin's OYSTERS meesua is one of the factors which contributes to the happiness i had .. it's the meesua that i have craved for LONG .. and AND .. i could finally taste it !! >< RAINY days .. and imagine THAT .. the weather is so cold and it's so blissful for us to consume such a piping hot delicacy down our throats .. it gonna make us feel warm .. HEE haha am i exaggerating ? no ,i dont think so ..=) =) joyce told mi that we gonna meet huiqi on sat .. haha yeah and i tink we will probably go to jurongEAST again ..for the lib, arcade ( basketball! boo ~ im lousy =\) and maybe the wooden toy .. haha i dont know =P .. oh yah oh yah .. i .. i would like to .. try some sketching on human figures .. who is willing to be my model ? haha .. that's my module for drawing 2 (sem 2) i just bought the 'textbook' yesterday and it was kinda THICK .. omgosh~ moreover, i carried ling's and qilin's home .. 3 thick books inside my bag @@ haa
1:43 PM
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
am i being paranoid at all times ? i mean i will owalse worry for stufffs that MAY happen in the near future .. this results in me being so stressed up at times .. just to make myself to be so troubled over something that will nv happpen .. today is my 'judgement' day .. hais .. if the teachers cant accept it and think that it's craps .. i wonder if i can still stay in this course =( anyway .. this is the pic of my final~ ![]() grrrRR i really hope this piece of artwork can pass me =)) wish me luck !!
11:10 AM
Monday, September 25, 2006
im saded .. LOL .. SADED ..fine~ anyway .. i witnessed quite a no. of breakups in this week .. be in real or in drama shows .. they made mi feel sad and sorry for them .. a true love is hard to come by THUS i m sure its harrd for them to stop a r/s ? ARGH ,, what am i talking here ? if they have feelings for each other, will they still breakup ? argh ~ what crap am i having here -,- ? i love to read people,who are from different walks of life, 's blogs .. and i happened to know that a girl had completely no feeling for her another half ..due to the long tolerance for her the half's retardiness to realise her own wrongs/mistakes (yesh this is a les couple =X) anyway, the point that i wan to make here is ... too much misunderstanding + unresolved problems CAN ACTUALLY fade the love off eventually .. no matter how much they love each other in the first place.. its a saddening fact .. however, at the same time .. i heard from fm 9.33 and was quite enlightened by the DJ.. she said sth which goes ," If you tolerate with ur another half's monkey nonesense ,it DOESNT MEAN that you love ur other half. It only mean you DONT LOVE YOURSELF." i was thinking.. HOW TRUE .. i mean why must one suffer for another person, who doesnt give a damn about you or even worse, to break ur heart? .. ?! argh~ SAD im scared of the things that are going to happen soon ~ =( who will be there for me ? nth lasts forever .. nothing can remain the same ..that's why people change .. who can really give mi the comfort i want ? =( booHOO ~ sob~ ![]() do u know what's the feeling of redo-ing the same thing for the 3rd time =( ?
9:53 PM
you can lie to the whole world but not to ur own heart .. what have done ,are being done .. nth can be done to salvage the current situation .. same wise to one's character .. no use changing = no use talking about it anyway = heck care and treat it as nth has happened before = smile = live better than anybody else = get a life ~ and btw . is it a CRIME to CRY for goodness sake ! .. if you are so damn irritated by crybaby, get ur asssssss off to another place then .. to be frank ,i love to cry ALOT .. ALOT get it .. i just couldnt understand why should human beings well up their true feelings and vent all the frustration out when its necessary .. dun they feel better after crying and stuffs ~ .. well ,maybe CRYING is a better way to soothe my agitated feeling down ~ is crying being emo ? yeah i tink so .. cos i .. admit that i am a kinda emotional person .. sometimes .. some similar-to-my-life scenarios in the tv shows can make mi tears OMGOSH right ..fine~ HAHA i find myself so useless when it comes to.. controlling my tears .. so sickening .. =\ ima crybaby =( lol.. sometimes, i was so digusted by people too ,by being so .. uncontrollably over themselves .. it seems that the world and people around must revolve around that person .. everything must go according to that person's will or need .. HEY .. THAT'S SO ..........sickening alright .. if that person is someone from royal class, oh i wun mind~ BUT if he/she is just a commoner (whos just a lil better than the others and wants to control/order the people arnd ~ i afraid im becoming one whom you are not looking for~
3:49 PM
Sunday, September 24, 2006 TESTING testing ~
10:41 AM
Saturday, September 23, 2006
WHOA .. ARE YOU SURPRISED THAT I ACTUALLY BLOG .. it's like FINALLY .. hahaha .. well .. er . i wouldnt blog that often too as that studio project hasnt really ended .. i must .. I MUST persevere until the end (which is wed =) ) anyway .. what i did today is SLEEP + EAT(sinful) + PLAY (argh more sinful) . Due to the excessive amount of sleep i had today, i am having a SLIGHT headache now.(phew~) i guess thats the side effect for OVERsleeping (ahha i wonder if theres such word..) actually its quite shocking for me to say that i slept today as you noe.. i hate people to sleep TOO MUCH ..cos i cant sleep for long(not more than 12hrs in a day) thats why i detest those people who sleep too much in a day (lingling says that im jealous of pple like them~ so MAYBE LORH) they are like sleeping their time away ..which is quite..QUITE wasteful (in my opinion larh~) .. eh the long hours of sleep aint helpful @@ i am begining to feel tired now .. DAMn haha .. its not time to relax YET >< booHOO~~..... I GONNA .. GONNA LOAD LOTSA PICS SOON .. i hope .. cause i own my blog so many pics .. like say my for GENTING ! i wonder if the others have forgotten/overlooked/heck-cared that portion of my life .. HAHA anyway .. i will TRY to post the pic-gies up =/ .. i wonder what's my mind into .. how can i be smiling away and thinking all about play+eat when my life is on the rocks ... argh .. <-- i wonder its the correct usage BLEHS .. anyway~~ u guys shld be happy right now .. cos i have blogged oh btw .. PC BUNK IS COOL .. too bad ,i got so excited when i started my asiasoft game there that i had forgotten to take a pic of it .. anyway ,its embarassing to take also .. its like we are being so sua ku HAHA whats so special abt that shop anyway?! it's just a normal lanshop/cybercafe ..YET .. the advantages we have there IS DAMN COOL ..(30% more DEN[stands for $ in auditionSEA] and exp?! for maplers) haa but we have to pay for that .. nth is free in this world .. THUS .. its $3.50 for an hour ><> (HEY~~ DIAO LORH haha .. all of my comments for pizza hut are GONE!) any way the soup is diluted and lil =( cos we couldnt scoop for ourselves ..=( lalala otherwise i will definately fill my bowl with the CHICKEN soup to the BRIM .. =) i love love LOVE soup =) and erm we cant pull the cheesy crusts from the pizza although we pulled when it has just arrived in front of us .. EE bluff one =( saded .. ONCE BITTEN, TWICE SHY .. how can i NOT understand that logic .. ARGH .. the first cheesy bite didnt turn out to be what we were expecting and now, it's the TRIPLE CHICKEN cheesy bite HAIS .. so disappointed with pizzahut ~ is there standard dropped or i am the one who is being picky =( .. i wonder if there's any SOUP buffet in SINGAPORE .. =) yay ~ i wan chicken soup I MISS THE THICK ,filled to the BRIM kind of chicken soup cook by SOMEBODY HHAH SOMEBADY ... DO U NOE WHO ARE YOU =) lala okay~ now im craving for CAMBELL'S CHICKEN SOUP (w or w/o corn) .. HEEE .. wahahaHA i want to have a SWEET dream later ~~~
11:05 PM
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
12:02 PM
歌曲名称: 倒带 歌手名称: 蔡依林 我受够了等待你所谓的安排说的未来到底多久才来 总是要来不及才知道我可爱我想依赖而你却都不在 应该开心的地带你给的全是空白一个人假日发呆找不到人陪我看海 我在幸福的门外却一直都进不来你累积给的伤害我是真的很难释怀 你总是要我乖慢慢计划将来我的眼泪却一直掉下来 过去怎麼交代你该给的信赖被你亲手缓缓推入悬崖 从我脸上的苍白看到记忆慢下来过去甜蜜在倒带只是感觉已经不在 而我对你的期待被你一次次摔坏已经碎成太多块要怎麼拼凑跟重来 (obviously i extract SOME PARTS from the song =) i exclude the chorus =) cos i only find these parts apppealing + meaningful to mi =\) thats why i hate empty promiseS ..notice the ' S '-.- argh .. this repeat for studio project is killing mi .. i've been sketching these few days .. but i enjoy ..(just that i have backache and stuffs =X)! However, i seems to be sketching way too slow .. hais .. theres no much time for me to take my own swt time .. HOW!? somebody helpS?!
10:48 AM
Saturday, September 16, 2006
now what ~ it's my turn to feel unwell .. im having a headache ever since i woke up today ~ @@ i dunoe what's the cause of it .. HAIS .. anyway, hq,joyce and i went to JURONG today .. as usual, we had fun today .. haha i reached there(jurong library) at 12+ or 1pm+ .. haha i had forgotten the time -.- i was ultra duper late today haha cos i was supposed to meet joyce at 10+ first order to find some gd spots in library to settle down and study .. in the end, HAHA joyce reached there first .. oh poor she ~ so i tink she sat there and waited for too long that she was so cold for the whole day (even if we had left the lib) =( aww so sry =( .. i cant wake up in time altho she gave mi a morning call today HAIS after our so called studying .. we went to KFC for our dinner .. hq was like so .. picky about the chicken thigh that she was consuming~ haha she kept "eee yer .. aiyo ~" and so on when she saw all those fats sticking onto the chicken ..hais .. so yeah she spent some effort to remove the digusting ,yellowish fats ,so did joyce~ hais .. i always thought those yellowish kinda thing was made up of flour .. but well ~ im wrong.. it's fats!!! omgosh ..if i were to think of it many KGS of fats have i swallowed down my throat for the past 17 yrs of my life .. HAIS .. i was so terribly guilty of it HAHAAH yeah .. so i began to look carefully at "my" thigh before i really sink my teeth into them .. argh ~ i got to look more carefully~ Nonetheless, the thighs are tender and juicy today ~ haah the OIL really oozes out when i have a bite~ NICE! but i miss the nachos+MELTED cheese still .. i haben been tasting them ever since WHEN? i forgot .. argh .. nowadays ,i din oh yah .. i forgot to mention sth .. we nearly spent MOST of our time in the library playing TAI DI aka BIG TWO .. i miss this game SO MUCH SO MUCH can .. hahaa .. it's really a suitable game to bond us together haha .. we have so much so much fun while playing and of cos have a great laugh .. However, i can see .. hq didnt do much today . aww SRY also =( haha we need 3 pple at least to play~ ... argh so TOO BAD larh .. im sure she had enjoyed too .. cos she won most of the rounds .. j and i were the ones who were doing the shuffling of cards .. sian..HHAHAA i ganged up with j .. so to make huiqi be the biggest loser =X haaa .. and its hard i promise ! haa =) gotta train harder (exercise my brain cells more + i need more luck !! i have been getting all those SO-so cards =( ) when we were on our way home, we saw this mini toy-land sale at the middle of the mall .. the sale is selling all kind of toys i tink ? im not sure cos all of my attention was focused on a wooden 'toy' .. argh . i dunoe its name .. perhaps .. if i m buying it someday, i will take a pic of it .. and u will see =) heeeeeeeee ... i really wan to buy that 'toy' >< !! argh~ im tempted to spend $ agn .. hahaahhahahahahhaha .. but HEY ,.. it's TOY this time round ,not food .. ha thats so suprising eh ? oh yeah~ i saw/knew sth from the commercial break jz now ,while i was watching tv(jacky wu's show agn !) .. there's this BLOGGER SUPERSTAR going on .. hahahahah they are searching for the superstars in blog world .. i wonder who will be the finalists/participants? i tot xiaxue is one ~ .. is there still a need for such competition ? hAHA i wonder .. but at the same time, i am looking forward to that competition .. HEEE yay becos it means that i can have more INTERESTING blogs for mi to view+read YAY !!! YAY AGAIN ! COS MY HEADACHE IS NO LONGER BUGGING ME NOW =p BLEHS .. YAY! goin to joyce's hse 2mr .. which means i can drink milk tea with PEARLS again YAYAYAY ..gosh i cant slp now
9:33 PM
i dunoe what shld i be feeling right now .. Being a human being is the hardest thing to do on this earth ,i think .. is like we have so many things/aspects for us to juggle with in our lives .. yeah~ i read kero's blog .. and find him so .. so depressed .. i mean all the readers know(obviously i tink ?) that he still cannot get over colin .. hais .. perhaps its really their true love .. why are human beings so irony .. When they possess something, they wun learn to appreciate until that something is gone .. That's so sad ..=( joyce has been telling mi over the phone that ,i am getting more and more violent and rude to her .. well .. i cant deny that but i simply cannot control my abusive actions .. i just feel like poking her or even hit her in ..ER HUM~ .. her body larh ~ yeah .. However, some of my reactions are just so involuntary okay .. She is like .. always out to anger me .. -,- i get so fed up with her and do u noe what she did ? She began laughing/smirking away at my reactions .. ARGHH .. haha no choice .. so i tot she will stop all the evil laughters when i inject some pain in her .. YET .. omgosh .. things turn out to be otherwise .. she will be more "shoik" or "song!" .. =P blehs .. meaning she will feel happier (aiyah simple eng =) ) -.- hais .. so i will end up being accused of bullying/abusing her .. Can she understand mi a single bit? LOL .. maybe i am the one NOT understanding her at all~ im just so glad that my grandma is WELL again =) everybody ... TAKE CARE~! do u think i can wake up by 8am 2mr .. i doubt okay~ haha dont think too highly of me .. im a pig =) SWT DREAMS AND NIGHT TO MYSELF .. COS NOBODY TELLS MI THAT 2NIGHT =( OH ITS MORNING NOW~
12:09 AM
Friday, September 15, 2006
there's really up and down in my day today .. i was feeling quite tensed up early in the morning..WHY? it's simply because i had an appointment with ms nopp, my module teacher, to show her ALL the stuffs that i had done during the past 1 week .. At the same time, i grabbed the opportunity to ask her qns yesh~ QNS assure myself of something .. okay .. so my FINAL IDEA is FINALLY finalised .. wEE ! Moreover, she told me to do more research on my FINAL idea .. fine~ which means i have to sketch more AND MORE~ she finds my sketches, in my pathetic a5-sized journal ,not enough .. it's okay~ at least i find that Im MUCH BETTER than last time round =) (okay~im watching the last episode of MY LOVELY SAMSOON [not i love samsoon, my mistake SORRY!] MY MOOD may be affected .. this show is funny and heartfelt at times -,- therefore my mood is in a mess ARGH] it's a HUGE relief for me after the meeting with ms nopp was over .. i felt damn stress for the appointment .. perhaps ,im too afraid to dissappoint her for the 2nd time =\ i wanna show her ability =( AWW nvm .. enough of all these .. THUS, i spent my time playing KONGKONG with my friendS + listening to FM 9.33 (i was enjoying the different kind of songs played by them) so i felt rather relaxed for day ..i was happy then..even%2 this is BAD ... I THINK MY COM WENT CRANKY .. WHAT I HAVE TYPED ARE GONE .. -,- WASTE MY TIME AND EFFORT .. !@#$@#%@%@#$%@#$@$@# I HATE THIS .. BOO!~ SORRY FOR THE ABRUPT ENDING .. I SHLD SAY NO ENDING AT ALL .. NO TIME TO ENTERTAIN ALL THESE .. GOTTA LEAVE NOW .. HOPE THAT MY GRANDMA CAN REGAIN HER OLD SELF SOON!!
12:12 AM
Thursday, September 14, 2006
. goona reserved for sth
7:41 PM
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
my stomach is having a flu .. hais .. i cant stop feeling like shitting .. =( sickening ..nvm~ its better now .. LOL okay ~ now what ? my MSN messenger is screwing up .. since when does my computer becomes so laggy .. i login my msn for only 5 minutes .. and it will be 'hang-ed' and this computer of mine will inform me that ,, THIS PROGRAM IS NOT RESPONDING .. wat the .. if my com really cannot respond that fast .. HOW COME its able to close my messenger so quickly when i just click on the button "end program" .. well well well .. this incident happens SO MANY times in A day that im SO fed up with it .. THUS .. i have decided to let my bro play PANGYA instead .. and i will see how it is going when im goin to online tonight .. COMPUTER ,you better pray hard that the live messenger is goin to work tonight .. otherwise i gonna make you overwork ~ dun make my life difficult and i wun make urs one too ~ =) (wow .. im toking to my com .. i m crazy yeah ~)
2:04 PM
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
u know .. and i know .. okok .. EVERYONE knows that IM LAZY .. thus .. this entry is damn SHORT =P ok .. i went LOT 1 TODAY .. watched LITTLE MAN .. have a laugh ..and before that .. i ate what-i-wanted-to-eat KFC and i hate the CHICKEN ..cos its not juicy anymore =( BLEHS .. dampened my mood man ~ i wanna suck the OIL so much ..LOL contradicting to my previous entries right ? lol .. i wonder too ~ .. oh yah .. i MISS THE SHOW - I LOVE JIN SAMSOON
9:27 PM
Monday, September 11, 2006
. a trip to KG
11:13 PM
Sunday, September 10, 2006
(can skip ..its CRAPPING, PURE CRAPS) CAN A PERSON REALLY UNDERSTAND ANOTHER PERSON FULLY ? well, i cant really ans this qns .. However ,i will probably say a 'NO' to this qns .. some people can never get themselves comprehended by the others .. that's why they owalse coop themselves up .. bottoming up everything in their hearts .. in the end .. BOOM .. the person COLLAPSED mentally and physically .. therefore they would be suffering from depression or any familar sort of illness their minds&hearts get so SICK and they gave up entirely ... that's what i wanna be now .. yeah .. i may not be the most UNLUCKIEST/UNFORTUNATE person in world .. but the problems i m facing now is pressing me so hard .. its so unbreathable .. i have problemS that nv seem to be resolved .. and nobody can save mi right now .. SERIOUSLY nobody .. some pple may have a FAIRYTALE kind of life .. but this doesnt happen to everybody in this world .. for those who are having a wonderful life .. well CONGRATS .. but to the others .. what should they do .. should they continue to frown everyday and pray for good things to come ? Great achievements are to be accomplished with your own hands ..If i found somebody who loved me so much, should i let that person go? just because that person just isnt the RIGHT one ..well i m saying IF .. IF this is so .. should i grab that person tightly and nv let that person go ? i m being selfish .. or am i being a helpless ,pathetic cat ,which clinged t0 a shldnt-be-urs fish ? yeah .. the cat should be in a dilemma .. thinking whether to keep that fish as its own or not .. oh man~ im crapping .. in fact .. i cant see my future .. i dunoe what i will become in the NEAR future =( can i really be a designer .. i m doubting myself while i m still in 1yr of the course,DMD ..omgosh .. what a BLURRED vision of my future .. can someone wipe the uncertainess away for me ? i doubt anyone can do so .. i have to be independent .. i know some pple loathe me .. well they did the right thing .. (im not in the mood of blogging) btw my hair is damn ugly .. =( i dun like ![]() ![]()
1:52 AM
Friday, September 08, 2006
WELL ..what can i say about today ? i spent my whole day at home .. yeahh .. no $ was spent today.. it's such a good thing to announce here =) i skipped my breakfast today (hey! i woke up at 10am+ .. and im not feeling hungry) and had my lunch ,which is what i should have for my breakfast .. CONFUSED ? nvm =) i spent most of my time facing the computer and found many pictures on kampong glam =) It's quite a great achievement for me =) hee ..NOTHING MUCH for today actually .. Thank goodness J asked mi to watch chnl U while i was watching chnl 8 today at 8+pm.. It was showing JACKY WU'S guess x3 show .. WOW it's really a marvelous entertainment show i dare to assure =) .. damn damn nice to watch lorh =)) i cant stop to laugh LOUDly + clapping while watching =) haha i had ENJOYED really .. and now ..chnl U is showing JIN SAN SHUN now OMGOSH =) it's another sort of comedy drama show .. aiyah all these shows are about LOVEloveLOVE .. no wonder the teens nowadays wanna indulge in LOVE so much omgosh ![]() a magically thing - floss candy that can transform into bubble gum .. BUT HEY .. I CANT BLOW A BUBBLE OUT OF IT =( im lousy
9:58 PM
Thursday, September 07, 2006
well.. today, hq,j and i went to BJP ..=) weEEEee .. finally we went to somewhere which is situated close to my house .. =) hee as usual .. im late OPPS =X ..and to my surprise ,huiqi was so punctual .. she's like on the DOT lorh .. haha cos she said she will reach at 1pm and she really did .. SO SORRY HUIQI for the waiting =P BLEHS .. OKAY .. we went to MOS today and ate a seafood RICE burger .. I LOVE THE RICE BURGERS SO MUCH can .. haha .. tho its expensive =( .. maybe i shld stick to mac's filet o'fish ..yesh .. i crave for THAT + mee sua plus oysters+ LJS (the fries+chicken).. old chang kee .. er ..cant really remember alrdy .. okok fine .. AT LEAST i have tasted RICE BURGER + ICE MILK TEA =) (me, at THIS point of time ..i m very irritated now .. i know its bad to say something awful about somebody .. but i really cannot understand what's my bro thinking .. He's like behaving so weirdly .. some of his actions are just so intolerable HAIS ..i wonder what's really in his mind like trying hard to write a SO-CALLED essay here and his mouth keep bombarding my ears with his endless mumblings+qns .. haha .. okok . its bad its bad to say this .. i know i nv accompany him much enough .. =( my bad ..lets continue) i DID SOME SKETCHES for my JOURNAL today .. so today is not considered as wasting our time cos we are FOOLING AROUND while studying .. and yep .. HQ spent her time (with us) reading ROMANCE NOVELS AGAIN .. and i teased her by telling an interesting fact of the day: Women who read romance novels have sex twice as often as those who don't. she was like .." okay .. DIAO " ..HAHAHAAH .. When we had finished all our edible stuffs , we had decided to move to LJS (as requested by huiqi ..due to her budget).. J and I , THE 2 FOOD LOVERS, obviously cant stand the temptation of food ..THUS, we bought the DOUBLE CHEESE TAKOYAKI BALLS =).. I got so excited when i saw the girl scooping one full laden(i tink?) of MELTED CHEESE ! REALLY MELTED ones .. i feel like SCREAMING LORH hahahahahha .. damn HIGH over it we quickly went back (acc HQ..she's alone in LJS =( )and settled down and started enjoying the first BITE ..OMGOSH OMGOSH ..haha .. =) i really love it .. that i nearly wanted to lick the styrfoam 'box' clean..wahaha .. HQ..this BZ woman got to leave at 4.15pm to meet her DARS haha .. joking ..she's joining her family for dinner .. ohh well .. BYE~ and a weird middle-aged guy began to atttract our attention .. His (every) movement was so closely observed by J lorh and she started to laugh uncontrolably .. and that's so sickening .. ok larh i agreed with her that the uncle is FUNNY but not to THAT EXTENT that she had to laugh until she wanna pee !~ That's so ridiculous .. haha .. OK LARH i dun have that SENSE OF HUMOR =( MY BAD AGAIN .. so i GUESSED SHE LAUGHED ALOT TODAY and not doin much of her ENGLISH worksheets .. haha she's in DEEP TROUBLE hahahahahahahah WHO ASKS U TO 'HAHA' SO MUCH today okok larh .. i shall treat you nicer ..JOYCE... SO POOR THING .. lol .. okay larh JIAYOU .. =) rmb to meet XUEYING LATER =) she's the ONE who can REALLY help you with ur studies .. hais .. SORRY that i cant help much .. my knowledge+vocab+wateva is very LIMITED .. =) so be a little more obedient okay .. N level is NOT a JOKING matter alright ~ .. (wait wait .. nid to go to J's blog to recap a lil~ hee ) oh yah .. JOYCE IS LOVING HERSELF MORE ! MUCH MORE! omgosh .. sometimes , i really cant stand it .. so she dressed quite formal today and she claimed that she is lacking of clothing to wear .. Whenever i go out with her .. i tink she will not forget to ask "Am i COOL in this outfit?".."Am i getting fatter".."Hey..Am i FAT?" .. im like .. lost of words ..cos i m answering the same qns everytime ..its weird .. YOU CAN TRY IT haa .. but i must say .. JOYCE LOOKS COOL + MAN OKAY .. actually she DOESNT look FAT to me .. being cool for her isnt a very nice thing sometimes ..=X she may have some obstacles when she enters the toilet .. HAHA its written in her blog .. i shall not MALU her in my blog =) REALLY JOYCE .. but she just couldnt believe it .. and yeah joyce .. i know im fat too =/ i will try to EXERCISE AND REFRAIN from eating all my FAVOURITES =( sounds pathetic huh but all these are for my OWN good =( ..yeah as what joyce has mentioned, we had our BMI checked .. and im in the moderate risk category ... sian .. haha yeah i cant deny this fact..cos its troubling me for these 17 years .. okay .. it's a permanent problem for me alrdy .. gotta work HARDER =) and weEEEEEeee i tink i gonna have a HAIR CUT SOON ..on this coming saturday if everything is going smoothly =) no more thick bushy hair =) awww .. will you miss that BARBARIAN MAY? ![]() ![]() this is mi .. ROUND FACE + BUSHY KINDA HAIR .. which makes mi a barbarian .. RIGHT ?! LOLs ( yay 2 more genting pics uploaded )
11:07 PM
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
hey .. can u ever imagine how sick can one be ...i can .. i just met one SICKO just now (not face-to-face tho) .. if i were to meet her in real person .. i will BOX her for sure .. oh ~pardon me for being so violent and harsh ..(im not the most violent gurl afterall =P.. some girls in my class ARE worse =) they are KUNG FU masterS!) okok .. back to that sicko.. SHE actually feel GAY /OVERJOYED/ HIGH ! ..(ps .and wateva words that describes happy) when she angered mi .. WHATS so FUN abt it .. it's really A BIG '?' FOR ME .. SICKENING .. FREAK ! i bet she must BE LAUGHING now when she is reading this .. THIS IS REALLY SICK .. Where got such kind of people one ? She enjoys watching me suffering in agony...perhaps not that serious.. but i can be sure that she will feel SUPER SHOIK when she manages to make my blood boil ~...what the~ I HATE HER INNOCENCE ..yeah i find it so fake .. sometimes it really gets on my nerve when she kept .. "huh.. what ?" .. when she knew she ought to be serious .. yet she chose not to .. sick .. i hate pple with a BIG-MOUTH+IRRESPONSIBLE.. well .. big-mouth not as in physically .. but mentally .. u know .. spill THE EVERY SINGLE THING out .. well .. u may disagree with me that the person is being frank .. but i just couldnt stand it .. pls lorh .. not EVERYTHING CAN BE TOLD TO EVERYBODY .. sometimes.. we still have to use abit of our common sense .. well .. maybe those kind of pple are lacked of sensitivity .. They cant comprehend the meaning of ' secrets'.. oh man . i 4got what i wanna say .. im being crazee .. sorry .. PLEASE IGNORE + IGNORE .. \ HEE ..i know my blog is damn RANDOM .. hahaa .. i shld change the webby's add someday ..WEE ! .. well .. after all those ranting..actuallly , i feel that there's nothing much for me to mad about .. STUPID ME .. I FELL INTO YOUR TRICK ! haha .. nvm .. i shall consider it as part of my being-cool training .. COOL!
the beauties of nature aka ' DA ZI RAN ' ROCKS!
5:56 PM
i can tell u .. the things i m goin to mention here is SUPER random.. i just .. feel like blogging . so here i am .. it's 1.54am now .. its time to sleep .. i know .. BUT i just didnt feel tired .. i feel so SICK now .. not as in real sick .. like flu, cough or etc.. im just feeling so uncomfortable in my heart .. i failed my module .. to me, it was quite expected as i have concluded from the comments they have given mi .. : NOT ENOUGH ..+ the black faces+ frowns=the obvious unsatisfied look on their faces .. i NOE ..i canot make it .. and it's worse this time round .. i cant cry it out to make myself feel better .. thats why i feel that something is bottoming up inside my heart .. sians .. AGAIN .. lol .. it's super uneasy to know that somebody ,who has started later than mi, can actually pass (just like the rest of the class) .. i am actually being NOOBIE on that day of presentation .. i tink the skirt .. maybe .. is not acceptable/considered as part of the formal wear .. and the shoes are worse i can guarantee .. cos my shoes are completely informal .. and i din even realise that until i have reached the sch .. luckily .. somebody in my class has the formal kind of shoes (of my size. . and its rare!) so .. i happily borrowed her shoes for minutes .. yeT .. my overall grade for tis module still FAILED .. oh man .. many things were lacking my projects i noe .. in this time round, LAST MINUTE WORKS doesnt work for mi .. i cant pass thru it.. thats so sad ... PROCRASTINATION is really a bad thing .. I REALLY HAVE TO LEARN TO MANAGE MY TIME WELL ..otherwise i will nv be able to survive in this design industries .. (sorry for being so naggy cos this blog ..somehow also serves as a reminder for myself =X) .. 22 sep'06 .. DEADLINE ..GOTTA PASS THIS TIME ROUND ..otherwise i will get my ass kicked ! eating chocolates can cheer someone up .. and i agree its true .. and i gotta eat more 2mr ! WEE .. 8 more chocolates left .. my PRECIOUS .. =)
actually its one of the pics that i have taken in the HOTEL can make ur blog more lively .. ISNT IT ! =)
1:52 AM
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
i gonna cut SHORT and put lots of PICS in this entry . FIRSTLY ,i must say a BIG THANK YOU for the presents JOYCE.. i miss those DARK CHOCOLATES SO MUCH ..and miracly, they are fat&cholestrol FREE ..WOOOO.. i tink i upload some pics of the GIFTS and .. it will do !.. i suppose haha .. i will post those genting pics up soon .. i tink i have over 100 of them .. so WAHAHA .. be patient =)
i failed my module: STUDIO PROJECT ..and i got to redo it from the scratch ..
11:17 PM
Monday, September 04, 2006
OH YEAH ~ im back in singapore again .. =) i found a PUPA when we were on our way home =) .. its so cute YET so disgusting to mi .. wahahaha =) i wouldnt update much today ..IM LAZY sorry but i will provide you all .. with this picture of my mini,tiny discovery i have made today ..LOL .. okok..its blurry .. buut i have done my best =( cos the battery was flat at that moment .. what can i do ? =P
Summary of my genting trip : It's QUITE a fruitful trip, even though we din really try out everything ..Nevertheless, i enjoyed myself..except for the journey to GENTING ..It's a TORTURE i must say(for me .. this kind of pple with BUS-sickness, meaning cannot sit in the bus for LONG HOURS ,..or else i will puke+nausea+ whateva u can name it ! haha .i noe its exaggerating larh .. =) i din vomit or anything .. just having a slight headache and i have decided to get away with it by SLEEPING .. WEE PIG ! really ..i was like binging(WOW?!)+snoring(ZZZzzz) when there's a chance for me to ..LOL really live like a QUEEN haha .. okok .. THE CONTENTS IS COMING SOON ..(2MR IN FACT,i hope =P) NIGHT PEOPLE ! =) PLAY TIME ! so yay yay .. gonna go joyce's house 2mr .. i will like to wish her GOOD LUCK for her chinese LISTENING 2mr.. =) i noe it's ABC for you one larh .. RIGHT ? ^5 !!
11:21 PM
Sunday, September 03, 2006
I M IN GENTING NOW .. SO THIS SHALL BE THE MOST SPECIAL ENTRY THAT I HAVE EVER HAD .. LOL .. well .. i ate many fabulous food in genting larh .. keep eating and slping all the way .. of cos .. i will not forget to have fun at the same time .. GTG ! Shhh...this is joyce here..don't tell her i come in k =) i come in help her clean the dust haha wad to do she call me help her clean her blog if not rust le...msg to may haha...I MISS U ALOT...I WAN PRESENTS FROM U
8:31 PM
Saturday, September 02, 2006
i din know time will pass SO DAMN fast ... i thought i have half an hour for me to spend my time with my computer before i go .. in the end .. hais .. it's like left with 6 mins . . nvm .. i dunoe what i should say here .. but i feel like .. i should say sth here .. THATS WHY I BLOGGED now .. *yawnS* okaay~~ haiSs .. its been a long time since i would wake up at 5+ .. there's no homework/project/assignment for me to rush ... but ... HOLIDAY !!! WEE E... GENTING .. COOL ! i wanted to enter the casino SO MUCH .. i wonder if i can sneak in this time round or not BLEHS .. well .. i look old enough .. if im not wrong ..somebody commented that before .. is it U ,lingling .. wahaha nvm ~ oh yah ..just for ur info .."BLUESKY"..who is .. my LINGLING is reading my blog too but i suppose she wun read THAT often .. right .. scarly she will only appear once in my blog and be gone forever .. BLEHS . not as in the REAL gone forever .. (i wun bear to let her too ) i GTG omg GUYS ..esp joyce hee .. TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOURSELVES .. =) .. ![]() blehs .. i will be BACK .. on mon .. no present is guaranteed .. OPPS
5:24 AM
Friday, September 01, 2006
OH u guys SHOULD MISS ME for the next 3 days cos i will be eloping to genting (with my whole family) 2mr,5.30am.. which is DAMN SUPER early right ? haha nvm cos i guess we will be goin there by BUS so i will be able to catch some sleep then~ NO WORRIES hah oh regarding today ..hmm have QUITE a fun day .. i woke up at 10+ today .. KONGKONG-ing for A FEW rounds .. nonoNO.. i walked arnd for a while and bathed after waking up today .. just to keep myself REFRESH + having the energy to get things done like preparing my stuffs before making my way to JOYCE's hse .. AWW it's been a LONG time since i went to go hse .. i was supposed to go her hse YESTERDAY(if i rmb correctly) YET ,due to my oh-i-am-so-addicted-to-the-com-games attitude .. i din go her hse in the end .. cos its too late + its pouring SO DAMN heavily + i m LAZY (opps) HAIS .. REGRET REGRET REGRET .. thus i made her so ANGRY and she is so disappointed in me i guess hee .. but things are alright NOW i feel so relieved cos i noe she has forgiven me .. but i know~ she will still have the phobia of me, not able to make it in the last min.. i can UNDERSTAND ..cos i undergo this process before too .. i used to blame her SO MUCH for NOT keeping to her promises SO NVM okay hee kk BACK to TODAY .. i WATCHED BANYARD TODAY !!omgosh .. its WORTH watching i can GUARANTEE ! so DAMN cute+CUTE+cute and farnie( and touching )OF COS .. i tink i shall not elaborate (cos my time is running out BLEHS) so i really nv regret SPENDING $9.50 on it .. =) i will MISS YOU JOYCE ..=) MAKE SURE U SEE THIS OKAY wahahaha okay larh .. in conclusion.. I HAVE A FUN TIME WITH HUIQI AND JOYCE really .. omgosh my elbows are aching or is my bone aching .. argghhh .. maybe i am contracting rheumatism .. sian .. who can i blame still ? haha i owalse bathe late in the night .. so orbi .. HAHA .. wateva .. (check out joyce's blogs i tink there will be lots of COOL pics of HERS) omggggg *screams*?! im insane =)
11:11 PM