Thursday, August 31, 2006
LOL .. LOOK ! WHAT TIME IS IT ? it's tiger time ..it's tiger time =.= finei tell you,...it's 3.04AM now ..and this is a DAMN FREAKLING thing that occurs!How can i ever keep awake after 2 ,let alone 3pm and i m still so 'energetic'.My eyelids are not heavy at all, stomach isnt hungry, apparantly doesnt have anything to do/worry ETC(cos i cant think of anymore) .. OMGosh .. those are the things which are supposed to happen everynight for my case .. but why is today so special that i din have the urge to sleep ? Perhaps, i m reflecting upon my actions, for procrastinating SP(stupid mi, its over yet im still thinking about it) .. well ,there's really minimal things for me to do .. ALL I CAN SAY TO MYSELF IS GOOD LUCK ! Over is over .."GET OVER AND DONE WITH" that's what lingling owalse says .. It's quite true for my case .. so ..HECK! .. hais ..Sad to say, i just cant help it so i tried to relax myself my lil by trying out the new game KONGKONG ,which turns out to be a very CUTE+FUN game(its worth playing i guess cos its quite different from the other games)feeling remorseful for my presention/portfolio/report/final/research yesterday ..thus, it's the end of the module .. but,at the same time, is it the start of the nightmare of repeating the module=( ? oh .. maybe i shld practise/draw more during my free time .. i realised that i really never spend any of my spare time DOING some sketches . argh .. time to brush up my skills !i shall post SOME pics up lateri just notice that colours are really damn powerful + impt tool to a drawing..
3:01 AM
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
my lips are cracking .. my brain juices are drying .. my body is aching .. something is lacking in my report yet i m still here slacking .. or i shld say .. nothing i do, will change anything when is this ordeal ending .. oh yah its today .. after i have finished presenting .. and the tutors have finished commenting and i will find joy in everything ... in this near future (haha in fact . its 1hr later) LOL ..even my bro, who is enjoying his holiday, finds time passing so fast .. WOW huh LOL .. get things done now .. now is the crucial period .. =) +)
12:31 PM
Monday, August 28, 2006
i felt QUITE relieved after printing my FINAL onto the foam board FINALLY ..i must not miss the deadline .. and YAY i did ! keke i did not mount it in the LAST minute finally .. yet . HAHA ..things are not done yet okay .. i have my JOURNAL AND TONS OR COLO URING TO do.. somehow, i m a computor idiot .. i cant handle the colours well in computer.. hais .. LUCKILY i can colour my final with COLOUR PENCILS (manual work) this time around .. otherwise ,my work will look totally like 3 yrs old work . HEY ! saw that pic of our(mine and yanling's) artpieces!!!??? i m so damn happy after i got this done .. REALLY ..perhaps ,i really like to procrastinate that much cos i am thinking to give myself a rest today and CHIONG tml (which is IMPOSSIBLE).. so i shall do as much as i can today . i DIN have a good sleep yesterday as i slept in a ANYHOW position(i just laid now and Zz) with my tV still on =/ .so predictably, my mum gave mi a scolding( naggy actually, to be more exact).. and ate cheecheongfan(shld be considered as my fav=)) OH YAH !I MANAGED to eat SOME nuggets&fried potato wedges ,which happen to be my fav too, in nyp and J joined us for LUNCH .. i bet she's loving the nuggets&potato_wedges as much as i do =) We went to that usual printing shop to get our work printed ,with the help of J's who's in charge of the leading .. lingling and I are purely girls ,whom are without a basic sense of direction .. i m worse than her actually BLEHS .. nvm . J IS OWALSE THERE TO HELP .. KEKE =).. so yeah~ as usual, we spent quite a few damn hours there ,waiting, having fun, laughing and etc .. i can only say .. LINGLING IS SO PATHETIC + SUEY LARH .. wahhaha .. i think the computer, in that printing shop, dislikes lingling .. at first ,she was unable to open the EDITED file .. next, she couldnt get the brush to be in the size she wants .. IN THE END ..when she had her work done and doin the last TRIMMING part .. and i accidentally (OPPS! i nv do on purpose!!) shave one of the edge off .. er. do u get what i mean ? haha .. nvm .. anyway i cut her a4 art piece and her paper had transformed into a 5 ANGLES paper .. COOL huh .. i AHHH!!!! the moment i ACCIDENTally moved the cutter ..so did she .. so .she was like keep AWWWW+HAISSS ..luckily she had the softcopy of that file .. so HAHA ..an addition $15 flew away =X OPPS =) sorrySOrry ..i spent a BOMB on this studioProject .. so sick ..SPENT $200 on it .. wahha .. believe it or not =P the shopowners are humorous enough to keep us entertained throughout the waiting process..not to mention JOYCE and lingling too.. have a QUITE contented day today =) LOL
11:16 PM
Sunday, August 27, 2006
today.. my MOOD went wild .. YESH ..intially i m so SO looking forward to sth .. in the end , something UNexpected cropped up and my mood TURNED the other way around ..i just hate myself for being like that .. but when i have calmed myself down ..i will usually realise how stubborn i am for not able to accept the changes .. they are just some SIMPLE small changes yet i am so worked up today ..UNEXPECTED incidents really can affect my mood alot .. esp for those which are very last-min..hais WHY IS THIS TAURUS SO STUBBORN WHY ..=(hais .. yeah angry with me pple .. i m liddat .. i have changed .. FROM someone who will owalse say ANYTHING ..TO someone with a weird taste, weird attitude (everything is in chaos) ..HATE MI LARH .. COS I HATE ALL OF YOU TOO ..i want to be isolated yet if i am really are,my tears will .. automatically fill my eyes to the brim ..STUPID ..told u i am irony ..perhaps this unfinished ,going-to-due-date project has driven me up to the wall ..PLAYING COMPUTER GAMES is not goin to relax mi abit ..it will only remind me that i m being irresponsible again as i am doing the wrong thing at the wrong time ..IF i aint able to finish my project, i BET lingling will for sure say this.."What have you been doing the weekends(or ur freetime)?!"how shld i reply her ?playing ?NO.. i nv play that much alrdy .. =( =( ..perhaps PERHAPS ..i m really not cut for this course ..i dun have that MUCH affection for this course ..if i have the passionate, i will finish it one week ago ..(just like what i have done for my maths worksheets in the past)ART is SUPPOSED to be a leisure or sth we enjoy doingBUT WHY AM I STRUGGLING SO HARD now .. i shld really really think hard about it~joyce ,HATE ME larh ..ha . i m moody ..SORRY for not goin your house today ..i am TERRIBLY SORRY (even if u din see this .. i really wan to say SORRY to u)
1:30 PM
Saturday, August 26, 2006
LOL ..
haha wad am i doin .. i din give her my blog add ..
how am i goin to threaten her like this ..
11:17 PM
shld i feel guilty for not DOING MUCH today .. hey .. 1 more day left to my DEADLINE .. i tell u .. its really A DEAD LINE FOR ME .. i have to get EVERYTHING DONE before i cross that LINE .. but .. WHAT HAVE I DONE TODAY ?! I GOT SO INFLUENCED by someone and hais ..apparently slacking throughout the whole day . What i have spent my time on ? EATING ?QUEUE-ING? WAITING? JOKING AROUND? THINKING(yet not for my project)?
REGRETS! really REGRET SO MUCH for going to orchard to study today .. we barely did much today ..its because when we went there(the orchard's lib) ,its like DAMN CROWDED .. damn! Then, we walked around the library for 2/3 times yet.. we canot find any seats /corner for us to settle down..Dissappointedly, we decided to leave. Fortunately, joyce's eyes are so SHARP that she spotted someone leaving hiis/her precious seats .Thus, she informed us about it and RUSHED IN as fast as her legs could carry her(yet trying to make the least noise~) and YAY ! we got our seats .. BUT I HAVE COMPLETELY NO MOOD to start work ..COMPLETELY .. so I helped joyce to take SOME(not sure whether its SOME) fotos of her MUSCLES .. then she was so unlucky or 'fortunate!' cos when she wad straining her arm to show her muscles to us, there's this GUY(nt very tall) noticed what joyce's doin and he was like laughing away secretly as he was walking towards the lift with her girlfriend .. then he was mimicking her when he's not in joyce's sight ..BUT HEY WE CAN STILL SEE HIM OKAY . so diao but we had a great laugh still joyce was embarassed as usual .. you can see her laughing until her face became so RED as a tomato ..LALA this is not the end .. that GUY past by us for the second time ..
[for ur info, the seats we got is at the corner of the library and we were so called surrounded by glass panels ..the place we were sitting at is like a display casing lorh and we were the SPARKLING gems! wahaha diao-.- anyway its quite paiseh to sit there .. its like we are the animals in the cage, for the visitors to observe or sth to look at (basically no privacy HA)]
and so COINCIDENTALLY ,joyce was showing off her 'so-obvious' muscles (=P joyce, i know u dun mind me saying in this way) and that GUY APPEARED AGAIN?! so WAHAHA .. i laughed my head off in this time round ..so did hq..so DIAO LORH haha that guy laughed EVEN HARDER ..and copied her action again..that scene is so hilarious THAT'S SO OBSCENE I MUST SAY .. REALLY ..argh .. anyway ITS over .. not to mention ..JOYCE'S FACE WAS DAMN TOMATO at time WAHAHA so cute..aiya .. too bad i DIN take her face down .. i shld ~ AIYAH ! lol..
(actually i din mention everything- esp the part of hunting for MINI TOONS' marshmallows in ORCHARD..)
NOBODY CAN UNDERSTAND MI NOBODY OKAY my mum just scolded jz now ..WHY? just for a TORN.OLD BAG..i insisted in using that BAG .. i told her that the torn part can be mended so that it can be reused.. YET STUBBORN she kept saying that i should throw that USELESS bag away .. yeah i know i shld .. but i like that BLACK coloured backpack so much .. it's the coolest bag i ever had if i shld say .. so she showed mi the other bags i had at home .. and they are so small and DIAO lorh .. i dun like ..THEN she started to raise her voice and nagged all the way through ," Why dont you want to get a new bag?Its not that we dun have the $MONEY ..I tot you want to buy a pair of SPORTSHOES last week..I already gave you the money yet u haben buy one. Is it that you spent the money on those unnecessary stuffs AGAIN?!..blablabla" i was damn pissed jz now .. YESH JUST NOW .. JUST A FEW MINS AGO in fact . i m so DAMN FRUSTRATED over this PROJECT STUFFS and now she had added on to my frustration ..I FEEL THAT LIFE IS SO HOPELESS .. i m just a hopeless case .. I THINK IN HER HEART, i m just a spoilt brat whom spent all of her time PLAYING A FOOL AROUND ..ANYHOW SPENT $ EVERYDAY without much considerations .. A WILD child basically ..am i really one ? in her heart,(or the hearts of my family) .. they may think i am one .. WHAT CAN I DO .. '
My father gave me a KOPITIAM card (which has $30 inside).. its like SO WOW .. i m v glad that my father still has the trust in me .. despite me losing SO MANY STUFFS in the past .. i know he's afraid that i will lose YET ......=) how nice of him ..of cos~ when he passed that card to me .. he will never forget to say ..,"remember not to lose it arh..".. i will like..," orhORH"( really pray hard not to lose it from the bottom of my heart)
no matter what, i have to persevere until this coming WED ..(its my presentation for SP) yeah .. there's colour again !
MYtunaSUB(its name?! iDUNnoe)
Did u see how HARD i try to lengthen this marsHARDlows?
9:37 PM
Friday, August 25, 2006

all these are not artistic larh .. However,i just upload them up for fun .. lingling's face is cute KEKE .. OKAY~ HERE COMES THOSE so called artistic ones =)

 Do you know what we are DOING? KEKE
BLEH .. there's 2 interesting videos too ..(haha i tink i will upload them someday too .. gonna offline..)
9:43 PM
Thursday, August 24, 2006
aiyah .. aCTUALLY TO BE FRANK, i din write about my class BBQ ,which has passed for HOW MANY days .. arghh NVM .. I WILL POST SOME COOL PICS SOON today is a quite fun day larh HEE =) cos i can finish sink my teeth into those juicy succulent KFC thighs =) and taste those CHEESY fries in my mouth ,though they are not that nice(cos they are not hot enuf) =( haiS CHEESE has reminded mi of LOTSA things 1) my NACHOS! they are ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS with those MELTED HOT CHEESE on !! 2)FART! (A BIG TURN-OFF) -,- really really spoil my impression of the WORLD'S WONDERFUL THING-cheese Do you know why it will link to a fart ? cos a 'FUNNY' guy in my class said his fart smells like cheese and that's so AWWWW ..Can you imagine?! my favourite has been smelling like somebody's fart.. HHAAHAA although i noe that he's joking, the joke just made mi feel so gross .. but nevertheless, I LOVE CHEESE STILL (another fattening thing) went to watch a NC16 MOVIE which is named GHOST GAME .. actually the ghosts, which are in the movie, are not that scary cos they are still quite human-like u see~ jz that they can turn their head 360 degrees with that 'cracking of bone' sound we frightened ourselves alot before the movie had even started..so much that we wanna sneak into another theatre and watch a comedy instead .. so LOL Due to our indecisive-ness, we stayed in the same theatre and watched the HORROR showing~haha ..i wanna scream so much BUT HEY ITS NC16 .. DO U HOW EMBARASSING IT IS TO SCREAM ALONE ? hee nvm there's still a joyce .. but we nv scream larh .. we just keep jerking around..squinting our eyes (cos we are too timid.. we wanna watch but we lacked of the guts .. so ARGH my eyes and shoulders are aching+tired after watching) -,- it's a vigorous exercise WAHAHA.. i gif it a 3 out of a 5 for this movie +_+ HEE ..we walked around the mall before leaving causeway ..and i have just ended my 02jam with her wahahahHAHA cos her 02jam hanged .. hey we PLAY FAST ones okay =) jking =)anyway i cant online till very late cos i will be interrupting my father's sleep =(oh HOW CAN I FORGET TO MENTION THE PICTURES we had taken at KFC .. we look so WHITE .. HAHAHAHA i jz cant stand it .. the paler my face, the more obvious my dark circles ..ZZZZZzzz i look like a PANDA ! argh ..panda loves KFC .. that's weird ! i tot panda is a vegetarian KEKE i will upload the pictures up SOMEDAY .. YOU WILL SEE =) if u are that ganjiong to take a look at the PANDA .. well u can see it in JOYCE's blog =) i have to go KG again 2mr i tink maylim, faster get ur final piece done !argh!weird .. cant add colours to my text again . cos the "text colour" button is stucked DUHokay these are the pic-gy (those that joyce nv use)
 hee SWEET SMILES =) in KFC of course!! licking good pics eh ? =)
9:38 PM
You Are An INFP | The Idealist
You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world. Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships. It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close. But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop.
You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist. |
haha i was being lazy yesterday cos i din update u guys with the KG trip .. anyway .. i had spent $17+ entirely on food and drinks -,-yah~on all these basic,daily necessities ..i shall blog later if time allows ..
11:36 AM
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
why am i being so irony at all times ..!?When i din get something i want, i will keep thinking about it. Deep inside my heart, i will desperately want that something VERY much HOWEVERwhen i get that SOMETHING in the end,(after i have been hoping for so long)i am so shock/surprise that i cannot accept the factin the end, i turn out to be very negative/unhappy of getting SOMETHINGWhat's really on my mind ?!i am fed up.. REALLY fed up of myself ..STUPID lolsth is stressing me up again~i have to post my FINAL idea on studio project by TODAYand that's so OMGOSH =(i have not finalise my idea (why am i owalse so shaky, i mean why am i so indecisive everytime)WHAT IS UR IMPRESSION OF KAMPONG GLAM? IF YOU HAVE ANY, CAN KINDLY PUT UR THOUGHTS DOWN IN MY TAGBOARD?!ur kindness is much appreciated by this girl =)oh.. really thanks RIS(although she's not a classmate of mine, she still helped mi alot with this project .. aWWWww she is so NICE =) )well.. i have a quite a LONG talk with J jz now .. and im feeling so great =)she just have the ability to make mi feel better with all her past ..interesting~i think she has really lived her life to the fullest .. her life is FULL of memorable momentsand dats the life i m looking for .. nvm .. it's time for scanning now !! (for my dear studio project AGAIN)
7:55 PM
Monday, August 21, 2006
Shall i feel sad when you ask mi to SHOO and feel happy when you ask me to COME ? ..Am i thinking too much all along ?Shall i pretend nth has happened when sth disastrous+saddening happened ?Shall i be sad when you 4get my face and ask,"Do i know you?"Am i supposed to hesitate and think whether i shld say HI when i see/meet someone i know?Am i able to control my feelings infront of everybody ?and so on ..i will think of all these nonsensical qns when im being alone or keeping quiet ..maybe at that point of time, i m stoning .. i dunoe COS when pple ask mi ,"What's on your mind?"i will like .. 'HUH .. nth larh' LOL my mind will like.. being refresh when somebody interupts my deep thoughts .. yeah i tink they are deep thoughts cos i m normally think until v far ..considering the negative and positive sides(like wad will probably happen in the far future) ..maybe i am being paranoid ..i hate myself for taking every sentence,which is made by pple, so seriouslymaybe sometimes they are just passing a casual remark BUT why i will think SO much after their anyhow-make comments ..perhaps i want to improve myself SO much ..yet i dont have the guts to OPEN my mouth and ask"how do you think of me?"hais .. what a failure huh BLEH =Pkaykay .. anyway.. i WENT TO NYP TODAYto meet my dear MENTOR ..for that NEW MODULE=STUDIO PROJECTand that's not a fruitful trip at all (i tink i waste my time travelling there)complete that COMPULSORY student feedback and it's like SO LAME LORH.. i dun have the heart to do .. (we have to do ..er ..6 i tink and the feedback is totally the same lorh)so i read the qns CAREFULly in the 1st round of feedbackingand i do it quite seriously lorhbut after rounds of feedbacking , i am tired(i m kneeling at that time..NO CHAIR LORH!!) so for the last 4 feedbacks(=X bleh!) i put AGREE for most of the qns ..and YAY one down(cos that has to be done b4 25 aug so it saves mi one trip to nyp)[i dun have lessons for this entire wk, yet it's not holiday okay! i have a new module to rush]and that new module is stressing me up lorh cos the deadline is next tues which means i nid to get EVERYTHING DONE BY TUES ! OMGOSH CAN I DO IT OR NOT !omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg i have a 10 MINUTES presentation next week =( sad sad sad .. gotta present again =(i wan to eat MEE SUA w OYSTERS + KFC(i have the coupons!) wahhahayesh its fattening =( hais ... so how am i goin to slim down =\=( sadlater someone doesnt like me anymore =(
10:00 PM
Sunday, August 20, 2006
oh man .. i am torturing my eyes today for the whole day in fact=(anyway .. its going to swell tomorrow ..or not ! haha i am very tired now =) yet i haben bathe ! WOW right .. haha ..oh yeah i m having a running nose now ..feeling so uncomfortable lorhit's like i keep swallowing my mucus down my throatand the taste is really ..EeeWwwWlove is really a tough thing to handle .. If we din handle it with care, it will just PIANG ..and shatter into piecies ..i heard from J that colin&kero are not together anymore .. it's like such a pity lorh ..cos we have all witnessed how they love each other SO DAMN much that they even pen their swt daily life down in their blog of cos .. As a blogger , i noe it's a super tedious thing to do yet they did it .. their pasts are so memorable =) i tink the worst case sceanrio for a relationship is when 2 pple break up due to some XTRA factors even when they are loving each other still .. be it sickness, family objection, peer pressure and etc .. this is what i really dun wish to happen foreveractually i have nth to comment on today .. nothing much to talk about =/not worth talking abt also =)
11:15 PM
Saturday, August 19, 2006
cool hq,J and I went to JURONG today ..We didnt go for ice-skating but for study ! WAHaAHA .. we are SO hardworking ..Actually we were supposed to meet at 2.30 .. In the end, i turned up at 3 ! Bwahaha i m quite FRUSTRATED with myself for being so unpunctual(i dun even know how to spell the word punctual actually) .. haix .. many pple are quite .. or i shld say very fed up with this attitude of mine HAISs i oso wan to change this bad habit .. yesh ITS A HABIT wahhh
ok larh i have a FUN day at jurong =) and took quite A NUMBER of fotos =)
YummY porkchop+egg rice & crispy seeweed TOFU+omelette and SO ON AND OH! my miso Soup! the table is quite cramped with all these mouth-watering food haha i took tis pic when we were eating half-way luckily joyce reminded me to take one foto of it otherwise i would end up taking fotos of the empty bowls+plates HAHAH.. u can nv imagine how hungry we were at that time
 see! WE are thinking really HARD haha but i din do much today HA
 my cool 'GUY' hee (actually still have 3 more fotos but haisS . i dun like HA)
 this is what we called - SELF OBSESSION =)we are proud of it ! LOL
 this's HQ's score .. she scored the highest among the 3 of us .. wahhaa pathetic neh .. the highest SOLO scorer din even reach STAGE FOUR (last stage) needs more training LALALAlala ..but it has become more challenging as the time limit has shortened .. =( no more 'taking my own swt time=('
 the threesome that went out today do u find the backgrnd familiar ? it's taken in toilet in jurong east (2nd floor) WHAT A NICE PLACE huh -.-
we look like husband-and-wife ..
HAHA no larhh .. hey! did u recognise that female sign? yeahh we r taking fotos jz outside the toilet WAHHAAHA jz couldnt stop photographing !
COOL huh..=) she's in the mid of BASKETBALL-ing =) concentrating yeahh =) that's all i think =)
11:38 PM
maybe sometimes, living in this virtual msn world is a best thing to do .. at least when ur online frens leave/abandon you , you wun feel THAT hurt THAT dissappointed ..and THAT lonely cos you can always go into the online games and look for many more NEW ones SO easily .. moreover, (to me) they will owalse be the most caring,thoughtful ones when they ask abt me .. even though they may be faking but at least at that point of time, i believe them and being touched by them
when i got to know a person (in real life) for quite some time their flaws seem to be so visible in front of my eyes ..nobody is perfect i noe but why must they be so bias i couldnt stand it and slowly started to build up the hatred for that person no matter how nice that person has treated me after that i will never forget the horrible+disgusting things they had done to me never ever (LOL) but i will give them a chance though.. and yeah , i should reflect upon myself at the same time there must be a reason after every action/behaviour (wateva u name it) why am i saying all these .. probably feeling tired from being upset at all times HAHA ..sometimes i really wonder why am i SO damn different in msn & real lifeHUMOROUS , CHEERFUL and HAPPY - these are the words to describe me by my online friends ... which really freaked me out when they said that .. am i really like the one they have descibed? or am i the one who is fooling them all along with all my LOLs and HAHAs .. but one thing is for sure .. i will be paiseh when i were to talk to someone face-to-face ..let alone strangers/those, i meet them for the first time ..i just aint one who can express myself well .. NOT LIKE JOYCE RIGHT ? some ppple are jz born to have GREAT socialing skills ..see i m jealous again HA nvm .. *why do i mind so much abt everything*oh anyway joyce's prelim is over .. CONGRATULATION !! but u still have a ACTUAL N level to go .. AW !pple stop bias-ing larh HAH
11:18 AM
Friday, August 18, 2006
i nv update for quite sometime and NOBODY asks me to update AWW who will care anyway ..*pats my own shoulder*..i think i shall blog 2mr if i am motivated to do so my muscles are damn aching haix .. due to some vigorous exercises i did some days ago WOW hahai am jealous super DUPER jealous hmphs .. haha wateva
11:47 PM
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
there's a good news i want to announce today ! That is ... i am lvl 20 in 02jam !!! WWWWeeeeeEE .. it's hard to become lvl 20 okay ..Cos there will be a mission for every 4 lvls gained and that mission is getting more and more demanding .. 'Unfortunately', it's accomplished by me today ,despite not playing for days! i feel so WOWwow =) i really feel SO SO relax nowadays cos there's no assignment for me to rush =) aww but there's a studio project(new module) .Although there seems to have alot of time for me to complete it, pls dont procrastinate (new word leh =) ).. It's really bad BAD bad . Anyway ,i got lingling to help mi upload my draft up in the forum cos i canot login my account as i have not verify my acct .. OK WATEVA . oh .. With regards to that forum thingy, i feel so stupid today. This is how it goes .. As i have mentioned in my previous entry, i need to post sth up in the DMD forum for my studio project .Thus, i onlined for ALMOST the whole day, watching pple online + offline ,wondering who will know wad to post in the forum ,looking at people's display pictures ,chatting/crapping in msn , playing 02jam/auditionSEA, earning $$(online games), asking qns and ETC ..All these thing-ing cause my neck+shoulder to ache as if i din any warm-up before exercising .. BLEHS anyway .. i spent half of my day .. staring at the computer screen YET doing nth about my KAMPONG GLAM project ..loolololl ..oh see .. this longwinded gal has gone out of point .. back to that forum thing ~(next para)
How forgetful i can be ?ok .. i was told to register before entering the forum ,so i did what they ask me to . Since the forum is specially for DMDnyp ,so we are required to use our sch email(which is admin.no.@... i 4got the back part of the add.) .. yayy i happily cr8ed an acct and i tot everything will be fine but i was terribly wrong ! -m-After creating an acct, i patiently waited for say..3 mins =) for the verification email to arrive at my inbox .However, it just nv appear .I kept refreshing my hotmail inbox and even checked my junk mails so to look for that DAMN impt email .. YET my inbox dissappointed me SO many times .. i even requested to resend the verification emails many times but it just nv appear ..After many many tries, i realised sth that is VERY WRONG .. I am actually checking out my hotmail inbox instead of nyp email's inbox .. it's like .. i am WASTING my time waiting for NOTHING wEEee ? i m really v irritated by my this kind of stupidity ..
let's go back to wad i have done today .. i woke up at 11+am today haha cos the alarm clock is not effective enough .. It's like not ringing THAT loudly lorh .. It's so soft so how am i goin to wake up ON TIME ..well i planned to wake up at 10.30am which is quite EARLY too =) it's a blessing to sleep until you wake up automatically okay =) cos when you dun feel like sleeping anymore, it means that ur battery is fully charged !That's why i can online for almost the whole day ! It's raining quite heavily today cos the wind is howling like hell .. The wind was super strong today as i could really see the plants had really swayed to their very right ..Thus, my grandma decided to close the windows( but not entirely closed otherwise we will suffocate lorh! ..)..but she left a small gap for fresh air to come in and foul air to go out ..=) However, i really cannot stand the howling of the wind .They simply sound like some monsters screaming for help -,- so in the end ,we closed the window completely ..-,- and i fainted due to the lack of fresh air! (joking =)) Actually other then onlining , i walked arnd my house for umpteen times (keep walking past my refrigerator, and keep opening it with my eyes keep scanning for anything edible LOL, it has become my habit alrdy) okok .. then while i was onlining today, i talked to kel, whom can draw cute cartoonic figures v well, so i asked him to draw one for me ..and it's so cute .. hahaha I LOVE IT man =) i love the eyes so SO much =)
 2 small CUTE human figurings =) drew by my online friend, kelvin (robot kel)
CUTE RIGHT .. and he has this principle that he wouldnt send his drawings to other pple unless that picture is requested to be drawn by that somebody .. He will only send the drawing to those ,who have asked him to draw .. so yesh .. this is the one he drew for me =) it's so adorable ... ahhhh really like his drawing..i think i wanna end here .. my bro said i took far too long to write and=X i totally agree with him
10:14 PM
Monday, August 14, 2006
bias bias bias .. i like to say/use this word SO MUCH .. This word just keep coming out from this damn mouth of mind .. no choice .. It's being controlled by my brain, which is full of all those bias examples, and thus , WATEVA .. i just wanna say , everyone is so biased lorh .. haix .or am i thinking too much ? i just cannot help it .. why cant my mind to be simple yet juicy =) .. i dun seem to be able to produce some gd ideas out when necessary .However, when it comes to all these stuffs , my brain cells seem to be damn active again .. so wt .. When we gain something, must we lose sth ? I dun wish to lose sth tho .. Nobody wishes to lose anything btw .. but losing sth is not sth we can control .. What a sad fact =( example:In the past , i spent my time in maplestory just to gain level and gain level ..so to have a higher lvl den the other maplers .. in the end ,i waste the opportunities to communicate with my friends and family ,let alone bonding with them .. aww i am so regretted now .. ooh not only that ,my results were also deproving HAAH .. but anyway .. i m not playing maple anymore .. i play 02jam+auditionSEA instead .. They can train me to react fast enough to block any attacks from peeps .. haha =) i really wan to drink teh tarik at kampong glam .. It just tastes SO swt and nice .=) yumyum aiya .. actually i dun have much to say abt today .. swt dreams then =) (johnny bravo is showing on the tv now in cartoon network.. heh he's a farnie guy)
11:27 PM
Sunday, August 13, 2006
it's 11.48pm now .. haha ONLY 12 more minutes to 12am (which is next day) thus , i wouldnt want to waste this precious 12 minutes to narrate wad has really happened today .. instead i wanna say .. I LOVE THE RINGS FROM BITS AND PIECES .. the steel rings are damn cool okay .. haha ..but the saddest thing to say is ,i have THICK AND SHORT fingers .. haha ..my grandma once told mi that my fingers are nt suitable for wearing rings .. yet .. i m wearing one now and i seriously think that it's cool .. argh ..At least i think that way =) it's something which is meaningful too .. =) i love it sooO so OO MUCH ..so much that i can nv express that it here ..=)ok .. 7 more minutes .. eR .. today is a quite-a-happy day .. That proves that i m really a moody and easily influenced person .. If u can rmb, i m so damn sad in the previous entry yet now , i am HAHA-ing away .. hmm .. ohyah .. i have a bad news to declare today .. i lost SOMETHING AGN ..again .. -,- losing sth has really become my greatest fear .. i wonder when can i really be that damn careful with my stuffs .. A PURPLE clear folder was lost and i think that i lost it in NYP (hopeless, feel like sighing~).. i have so many PAPERS inside lorh .. U may consider those papers as junks but they are my PRECIOUS research and stuffs lorh .. wahh i m really DAMN SAD ABT IT .. =( i cant find one assignment one for drawing module .. thus i drew a new one today .. haha i din really put in effort in drawing cos it's supposed to be one of the 5 sketches for assignment 1(which is when we jz started sch so i supposed my drawing will not be as nice as now BLEHS) anyway , i scanned in the drawing at J's hse and sent it over to LULU .. and yayyyy .. ONE is down .. left 2 things to do actually .. [argghh it's over 12am alrdy WATEVA]one .. upload my idea for studio project in the forum .. 2nd .. STUDIO project .. i gotta do more research u see .. =) okay .. i shall not be so long-winded .. even myself cant tahan myself -,- oh yah .. i am DAMN happy that quite a no. of ONLINE frens tok to me today .. actually i am alrdy satisfied if 1 or 2 is/are willing to talk/crap mi .. i think i shall end here with a dot .. .
11:48 PM
Saturday, August 12, 2006
WARNING: this is a depressing entry .. if u dun wan to spoil ur mood, pls leave HERE..this is a DAMN BORING entry .. so DUN READ OKAY .. BYEwill time really heal? i dun think so ,really ..Things will only accumulate AND ACCUMULATE .. human beings are not SO great okay ..They cant choose what they want to remember + forget ..Therefore, deep inside my heart, there is a place that stored alot of pains+sorrows+unhappiness+regrets+dissappoints ..Whenever something ,which is similar happens, i will be moody naturally ..i just couldnt hide my feelings ..hey MAYBE i could..by being expressionless or insensitive to EVERYTHING that is going on around me ..ha.. cos it gives me an excuse to be ignorant .. IGNORANT is the best solution to everything (i think) !However, dun expect me to write all my problems here .. i wun want to cos i think no one will understand how i really feel despite me, writing everything down here ..you are not me .. wateva .. actually i dun noe wad i m toking abt now.. now .. i seriously need to crap anyhow here .. i just dun feel good .. something is just bottoming up in my heart, causing me to have a hard time breathing + killing my good mood to play + relax ..i m feeling ever sad although i have finished ALL my assignments ..sad over friendship+sch+family i m a complete failure in doing anything ..friendship- DUh ?i have friends or not .. obviously no .. the people arnd me are like HI.BYE.friends ..i think their impressions of me are really bad(no ,they have no impression of me).. i m just a boring dude .. who will owalse has this BLACK face with a 'sian diao' look.. oh yah .. and i m a follower of JOYCE .. sometimes when i am with joyce, i really feel very inferior .. it's like she's so much better than me .. haix .. Who am i ?! I will question myself with this qns over and over agn ? Am i worthed to be her best friend ..in fact .. i think we have some communication problem . this is a problem that i cant ignore.(and it's sth that i have mentioned in one of my olden entries) well .. we are both chinese ..thus, it shouldnt be a problem communicating to each other .. but she's a english speaker , while i m a chinese speaker .. She came from an english speaking family while mine is chinese ..Thus ,the language that we are more comfortable with is different .At times, she demands to communicate with her in english as she finds that her eng is deproving . i tried but i just couldnt the hurdle of mine .. i cannot bear the sort of chinese accent i have when i was speaking english .. Everything just sounds SO WEIRD when those english words come out of my mouth ..My tongue tends to tie too =X and that's so embarrassing .. Although eng is not my proficient language ,i wan to use it as and when i can .It's simply because eng is an essential language that ALL must noe ..in sch, we present in eng ..buy stuffs in eng (most of the time)pose a qns for teacher in engoutside, place our orders in engask qns in eng, ask for directionsread the posters/advertisements/magazines in engwatch movies in eng read the end subtitlesable to laugh at some english jokesAND SO ON ..there's too much things that we depend on eng ..If this national language doesnt exist, i think there will be chaos every here and there .. Thus, i conclude that eng is DAMN impt ..and i am damn angry with myself for not being able to use eng to the fullest .. upset S ..If my eng is better, i would be able to describe all these mixed feelings in a more clear and obvious way .. too bad here i am, restricted with this limited vocabulary ..aiyah .. sian i forgot wad i want to say alrdy ..With a tv ,places beside my computer ,i m so distracted by it .. but it can cheer me up so easily .=)
oh yah .. happy BELATED BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE .. how can i 4get abt U !? =) i love the FIREWORKS v much ..(i went there yesterday and it's damn crowded there =X BUT it's worth cramping +waiting afterall =) ) i like the 'golden waterfall' kinda fireworks .. it just looks so grand and wonderful and the saddest thing is that i din manage to video that down .. aWWw . =( but i saw it in real life ! haha ..=)oh i must say this agn .. THE FIREWORKS ARE AMAZING and AWESOME OKAY ?!
oh yah if u have realised , i have figured out the way to add colours to my text .. all thanks to joyce .. =)
9:21 PM
Monday, August 07, 2006
9:35 PM
Sunday, August 06, 2006
 wee .. this building is FLAT =) if i blow ,it will FLY huh =)  my cutie im on fone with J now .. Anyway, i went to BUGIS-KAMPONG GALAM today .. and my legs ache + tired .. haiS BUT at least i did SOME shopping today ..i BOUGHT A SCARF ! For the FIRST time of my life ... WEI WEI WEI .. =) it can be used as scarf , belt or .. 'jacket' .. aiyah .. actually nothing much ,really .. i got quite tired nowadays ... hais i dun have the mood to like say a long-winded STORY ..i just DUN have the mood ..=/ i m DEPRESSED okay .. BELIEVE ME .. =)
11:01 PM
Saturday, August 05, 2006
 _at_the_temple_  _the_yellow_divine_slip_of_paper_ [XCU extra closeup =)]  _same_thing_ YET [CU closeup]  _again_BUT [full of PERSPECTIVE]  _the_SECRET_compartment_of_IMM_5th's_floor_CARPARK_ [hey it's so HIGH TECH OR I AM SO SUA KU ..there are actually sensors to detect the number of empty slots in that floor of e carpark]  _toot_toot_train!_ [im at the last .. otherwise how am i goin to take thIS pic! LOL !] {the one who is closest to me is my grandma, followed by my mum, brother, father and uncle =)}(it's not well taken BUT at least it's better than NTH !)  _yeahh_my_acer_desktop+pc+speakers+keyboard!_ oh yeah~ mi lu bing(ice milo) won the SUPERBAND competition ..It's a close shave as SOUL is good as well .. Im lazy to elaborate on the things i did today so i shall briefly write it down I went to SOMEWHERE(very buddhism one) to give some offerings for the deceased grandfather. Then we went to IMM and bought a new computor set..and i shall stop here .. pictures are enuf actually BLEH ..uploading pictures is a tedious task .. =/
10:56 PM
Friday, August 04, 2006
YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhh the day that i have been waited for SO LONG has FINALLY arrived - my favourite friday! aWWwww .. love u so MUCH *HUGS+KISSES* =D ..I had a HARD time today ..My day didnt start off very well cos i was late for the MORNING lecture .. YESH IT'S HELD IN THE MORNING 8AM ...wahh it's like SUPER TIRED ..It's simply because i slept at 12AM yesterday and woke up at 6+ this morning .. haiX .. everything is not going the way i have planned. i THOUGHT i can tahan until 1 or 2AM to do my COLOUR THEORY ASSIGNMENT ..IN THE END = i slept at 12am cos my eyes were simply too weary for me to bear so i OFF my lappie AND TOO BAD i went to my dreamland at 12am, i supposed =D HOWEVER, 6 hours of sleep is not enough for me. I am not being greedy. SOME PEOPLE are just WORSE than me ..well YOU know who YOU are =D ..i wonder why some NEED to slp more than 8 hours .. I seriously think that 8 hours is the PERFECT number of sleep we should have everyday otherwise EYEBAGS will start to form their colony .. I just get SO FED UP when someONE still feel so SLEEPY after 8/9hours of sleep.. they made me feel like "arrgggghhh" *wanna bite someone* I told LINGLING about it and she made a SUPER SARCASTIC remark,"You dont like the others to sleep too much ,just because you cant sleep THAT much isit ?" i was LIKE "argGGGgghhhHH"-ing more ...haha .. btw she's joking ..=D she's the best =) i miss her lots! haha joking larh .. I am just SO OVERJOYED that she came to school today Opps.. YEAH ! oh well~ enuf of all thesE personal feelings of mine..(i haben touch on today!) OKOK..actually there's REALLY nothing much about today .. just that i started rushing my assignmentS when i boarded the train today till my design module ends (at 5pm) 1)did A sketch for my design fundamental (trying to do something first when i am damn free on the train-i am alone =( lingling wasnt with me) 2)do FINAL PIECE for COLOUR (from 9am+ to 1am+)[4 hours! and it's not done YET!] 3)BURN vas(visual audio storytelling) assignment (paired work! phew~) 4)rush the IN-CLASS assignment for DESIGN module-EMPHASIS ..(aww..CUT-and-PASTE..and i got so panic cos my tutor is like rushing me=( he said sth like," Why isit not done yet!? WHat are you doinG JUST NOW.. At that moment, i wanted to reply him that i was BURNING the VAS video ..SO i need SOME time to complete but in the end, i just escaped by smiling away (WHat's the word to describe how i smile.. aww.. i 4got ~) THE END i have to wake up early in the morning to pay a visit to my decreased grandpa i think .. =)yeahh it's a family outing!! i miss my family ..=(i really wish to communicate with them more~ oh yah..2mr, my dad is goin to get me a NEW desktop .. YEAHHH ! NO MORE OLD PC for me .. =) i can print&scan wateva i want + plug in my thumbdrive! LOL .. it's MUCH MORE convenient for me ..MUCH MORE =) i have nuggets+potatoWEDGES today but they arent as NICE+HOT+CRISPY as they always do .. quite dissappointed about it .. well .. i m off for my 02jam =X OPPS!
10:29 PM
Thursday, August 03, 2006
OH! As what i have predicted yesterday, lingling REALLY didnt turn up for today's lec+tutorial because she has the EVER-BEST EXCUSE-MC !What's the BIG DEAL about it ?!{i was like EXPECTING something UNEXPECTED to happen today. I thought she would go to sch 2dAY ALTHOUGH i know it's a VERY SLIM chance! I am being TOOO over optimistic at the WRONG TIME lol) HAHA ..i am JEALOUS .. anyway, the day was boring ..haha .. Today, i SPent most of my time in school to rush my DRAWING ASSIGNMENT ..haha .. i was unable to complete it by yesterday+today .. SAD .. In fact, i finished the drawing assignment at the very LAST minute of the drawing tutorial (aiyah, it's around 5.56pm+). Initially, i was like GIVING UP COS i was thinking that i would not finish in time .. YET I FINISHED IT BY TODAY ! IN SCH SUMMORE! IT'S A MIRACLE ?! [ i was forced to complete the assignment by today as it was supposed to be handed in by last thurS .. lalal .. Mr EDWIn told me that he had given me more than enough time .. so BLEH .. cannot hand IN by 2mr .. so .. i SQUEEZED ONE out for him.. That assignment is like entirely done in school lorh ..] All these assignments really had tied me down .. My mood is ever-lousy, regardless today [although my class has quite a few jokers] lingling is not here and i am ABUSED =) haha but i felt very RELIEVED NOW ! That's because lingling is goin to sch 2mr! i gonna treat her REALLLY WELL so that she wun fall sick agn ... yippEEEe .. Yanyu and I are MISSING lingling ..Thus, we msged her and she CALLED ! =)) crapPED with her ALOT =) and feel much more better ... The way she talks or responds ,never fail to make me laugh/smile .. *BIG GRINS* ..*thinking of her just make me so joyful* haiSs i spent another $5 on a CHARITY-sake coupon haha ..OPPS comm skills module taught us not to talk/discuss about issues regaring $ so i shall SHHHHhhh =) [it's just a reminder of what i spent on OKAY ?=)] AwWW.. MY PART 2 FOR COLOUR THEORY IS REJECTED AGAIN !I FACED SO MUCH REJECTIONS IN THIS MODULE LORH.. THIS IS GOIN TO BREAK MY RECORD FOR REJECTIONS WITHIN ONE MONTH ..what if i failed THIS CORE MODULE ?! omGosh! i will be debarred LALALALALA ..Am i destined to quit this coursE?
9:47 PM
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
sad .. my grandma hurt her MIDDLE finger just now when she was hanging her clothes up .. STUPID HANGER .. arghhh .. anyway, i haben start on that colour theory assignment yet .. BUT well, i am goin to touch on that okay ?! going .. i just want to mention about my grandma's finger here first .. HAIS .. WHY MUST BE HER MIDDLE FINGER BEING STUCK in the DAMN HANGER .. arghh .. anything can really happen at ANY time .. NOW, her MIDDLE finger is like as RED AND THICK as the SAUSAGE lorh.. that made me detest SAUSAGES more ... ACTUALLY I DUN MEAN I HATE ALL KIND OF SAUSAGES BUT I REALLY FIND those pasar malam kind of china sausages disgusting.. opps NO OFFENCE TO those sausage lovers ~LALA .. I simply DONT LIKE HOW THEY LOOK LIKE .. HAHA ... =X it's so disgusting =X but it's juicy neh .. haix ... Anyway, it has been quite some time since i last ate one .. so NEVERMIND .. =) it's 7th month now yet i have to stay up late in the night lala .. i wonder if i can really endure .. my eyes just dun listen to my commands .. They are so HEAVY ..heavy .. ZZzz =) haha ... no larh .. i m buzzing off to do hw now !!! MAY LIM! MIND UR TIME MANAGEMENT LARH ! =)
10:18 PM
MOODY MOODY MOODY ..i am really damn moody .. got upset with everything AGAIN .. argh not AGAIN huh..today i went to school with lingling today and aww .. she is still feeling unwell still .. SAD~so she slept ALL THE WAY from CHOA CHU KANG to YIO CHU KANG haisS THEN actually she can be absent today just becos she had a fever yesterday ~ luckily she's better now =) but she received 2 days MC so she can be ABSENT 2MORO .. THAT'S SO GREAT ! How i wish i am feverish now so that i can have a LEGAL reason to get a MC and ZZ UNDER MY cozy BLANKLETS .. hais but i know this is IMPOSSIBLE !i tink lingling is not goin 2mr . awwW i will be alone and bored i guess =( i really feel sad+depressed+pissedOF .. ooh i had my COMMunication SKILLS THEORY test today .INITIALLY, i thought it was a SO-SO ,nt that difficult test BUT .. haix .. i can tell u that i have NO confidence in passing lorh ! It's like i was crapping through my test ?! basically my answers are CRAPS larh .. cos i used my common sense and I think my answers WERE TOTALLY wrong (i think so, after comparing answers with my frens) i was like quite sad lorh .. cos for this test , i even went to an extra mile to write those for this test! i sacrified my drawing PD! for THIS test. In the END ,when i was looking at those QNS ,they miraclely took away all the informations stored in my brain . My brain was almost like ,completely blank at that time. I am SO So so angry of myself..stupid me ..wasted like say..4 hrs on that notes?!so dots lo .. after the test,YY said ,"You write so many notes ,also useless.." i m so LALALALAla ..i could do nothing with the test anymore anyway ..Then, the ever-nice lingling said something which soothes my heart .. so i was like ALRIGHT LORH =) heeeeH ... went home with MAY ang lingling =) haix .. i desperately wanted to take neoprint with them and lots and lots of people =) ohyah , i would like to visit LITTLE INDIA, CHINATOWN , SUNTEC CITY (i miss that atmospheric place!) and etc . i Cant rmb =X .. hahaA .. i have to go to those places to draw out some PERSPECTIVE drawings from real life for my DRAWING module(muackS!) haiSSss .HOWEVER, i wonder who can be SO NICE to accompany me to go there .. LALA .. hmm .. Even though i have lived for 17 years, i am still unclear about my PURPOSE in life .. it's like SO PATHETIC ! lalala .. who will care anyway .. it's my life tho .. =) Assignments to rush for today = colour theory PART ONE(redo)[2] + PART TWO [colour theory assignments will drive me CRAZY I TELL U .. NOT JOKING ] Drawing PD (suppose to hand IN last THURS) 9! NINE thumbnails for drawing!! SKETCHES for drawing (not doing that) I NEED LUCK I REALLY NEED LUCK .. GIVE ME SOME SUPPORT ANYONE ?
7:39 PM
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
IT IS A BAD ROTTEN DAY FOR ME .. everyone seems to be feeling unwell or sick which also includes me =( haha i am so SICK of this DESIGN course .. YahYAh ..i know i have been complaining about this ever since my workload began to increase .. HOwever ,HAIX .. am i really suit for this course ?! I should seriously think about this . Well, today's PRESENTation for CODID is BAD ..=) haha my PRESENTation is NEVER excellent anyway . NO VOLUME NO CONTENTS NOT PREPARED NOT ENOUGH CHARISMA NO CONFIDENCE NO POTENTIAL AND ALOY OF NO-NOs .. argggh .. i wonder when can i really produce a really decent PRESENTation .. lala I JUST HATE MYSELF for this PRESENTation thingy HMPH ! i am so SO angry of myself .. haiSs my classmates ARE SO "BANG(4)" for their PRESENTation .. awwwWW .. I admired all of them so much and i think their producTS are MUCH more better than my "lan bei" umbrella . Mine just looks like something digged out from the rubbish bins .. nono .. it's more like an umbrella made of recycled materials AND HEY ! THIS is not a recycled materials contest -,- so i think i will surely get a Dee LALA However, i really hope i can get a D at least =( A borderline pass is DEFINATELY better than a F right.. That's how i comfort myself =( i think most of the pple in my class got at least a C .. aww wateva HOHO .. talked to J on phone today and she told me something important ,which regards communication between people .. well .. i think i shall talk about it next time =) i gonna have my DINNER now ... yumyum .. I smell the chicken ..ooh .. succelent~ wahh .. drooling now .. sayonara then ! =) If i am hardworking enough, i may post another entry today HEHE [edited!] i wnoedr if terhe is any porlbem wtih tihs etrny =P
7:05 PM
Yours Truly
known as "yam" in cyberspace, not becos i love yam, but the color..
haha nah .. just becos ..
i think u can guess the reason behind it.
currently studying ~~
busy, yet available to go out? xP
my belief : Actions speak louder than words. DO IT, don't JUST TALK about it .
cos TALK IS CHEAP. ^^ ATNA sucks xP.
bit by bit, day by day,
we can ,and gonna be stranger AGAIN ~
tell yourself this:
contact lens!
TRY -spa/pedicure/manicure
more Tees(my aim:<$<10!)/li>
black shorts
CROPPED cardigan*
more PSPgames!!!<3
canvas shoes(black)
happiness & love
keepINTOUCH with friends
LOVEmyfamily MORE
A part-time job
THATpairof VINTAGEearrings!!
PIERCEear(my right ear)+ one more on my left's
bracelet-like WATCH
kawaii/black EARSTUDS
a healthy relationship
MUSIC BOX(da toy shop_orchard)
polariod camera!
black,white,grey,purple,orange and NEON COLORS
<3 family and friends
people LOVE and CARE for me
mocha frappe, or any chocolatey drinks/food
chill by the river, i love night sceneries
YOU,to spend time with me
MONEY! of cos
a job in the NEAR future
I hate, MY hates
people who make EMPTY PROMISES
jerks and bitches
tell me, is it so hard to achieve all that?! xP
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Software: Macromedia Flash Pro 8, Adobe Illustrator
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